MY SWEET HEART: Episode 1-10

?My Sweet Heart?

Episode 7



Written by Rejoice




… Valerie’s POV (continues …

I woke up the next day with a really bad headache.

I touched the side of my head where it ache as I wondered how I even slept off after crying all my tears out last night.

I remember mom had helped me into my room and said some motherly words to me that I can’t even recall them.


I yawned widely causing the headache to pound even more.

I sighed and layed back my head on the pillow and closed my eyes..and that was when I think I heard voices downstairs.


I struggled out of my bed, rubbed my eyes, slide into my slippers and walked out of my room and headed downstairs without minding how my face was.

And yeah, they were actually voices.

My mom was yelling.

She was at the door, her left hand holding the doorknob and the other up in the air.

I haven’t heard the other person’s voice and can’t see who it is yet cos im still getting down from the staircase.

Who the h.ell is mom yelling at ?

But it downed on me who it was actually when my mom mentioned his name.


I stopped on my track.

“You are no match for my daughter Iyke. And I’ll make sure you never come close to her again. You’ve been nothing to her but pain. She love you all this while but you do nothing than make her cry. Get out of here before I order my gate keeper to push your useless self out of my house!”

I stayed still to hear Iyke’s voice

“Mommy please im begging. Im on my knees. I’do kill myself if I don’t see Valerie. Please I wanna explain everything to her. I deeply love her. I swear I do.”

“You always have a stupid explanation to make but not this time arounnd. Get lost out of my daughter’s life!” Mom fired and then I heard the door bang shut.

I was already in tears.

“Iyke!” I called and rushed to the door.

But she blocked me from reaching the doorknob.

“Mom,please lemme talk to him.” I said with the tears falling.

But she pushed me further away from the door.

“What is wrong with you Valerie. Are you so stupid.” Mom yelled.

Soft knocks started and I know it’s Iyke knocking.

“Mom I want to talk to him.” I said with tears.

“No way again Valerie. You’ve been fooled for too long by that idiot. You can’t keep doing this to yourself. Come here.” Mom said and dragged me to a couch. I slumped into it.

The knocks where still coming and my mom walked out, shuting the door.

I walked to the door and tried to open it but realised my mom was actually holding the doorknob from outside.

I left it and walked to the window and drew the curtain.

Even though I can’t see them from here, I could hear them.

“If you don’t leave here this minute, you will regret coming here!” Mom threatened.

“Mommy, Please I really need to talk to Valerie. Just one minute will be okay. Im pleading mom.” Iyke said.

I blinked as more tears rolled down my eyes.

“Sheddy, Sheddy! come over here!” My mom yelled.

I sniffled and rushed to the door, pulling the doorknob with both hands and it opened.

Mom was already facing me with angry eyes and with her hands akimbo.

Iyke rushed forward, “Valerie,” He called, Kneeling down immediately.

My mom moved back shaking her head.

Sheddy was standing behind her.

“Valerie please I’ll explain.” Iyke said with gloomy eyes.

I sniffled, wiped my tears and looked away.

Looking at him would end up softening my heavy heart right now.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, with my face still away.

“Vale please It wasn’t the way you thought.” He said.

I scoffed and wiped my tears again.

“She’s actually my cousin sister. She came to visit.” He said.

I couldn’t help turning to him with wide eyes.

Lizzy was his cousin sister??

“Iyke you are a liar. Lizzy is your cousin sister? Tell me what i’ve not heard before. You were cheating on me with Lizzy!” I seethe.

“No baby, That wasn’t Lizzy’s voice. You mistook Chioma’s voice for Lizzy. Lizzy and I haven’t even talked since then. please just believe me.” He said.

I blinked my eyes.

I looked at mom and she shook her head.

“You can’t listen to him Valerie. You are not having anything to do with this boy anymore!” Mom seethe.

“No I will call Chioma right now, so you could hear her yourself.” Iyke said and quickly took out his phone.

He still knelt down.

“Hello Chioma.” He said, putting the call on ‘loud speaker’.

“Iyke..?” Her voice came in.

I shook my head. That’s Lizzy’s voice.

“Are you there with her?” She asked.

“Yes I am. Please tell her everything. She can hear you.” He said.

“Valerie, im really sorry for last night. Im chioma actually and Iyke’s cousin sister. I was really upset with him last night that was the reason for my act. Im apologising. Please forgive okay? I’do wanna meet you just that i’ve left already. So are you gonna forgive me please?”

I sighed.

What do I do…

Can I just believe she’s actually his cousin.

“You see babe, That wasn’t Lizzy. You only thought it was her. Babe? Im sorry.” He said.

“Why you sorry?” I asked.

“For making you sad. I really didn’t mean to. I kept calling your lines but they were switched off.” He said.

