



Episode 25

By Ayo Omolayo

“Tunde seems to be taking so long!” I said as I brought the tray in my hand to my sister.

“Yeah! I know how to deal with him. Trust me! He can’t keep his Rose of Sharon waiting and go Scot free”, my sister replied, taking a cup of tea in her hand. We were having breakfast together that morning and awaited her husband’s arrival.

“Who is Rose of Sharon?” My mentor asked. She and Tina had returned just as promised.

“Oh! That’s my pet name ma!” Sharon chuckled.

“Ha! That’s Jesus ooo! How can you give your wife a name that belongs to Jesus in the name of pet name?” She said jokingly and we all burst into laughter.

“Thank God he will meet me here! I’ll make sure he is punished for trespassing and stealing from Jesus!”

We laughed so hard. Though I laughed, I still felt the pang of guilt in me. I had joy within me, but it seemed it wasn’t complete. I was yet to apologize to my mentor and reveal all my secrets to her. I had sold lies to her and she bought them. I can’t have a solid relationship with God built on lies.

Every now and then, I looked at her when she wasn’t looking and saw her trust for me in her eyes. It only she knew I was so full of lies. But after confessing to her, would she ever trust me like she did now? What would happen if I open up and she begins to struggle with trusting me? Whenever I tell her something, would she always want to be sure if it was the truth or a lie?

That would be serious. Imagine everytime I tell her something, she would always try to confirm if I was lying or not? That would be awkward. I don’t think I can continue with this mentorship program anymore.

“Cris! Stop wasting time! You have to apologize to her no matter the consequences that might follow. It’s the right thing to do. Do it and be completely free from all these guilt you’re feeling in your heart. It’s the only way. Don’t you want to o be free?” Came the gentle whisper.

“Hmm Cris! You have started again?” I replied.

“Started what?”

“Talking to yourself! Why am I always talking to myself as if I am two personalities?”

There was no response to my question.

I sat down beside my sister.

“So how’s married life?” I whispered into her ears.

She smiled and looked at me.

“That’s a topic on its own. But married life is wonderful when Jesus is in that family. God taught me something recently. I got a powerful revelation from a scripture. It’s like the logos disappeared completely and the rhema took over!”

“Chai! I love mysteries! Hit me jare!” My mentor said smiling.

“Ha! I better close my mouth then!” Sharon said and held her lips together.

“No! I’m serious! Please share it with me!” She replied.

“How would I be talking about rhema when the wife of Apostle Paul is in our midst?” Sharon replied.

We all burst into laughter.

“Ha! We learn everyday na! Infact! I’m still growing in the Lord! You know I’m still a spiritual teenager!”

“Ha! Mummy!” I almost called you a liar!” I said admist laughter.

“No na! A child of God is not a liar except he or she is a child of the devil. The devil is the father of all lies”, my mentor replied and I gulped.

That means I was a child of the devil automatically. I’m so full of lies. I’m not supposed to be sitting here with these people. Hmmmmm! Cris is not yet a child of God.

“This is serious! How do I break out of all these now?” I asked myself.

“Confess and be free! Why are you so adamant?”

“Cris stop it! How can I confess to her and expect her to forgive me? First, the fornication! Oh! If she hears that one, she won’t recover from it for weeks. Whenever she sees me, she would always remember I slept with my boyfriend.

Next, the lies about Chris getting born again! Next, the lies about my quiet time which I had not been observing for some days now. This is so difficult!” I said within me.

“With God all things are possible!” Came the gentle response.

“Yes I know, but this one is difficult.

“Is anything too hard for God?”

“Nothing is hard for him, but”

“Why are you using but? So you think God cannot touch your mentor’s heart and soften it towards you?”

“He can, but”

“Stop the but! Stop it! Why are you making the devil look so powerful by your lack of faith in God?”

I sighed and lowered my face. I lifted my head slowly and met my mentor staring at me.

“What I’m trying to say is that, I gave my life to Christ 18 years ago. So I’m still a spiritual teenager”, she said grinning, her eyes still locked in mine.

I quickly smiled at her to take away her curiousity and she fell for it. She returned the smile and looked elsewhere.

“So I’m still growing and it’s not a crime if you become the spiritual cook to prepare me spiritual breakfast this morning!” She added.

“Hmmm spiritual cook, spiritual breakfast! Everything is spiritual!”

“Yes ooooo! The spirit controls the physical”, I said all smiles.

“That’s Aunty Rhema talking!” Tina! Aunty Rhema is talking ooo!” She said aloud.

There was no sign of Tina around so she looked at me.

“Where’s Tina?” She asked and looked around.

“She’s with the gateman at the gate. She told me she wanted to share the word of God with him. She wants to win him by all means!” I answered.

“That’s true! I’m tired of seeing him smoking each time I come in. Aren’t you tired of it?” She asked.

