No Choice But to Live With Him

?Episode 35?

I entered the bathroom and quickly took of the wedding gown and then my bra and panties.

I turned on the shower and then took a cold bath. The cold water that was pouring right on my head was so great.

When I was done I looked around and then it came to my knowledge that I wasn’t with my towel.

‘Dmn,I forgot to go in with it.

And there’s no way I’m gonna go out of this bathroom without a towel.

I can’t let him see my nkedness again. Never’ I thought.

I looked at the door’s hand and saw a black towel on it. Its obviously his.

If I put it on,he might get angry but I have no option than to put on the towel and then face his anger later.

I tied the black nice towel around my body and it was quite short, its obvious he only uses it for his waist.

I still loved the scent of the towel, it smelt like flowers and it made me fall in love with the towel immediately.

I left the wedding gown and my undies inside the bathroom and came out. When he saw me he looked at me from my head to my toe and then smiled.

“You’d have looked better on this towel if you had a beautiful face” he mocked.

“And you’re saying I’m ugly?”

“Yeah. Of course you are” he said and giggled naughtily.

He stood up and picked another towel from his wardrobe and then went in to the bathroom.

“We’re going for our honeymoon tomorrow” he said and shut the door.

I entered the bathroom and then my eyes went to the wedding gown that was in the bathtub and another smaller black thing was on top of it.

I picked it and behold it was her bra.

“Woah! Is this the size she uses. This is like a size 3 bra. Its really small”

I saw her panties too and then picked it too.

“Is this an adults panties or does this belong to a 12 year old teenage girl”

I made fun of her inner wears and then kept the both of them on the door’s hand.


Who’s ready for some honeymoon fun ?????



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