By: Kamara B. Blake


I yawned tiredly as I tossed on the bed still feeling a little bit sleepy. I finally sat up on the bed and realized that I was the only one on the bed.

I looked around confused. Where the heck is Liam? Last thing I remember is falling asleep last night when he gave me a foot massage.

I placed my feet on the floor and stood up, I checked myself out in the mirror, looks like Liam wore me a nightgown. How sweet of him but this is not my favorite though.

I decided to walk to the wardrobe and get something suitable to wear. I picked shorts and one of Liam’s thick oversized t-shirt.

I left the room minutes later to look for Liam but stopped on the way as I glanced at Lili’s door. Maybe I should check if she’s awake or not.

I knocked lowly on the door. “Lili?”.

The door opened almost immediately and Lili came in view. Her face brightened into a smile as she saw me standing by her door.

“Mummy!!”. She pulled me in. “I wanted to come see you”.

“Really?”. I asked as I stepped in closing the door behind me.

“Yeah but Daddy said you were asleep and I shouldn’t disturb you”.

“I was, baby but now I’m awake”.

“Yeah and I let my hair down just incase you wanted to help me pack it up maybe in a ponytail”.

I smiled as she handed me a hair band, I took it and sat her down on the bed tying her hair into a curly ponytail.

After I was done, she stood up swinging it as she giggled happily. I smiled watching her, it fits her just perfectly.

She paused. “Are you wearing Daddy’s t-shirt?”.

“Huh?”. I looked down at myself. “Yeah”.

“Why?”. She pouted cutely as she stared at me. “But Daddy never lets me wear it”.

“Come on, baby, thats because its too big for you”.

“Oh so I have to find someone my size to wear his t-shirt?”.

“Well take this way, your Daddy and I are together so its normal if I wear his things most of the time”.

“So which means I can also wear Noah’s things?”.

I paused immediately. “Noah? Who’s he?”.

“Well he sits next to me for English class all the time so that means we are together, right?”.

I sat her on the bed next to me. “Do you want to tell me about him?”.

“Noah is this boy in my class who always stares at me”. She said lowly. “And that makes me shy sometimes”.

“Okay? Anything else you want to tell me?”.

“He sat next to me In English class for our aptitude exams”. She grinned. “And I kind of liked it”.

“Do you like him?”.

“I don’t know, he talks to other girls freely but he doesn’t talk to me. If he sits next to me, all he does is stare at me”.

“Awww”. I cooed. “Baby, that means he likes you”.

She scrunched up her face. “Yuck!! I told Daddy about him and he said I shouldn’t go near Noah that he will give me cooties”.

I frowned inwardly hearing that. Liam is just so childish, how can he say that? Well that is what you get from asking advice from a protective father.

“Daddy is wrong”. I faced her. “How about you? Do you like him, like him?”.

“Well maybe, I like it when he stares at me”.

I grinned at her. “That means you like him”.

“Should I tell him when we meet at the camping?”.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Camping? You are going for camping? When?”.

“My form teacher said two days from now, but I’ll be back on Christmas eve though”.

“Does Daddy know about it?”.

“Yup. He even packed my stuffs himself, he said he needs to have some time with you”.

“Oh did he now?”.

Liam, like I said he’s childish. There’s no way he wants us to have sex nonstop, is he crazy or what? Gosh!! Sex crazed freak.

“So do you know where your Daddy is?”.

“In the garden”.

“How about we go pay him a visit?”.
💧Lucas Knights💧

I gripped the steering wheels tight as I park next to a curb just along where Chloe lived.

I turned off the engine and unlocked the car doors walking out then shut it close. I tucked the keys in my pockets heading for her house.

Okay, Lucas, you can do it.

I pep talked myself as I walked to the front porch of her house. I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell then again and again before stopping.

The door opened revealing Chloe standing in sight looking beautiful to me. She wore a cream colored shirt which was pulled over black shorts showing off her thighs.


I smiled. “Hey, Good morning to you too”.

“What are you doing here?”. She furrowed her eyebrows.