“I am, but the best thing I can do is to tell him to stop smoking outside the house. But from time to time, he comes outside to smoke. Mostly when I don’t have people around”, I said.

“Cris! I don’t want you to fire him at all. I just want you to be so bordered about his soul and do everything you can to win him. We are to teach out to the lost through whatever means. So I expect the salvation of his soul to be your number one priority”.


“Yes ma! I should have but!”

“I understand Cris! You have not been in good terms with God for a while now. Thank God for restoring you completely!”

“Not completely!” I said within me. I dared not say that to her hearing.

“So now that you have been fully restored, that gateman is your new assignment. God is only using Tina to sow the seeds. He’s your responsibility”.

“Yes ma!” I said and nodded.

She turned and looked at Sharon. Immediately their eyes met. They started laughing. I also joined them to laugh, even when I didn’t know what caused the laughter.

“Why are you laughing?” My mentor asked.

“Ma! Why are you laughing?” My sister asked.

“It’s because you’re laughing that I’m laughing oooo. Your laughter was contagious!” She replied and we all laughed the more.

“I was laughing because, I knew the moment you looked at me you were going to ask for the Rhema”, she said grinning.

“Why not? That’s my food ooo! I enjoy it from my husband every time I’m hungry”.

“Exactly! I know you are having the best part of his ministration. I used to follow him on YouTube and Instagram. I love listening to his messages. But please, tell him to change his name from pastor Robert to Apostle Robert. That name suits him better”,

“Sharon, we’re not after titles, we’re after souls. Titles and fame are not the main thing. Though God has nothing against it, but to us, it’s not necessary. As long as the souls keep getting blessed and are won into the kingdom. So whether he’s called a pastor or an Apostle or bro Robert, it’s not important”.

I smiled and nodded.

“That’s true!” Sharon said.

“So back to what you were going to share with us?”

“Oh yes! She replied and adjusted herself on the sofa.

“Actually, I was reading
1 John 4:16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

I asked myself what was God saying through this passage. Then God made me to understand. That you cannot love without having God in you. The love a couple have for each other is as strong as the love they have for God. That means for a couple to love themselves so much and enjoy their marriage, they must love God first.

And how do you love God? 1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in our actions and in truth.

So we tell God we love him by our obedience to his word and as long as we do that, I discovered something. My love for my husband became so strong and intense. My husband loved me so much that I cannot explain. Everyday in our house, we smile endlessly. We laugh, we play around like little kids. But once it’s time to be with God, we don’t joke with it.

We show God by our obedience that we love him and in return, we discovered he filled our hearts with love. There I knew love is actually more than a feeling. Love is spiritual, because it is a fruit of the spirit.

When I first got married to my husband, could you believe that I cannot dip his tooth brush in my mouth? But recently, he was brushing his mouth and I met him and just made a joke that he was brushing and couldn’t invite me. Thinking I wasn’t serious, he told me to join him. I took the brush out of his mouth and started brushing mine with it.

I don’t know what exactly was wrong with me, but I’ve lost irritation completely. I was asking myself how could I take someone’s brush out of his mouth while he was still brushing and start brushing with it? I’m not saying it’s healthy to try but, I completely lost my irritation. Should I say, love dey shak me!”

“Wow!” My mentor’s jaw dropped.

I was also surprised.

“Love is spiritual. The power of God in us can stir up love. But it’s first towards him. First towards God, then others and lastly, you. I call it JOY
J is for Jesus. O – means others and the Y – means you. That’s why when you love, you have joy in your soul. You don’t just know how to explain what is getting you excited. You are just so excited.

But you can only love people, when you love God. So the more you love God by obeying his word, the more your love for your spouse increases”.

“Wow! I just attended a marriage seminar!” My mentor said as she reached for her bag and brought out her jotter and pen.

Everyone burst into laughter. Sharon bowed her head blushing.

“As I was saying! The opposite of Love is not hate!” She continued.

“In English language, hate is the opposite for love. But according to the language of the spirit, love has a different word as an opposite”.

We were shocked to hear that. If the opposite of Love is not hate then what was the opposite then?

And please can someone teach me the language of the spirit?

To be continued…..

Please grab your pen and jotter oooo

We want to learn the language of the spirit ?????

Please be praying for Cris oooo

I don’t like what I’m seeing oooo. She is still wavering according to my observations.

Satan is not yet ready to believe he has lost this soul.

The class continues tomorrow
What is the opposite of Love according to the language of the spirit?

Please share with me what you learned in this episode

I’ll be waiting for you in the comment section.

I’m begging you! Bro Ayo is begging you. Stop being a Ghost reader.

If you don’t have anything to say. Type, God bless you brother Ayo or God give you more inspiration to write.

Believe me! These prayers are working! Don’t sit there in silence, read and like and go away.

Show your writer some love. Your heart felt prayers and comments would go a long way to encourage me.

God bless you!



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