
MY SWEET HEART: Episode 21-30

My Sweet Heart

Episode 27

… Valerie’s POV …
I woke up to a hand wrapped around me.
He did come in.
I gently removed it.
He was sleeping and his hair all fell back on the pillow.
I loved the way his lips were a bit open.
I smiled and did another silly thing.
I bent my face low and planted a kss on his lips and he sighed and moved his lips.
Arghh.. Such a cute adult-baby.
I rested my cheek on my palm as I stared at him.
I smiled.

I touched his hair… It kinda tickles.. not so strong and not so soft.
Just cool.
Maybe I could watch his hair for him this morning before going to visit mom.
I really can’t take him along but…
Yes! I can take a picture of him and show Benita.
I’do tell her alone about Joy.
That im gradually falling inlove with a weirdo just few days after I got heartbroken by Iyke.
She might not really understand but I’ll tell her anyways.
I searched for my phone and found it ontop the bedside table.
I grabbed it and took two shots of him.
Wow… He look incredibly handsome.
Okay, I’m weird now.
I kssed him again.
Why? Cos he look incredibly handsome?
He sighed just like he did then but didn’t move his lips this time, instead he smiled as his dimple displayed.

Sleeping and smiling?
Just wish he’do smile again.
I set the camera and turned the timing on. So if I kiss him and he smile, It’ll take the shot.
I kssed him..
He didn’t sigh…
Huh? Smile now….
He flapped his eyes open and just then, the camera snapped him.
I sighed.
“You should have just smiled!” I said as I got down from the bed.
He looked at me confused…. but then snapped up from the bed.
“Will. You. Forgive. Me? I came. In. Without. Letting. You. Know.” He said, joining his hands together.
I rolled my eyes.
“You even did worse. You put your hands around me, just like this.” I said as I grabbed his hands and wrapped it around me.
He gasped with his eyes wide open.

I can swear that he looked breathtaking.
“You see? Im not going to forgive you.” I said with a playful smile.
He was just staring at me.
I sighed and let go of his hands.
“I promise. I won’t do. It. Again.” He said, making a sad face.
“Smile.” I said and he raised his eyebrows.
“Yes.. I can only forgive you if you do.” I said and set my phone camera.
He scratched his head and sucked his bottom lip for awhile.
“Joy?” I called.
“Huh?” He answered.
“Smile. For. Me.” I mimicked his voice and that set him into a laughter.
I snapped two shots.
I left him in the room and with smiles on my face as I went through the pictures, I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast.
He came minutes later and began humming a song.
“Sing it out Joy.” I said. I know he’s singing about me and I really wanna listen.
He went behind and held me.. rested his head on my back and began singing..

“Aunty Valerie is a good girl. Iya iya ohh.Aunty Valerie is a good girl iya iya ohh.”
I rolled my eyes.. That wasn’t the song he was humming.
“That wasn’t the song you were humming.” I said.
“Aunty Valerie. Do. You. Know. That. I love youuuu?” He asked.
Now, that made me smile.
“Tell me why you love me?” I asked.
“Because. I. Feel. Happy. With You.. Because you. Have not. Beaten me. Even when. I do. Wrong. Because. You. Love. Me. Too” He said.
I chuckled.
“Who told you that I love you?”
“My.self.” He said.
I switched off the cooker and turned to him.
He was staring with his eyebrows raised.
“Yes. I think I love you..” I said and then I kssed him.
He gasped.
“Huhm” He mumbled.
I touched his cheek with a smile.

“Now, let’s eat. I wanna wash your hair after that.” I said.
He grinned, “Will. You. Bathe. Me too?” He asked.
“No. You are too grown up for that. You bathe yourself.” I said.
He nodded.
I turned to dish out the indomie.