Sheddy already left.

“So can I get up now please?” He said.

“Valerie.” Mom called and I looked at her.

She came forward, gripped my hand and dragged me inside, shutting the door.

“Mom?” I said.

“What’s really wrong with you? You wanna believe all that?” She yelled.

“Mom it’s obvious I over reacted. He’s telling the truth.” I said, not even sure of myself.

She shook her head.

“Read my lips honey, He’s lying to you. Oh I need to call your friend Eva. What about you packing to your new house today?” Mom said.

“Yeah I am.” I replied, my eyes at the door.

“Go upstairs.” Mom said.

I gazed at her.

“Now!” She ordered.

“Mom wh–”


I sighed and turned towards the staircase.

I got to my room and went for my phone.

I switched it on and seconds later, Messages came in.

All from Iyke.

Explaining just the same thing he did outside there.

About her being his cousin sister and all. And apologising in a way that I finally felt sorry for him.

For over reacting. I shouldn’t have switched off my phone.

Maybe I could have been more patient.

I blamed myself for making him rush over this early morning to explain everything.


I sighed and sent a message to him.

*Go now okay. Im sorry for thinking otherwise. I love you so much.*

A message came in minutes later.

*Thank you so much baby. Im gonna meet you at your new house by 2pm to help out.. I love you so much.*

I smiled and dropped my phone.

Now im happy and relieved.




“Valere, Are you seriously telling me you forgave Iyke?” Eva asked as we were in my room, arranging my clothes in the cream-cloured closet.

They were workers at the sittin-room, bringing in the couches, sofas, tables and dinning chairs.

A new bed had just been brought in and Benita was spreading the bedsheets and putting in the pillowcases.


I ignored her and walked over to the ensuite.

It was neat and magnificient but Benita would have to do some cleaning tho.

“You are not answering my question Vale.” Eva said.

“Yes I did.” I said as I turned back,and walked over to her.

“Just like that?” She said, widening her eyes at me.

I tucked my hair behind my ears.

“Yeah. I was actually thinking otherwise.” I said.

“And you said he’s coming?” She asked.

“Yeap.” I said.

“I don’t know what’s really wrong with you babe. You need to treat yourself. You are a doctor.” She said.

“I’m perfectly fine. I’m just inlove. You can’t blame me.” I said.

“God!” She said before walking out.

I followed her.

The sitting-room was just the way I want it.. The walls in different paint.

The couches at the right place . Just like in dad’s house, the couches are different in colours.

Two guys were arranging the dinning table and chairs at the dinning room at the left

While another guy was fixing the flat-screen TV..

“Your house look amazingly beautiful.” Eva said.

“And colourful.” The guy fixing the Tv said.

“You must be a fan of colours.” He added and I smiled.

“Yeah.” I said.

“I think im gonna make my house interior look just this way. Colourful and beautiful.” The guy at the dinning said.

I smiled.

“So ain’t we gonna celebrate?” Eva asked.

“Ofcourse. Mom’s coming over soon and Iyke too.”

“Are we gonna be a part of this?” The guy fixing the Tv asked.

“Ofcourse.” I smiled.

“Woooowww” All of them chorused.

“Thanks doctor.” The girl said.

“We go pop champagne!” Eva yelled out.

I was actually heading back to the room to check what Benita is doing when I got stopped by someone who ran in and stopped at the door, breathing heavily.

He had long messy unpacked dreadlock (Dada). Very fair in complexion and if I would guess should be two or three years older than me.

He wore a dusty torn jean and dirty brown shirt. With worn out bathroom-slippers.

He had a dusty football in his hands.

He flinched when he saw there were lots of people in and he quickly threw the ball into his shirt and held it there and after looking at everyone in a childish frightening eyes, but looked at me with a really cold eyes, He turned and ran out.

The guy who was fixing the TV bursted into laughter.

“Seriously who is he?” I asked.

“He looks like some cr@zy guy.” Eva said.

“He’s not cr@zy. He’s just an ad.ult-baby.” The guy said.

“Ad.ult-baby? Why did he come here anyway?” Eva asked.

“He must be looking for where to hide. He must have stole the ball.” The guy said.

“Go lock the gate Henry.” He said to a boy, helping him out and Henry ran out.

”He came in cos the gate was open for him.” He said.

“And his name is?” Eva asked.

“Well his name is Joy.” He said.

“Joy? A guy name is Joy?” Eva asked.

The guy shrugged with a smile.

“I don’t know if that’s his real name but ever since he came down to this street, that have been his name.” He said.

G0sh, I felt scared.

Why did he had run in here and why did he look at me that way?


Now another character is about to come in, Joy.

Don’t miss this story.

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