“I, um, was in the neighborhood so I came to check how you were doing”.

“Seriously?”. She crossed her arms. “Don’t let me trash you up for lying to me”.

“I missed seeing you”. I blurted out.

“Come in”.

She opened the door wider and I breathed out stepping it. I glanced around the neat sitting room just as she closed the door shut.

“I was having ice cream before you rang my doorbell repeatedly. Wanna join?”. She asked me.

I shrugged. “Sure”.

She walked through a passage and I had to follow her. We ended up in the kitchen and I sighted a big paint of ice cream deluxe.

“Were you going to finish all that?”.

“Of course, what do you expect?”.

“Okay then”. I hastily said going along to the kitchen counter.

“So”. She spoke up smiling. “What brings you over here other than you missed me?”.

“You don’t believe me?”.

“Lucas, you are an eligible very charming bachelor and I’m sure you’ve got plenty of pretty ladies swarming all around you so why would you want me?”.

“Thats because I like you”. I admitted to her truthfully.

She laughed lightly. “Yeah right. You have all those models, pop stars, fashionistas and I’m just an average kind of person who loves beating up people just for fun”.

“Chloe, I’m dead serious. I like you that way, I don’t care about your lifestyle or if you think violence is the answer”.

She stared at me keenly. “What? You can’t like me. Lucas, its probably infatuation and it will fade away in months”.

“Its not, okay? I’m in love with you”.

She glanced down at her bowl. “You are talking crazy, lets just eat Ice cream, it will probably make you feel better”.

I sighed softly and stood next to her taking a spoon out of the ice-cream. I licked it and it tasted delicious, I guess ice cream does make you feel better.

I glanced at Chloe as she played with hers, probably thinking of what I just said to her right now. I hope she believes me.

I looked at her face and noticed she got a spill of the Ice cream there a little. I licked it off with my tongue immediately without even thinking at all.

She moved backwards. “Lucas, what are you doing?”.

“Nothing”. I grinned at her. “I felt like kissing you”.

“But that wasn’t even a kiss”.

I arched my eyebrows. “Oh so you actually want a kiss from me?”.

She blushed at my statement. Oh wow, it only means that she really likes me, yes, she does.

I pulled her to me and she closed her eyes parting her lips, I kissed her immediately as our lips met warmly and slowly.

I deepened the kiss as she trailed her hand into my hair. I carried her up a little and then placed her on the kitchen counter still in locked in the kiss.

We started kissing intensely as breathing changed. I placed my hands on her thighs and gently caressed upwards as I ate into the hollow of her neck.

I removed my hands from her thighs and began unbuttoning her shirt. She pulled me closer as she kissed me deeply while I had undone the first three buttons.

I slowly brushed my fingers beneath her shirt reaching up to cup her breast. I kissed her neck as I gently squeezed her breasts making her to moan quietly.

I placed my lips on hers again kissing her as I pinched her nipples through the bra. I trailed kisses from her lips to her neckline while she moaned softly again.

I pulled away staring at her. “Chloe?”.


“Will you be my girlfriend?”.

She paused for a while, not saying anything at first which got me really nervous.

“Umm, Lucas, I__”.

“Please”. I added.

“I’ll think about it”.

I walked to the garden and met Liam there seated. He was obviously engrossed in whatever work he was doing on his laptop.

Lili walked ahead of me and quietly tiptoed to where he was then tickled him from the waist upwards.

“What the!!”. He exclaimed turning back to see the both of us.

I bursted into laughter. “She got you”.

“What did I say about playing pranks on me, huh?”.

He grabbed her placing kisses all over her face as she giggled in response happily. I watched them with smiles on my face.

“Daddy!!”. Lill wiggled out of his hold and ran off.

He stood up still smiling and glanced at me then walked over to me grinning widely. He got to me placing a brief kiss on my lips.

I faced him. “So, were you busy?”.

“Maybe. Why?”. He asked amusedly. “Does the baby want some milk this morning?”.

I gasped hitting him slightly. “Liam!!”.





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