He waited and when I was done, he carried the plates to the breakfast bar.
“I’m gonna buy a new TV.. I just hope you don’t break that one.” I said.
“No. I promise.” He said.
“Again, im going to visit my family today. So you stay home.” I said.
He rushed to my front.
“No..I. will. Follow. You. I. will follow. You.” He said, almost in tears.
I sighed.
I stepped close to him and played my palms on his cheeks and stared into his eyes.
I really wish I could take him along.
But mom!
And now that Im having this silly feelings again, I can’t let mom ruin my happiness.
I just hope im not making another mistake.
“I.want to. Follow. You.” He said almost in tears.
I sighed.
“Joy, I promise. I’ll be back home on time. I’ll get you something really special.” I said.
He shook his head.
“I. Don’t. Want something. Special. I just want. To. Go with. You.” He said.
“Joy, You don’t understand.” I said.
“But. You. Are. My Friend.” He said.
“Yes.. Even more than that now..”
“So. Why. Can’t my. Friend take me. Along. When she’s going to. See. Her. Family?” He asked.
I sighed.
“Joy, you really don’t understand now. I’ll take you along next time. I promise okay?”
But he shook his head sadly.
“Why not. Today?”
“Cos… Your hair look messy” I lied.
Though his hair look messy.
“Huhm?” He touched his hair.
“Yes.. come let’s eat, so the food don’t get cold.” I said and dragged him to the table.
He kept touching his hair as he ate hurriedly.
Funny that he finished up in few minutes and jumped down from the seat immediately.
“I. want. To. Go. and do. My. Hair.” He said and rushed out before I could say ‘jack’.
I shook my head, drank some water, got down from the seat and walked out to find him.
He was in my room.
Really. Not just my room, but in the bathroom, searching through the bathroom cabinet.
“Joy.” I called and he quickly turned.
“I want. To. Wash my Hair.” He said.
“I’ll do that for you. Don’t worry.” I said and he faced down.

Picked For You:  BABYSITTING ANDREA : CHAPTER 91 – 100

Been a while he did that.
I walked to the cabinet and took out my hair shampoo, washer, hair dryer, and hair fresher.
“Come Joy. you gonna bend your head on the bathtub while I wash it for you.” I said and he scratched his head and went over to the bathtub.

He knelt down and bend his head in the bathtub.
I first poured few warm water on his hair.
Then followed by the shampoo.
“Your hair is quite dirty. You know that?”
He shook his head.
Silly! The soap foam splashed on my face and even my mouth!
I spat out and cleaned it off.
“You shouldn’t have shook your head!” I yelled at him.
He quickly looked up to see..
Shit! his hair all flipped back and another foam came on my face.
“I’m. Sorry.” He said.
I sighed and wiped it off.
“Don’t you even have an idea how long your hair is?” I asked.
He wanted to shake his head but thank goodness, he got himself on time.
“Turn. Lemme finish up with this.” I said and he did.
After washing his hair…
Wow, his hair looked really cool.
More darker and neat.
I grabbed a towel from the towel rail and pressed it on his hair to dry his hair.
Now, he’s sitting on my dressing table, And I am drying his hair with the hair dryer.
He stared at himself at the mirror but I could see his gaze actually was on me.

He watched me through the mirror as I dried his dreadlock.
“I. Look. More. Handsome Now Aunty. Valerie.” He said with a grin.
I shook my head with a smirk.
“I am. Joorrrrr!” He shouted.
I rolled my eyes “Oh hush… It’s okay. You are. We ain’t fighting.” I said.
He giggled.
His hair smell so nice now..
Hours later, I’m on my way to my dad’s house. Mom knows Im coming.
I was able to get Joy not to be sad.
That I’ll be back on time.
Even though he did wash his hair just that he could come with me, but I ended up lying that I ain’t no more going to my dad’s.
I faked a call in his front that ‘Im urgently needed at the hospital.
He believed… and I was more than glad.
I kssed him before leaving..
It’s so bad that I can’t take him along.
I just hope he gets himself once he starts his medical treatments..
Should I love this Joy?
I think im inlove with him already but ain’t I so stupid?


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