No Choice But to Live With Him

?Episode 24?

By; Immaculate??

We all ate our meal silently after Alfredo left in a very disrespectful way.

I kept thinking of the way I’ll sleep in his room tonight.

I can’t sleep in Abner’s room again after his elder brother saw the both of us kssing.

I just don’t want the rest of the family to be aware of that kss.

It should just be a secret between we three.

?After dinner?
I was so tired so I decided to go to bed.

I quickly went to Alfredo’s room since he was busy outside._

I just hope he doesn’t return and kick me out.

I can’t sleep with Abner again.

His brother might start suspecting us even though I’m very sure he is.

So I entered his room and laid on the bed which was extremely big and soft, with a nice blanket with black rose petals which was beautiful.

I looked here and there admiring his room which was like Abner’s but the only difference was the choice of furniture’s.

They were all black which I guess might be his favorite color.

Anyways I really need to sleep now, the day’s event was really tiring and stressful.

So slowly my eyes closed and I was deep gone.

I entered my room after enjoying the cool air outside and the nice scent from the flowers surrounding our house.

Especially the smells of roses which are my favorite flowers.

I entered my room and immediately knew something was not right.

I looked at my bed and I saw that girl laying on it and even sleeping.

Is she mad or something, I was deeply angered and without a second thought I entered my bathroom and came out with a bucket of a very cold water and emptied it on her body and she stood up in fright….

Looking all wet and she started shivering, she looked at me and then started shaking like a fish out of water and then collapsed and fell on the floor…

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