By Kamara B. Blake


I arched my eyebrow. Doctor Sam? Why is he calling? Hope something is not wrong.

The phone quickly fell from Liam’s hands unto the floor making me scared suddenly.

“Liam? Is something wrong?”.

He grabbed the phone back and talked in hushed tones before turning around to face me, there were tears in his eyes making me afraid. Did something happen to Chloe?


He sat back on the bed. “I can’t believe those thugs would be so desperate to kill her”.

“What?”. I asked confusedly.

He stared at me keenly. “Someone tried to kill Chloe but she’s still alive”.

“What? Is she okay?”.

“Thankfully, she is but according to Sam, he said the person had deprived her of her oxygen mask but I think she’s fine”.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. “She’s fine right?”.

“Yeah, probably”.

“What do you mean by probably?”. I asked getting annoyed.

“Well Sam didn’t give me any more details, okay?”.

I got up from the bed. “We are going there now”.


“I need to see if Chloe is alright, I need to go to the hospital”.

“Brianna, its night time. Maybe we can wait till morning and__”.

“No”. I cut him off. “The person who must have tried to murder, I’m sure he or she is lurking around that hospital”.

“So? Anna, I instructed Sam to put in place all of the securities so Chloe doesn’t get hurt”.

“I don’t need securities, Liam. I need to see my best friend, please”.


“Please Liam. Its her life we are talking abut here, first she took a bullet for me and now someone is trying to kill her. I need to see her”.

He sighed. “Okay fine, I’ll take you to go meet her but then we come back, okay? I don’t want to stress you out”.

“I see Chloe then come back, got it”.

“Well I’ll just leave you to dress up”. He stood up from the bed. “You are wearing a towel, remember?”.


He chuckled lightly and walked out of the room. I flop back on the bed, Oh Chloe, I only wish that you would be okay, you are the only family I have.

I stood up and hurriedly got dressed in just a casual dress. My clothes weren’t all here anyways so I just wear what I got.

After everything, I went out the room and got in the hallway about the same time that Liam came out of his own room as well.

I stared at him. Why does he always have to look handsome all the time? He wore a casual t-shirt and jeans but it still made him look charming.

“You done ogling?”. He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“I, um, I-I wasn’t o-ogling”.

He walked closer. “Are you sure?”.

“I wasn’t”. I snapped at him. “I was just admiring the brand design”.

“Now this why I said it should be a boy so he can be just like me”. He said touching my stomach.

I swathed his hand away. “A girl not a boy and she will be as beautiful as me”.

“Whether its a boy or girl, I just want them to have your eyes”.

“M-My eyes?”.

“You have such enchanting blue eyes and everytime__”.

“You can tell me all that later”. I interrupted him. “Lets just go see Chloe, I’m nervous”.

“I guess I can save all the compliments for later, lets go”.
💋Lucas Knights💋

“Are you sure she’s going to be alright?”.

Sam nodded in response. “Yeah, its lucky we found out in time or else”.

“Thanks again, Doc”.

He patted me on the shoulder and walked off, I turned and walked back into Chloe’s cubical ward. I can’t believe that she almost died and I know its the handiwork of Emilia.

I don’t why they want Chloe killed. I came to the hospital to see Chloe and then found her on the bed breathing raspy without her oxygen mask.

Thank goodness, I quickly put it back on and alerted the securities around. I stared at her, she’s sleeping and the machine is beeping which means her condition is stable.

“Chloe?”. I called sitting next to her but she doesn’t responds.

I reach over and run my fingers down her cheeks, its so soft and supple. Its a wonder how a beauty like her could be so hard on the outside, void of emotions, a fighter.

There was a tube inserted through her nose and down into her stomach. Nasogastric tube, thats what Doctor Sam said, it would help ease the gunshot in the abdomen.


I turned to see Brianna by the main door and she rushes in and crouches by her side bursting into bouts of tears.

I stood up immediately and walked towards the door so as to give them privacy. I’m sure that she heard an attempted murder was carried out on her best friend.

I guess thats why she’s crying but I’m still trying to figure who exactly did it. I’ll check the security cameras later but I’m certain it is someone close to Emilia.


I turned to see Williams. “Oh, Hey”.

“You okay?”.

I sat on one of the waiting chairs outside the ward as I rested my back on it tiredly.

“I guess that answers that my question”.

“It was Emilia”. I spoke up.


“Emilia. The gunshot attack on Brianna but affected Chloe instead, she planned it all”.

“Are you sure about that?”.

“Thats what the hoodlum said”. I told him.

“But Emilia? What does she have against Brianna? I’m not even certain if those two even talk to each other”.

“And thats what I’m trying to figure out here, someone is with Emilia in these whole thing, the person wanted Brianna dead”.

“Or maybe just wanted her pregnancy gone”.

“Nah”. I shook my head. “I don’t think thats it”.

“But this whole situation is confusion, they wanted Brianna dead at first but why would they come to the hospital to kill Chloe?”.

“I have no idea, man. Thats what I’ve been trying to figure out all these while”.

“Did the hoodlum say something else?”.

“I told Mark to call me up if he did, I mean, it can’t be only Emilia, someone else clearly is involved in all these”.

“Well thankfully, Chloe is okay or else I don’t know what might have happened”.

I exhaled deeply. “Yeah, Chloe is okay”.

“You got the hots for her?”.


“You got the hots for her?”. He repeated himself.

“Who? Chloe?”.

“No, Brianna. Dipshit, you know who I’m referring to so don’t give me that”.

I sighed. “I don’t know what I feel for her, its all just so sudden so I’m not sure if its love”.

He chuckled lightly. “Oh wow. Lucas, I’ve never seen you this smitten with someone in like 8 months now”.

“Its not my fault Miranda had to leave me”. I replied him coldly.

“She hasn’t contacted you yet?”.

“She made her choice”. I reminded him. “I guess she would rather explore the world than be with me and I get it”.

“So you like Chloe?”.

“Dude, just let it go”.

“Come on, just admit it, would you?”.

“Okay fine, I like her, you happy now?”.

He grinned widely. “Now thats more like it but does she like you too?”.

“Liam, don’t burst my bubbles”.

He raised his hands in surrender. “I didn’t say nothing”.

We heard a door click and turned to see Brianna coming out of Chloe’s ward. She seemed really tired, is it the pregnancy or because she cried her eyes out?

I stood up. “So you guys are going?”.

“Yeah”. Liam straightened up as well. “Its night time already, you know”.

“I’ll still come back tomorrow to check up on her”. Brianna spoke up.

I nodded in response. “Yeah sure and don’t worry about her, I’ll keep an eye out for her”.

“Thanks, Lucas”. She whispered softly. “It means a lot to me to know Chloe is safe”.

“She will be”. I reassured her.

“Come on, Anna, lets go”. Liam held her hand. “Lucas will keep an eye on her”.

Brianna whispered thanks and walked off with Liam. I guess it isn’t easy for her, first the gunshot and now attempted murder.

I looked up and saw the security cameras staring back at me. Surely, it took note of whoever went in Chloe’s room and it must have audio sounds as well.


🎁Next Morning🎁

“Do you always take your tablet to school every day?”. I asked Lili surprised.

“I always do”.

I tucked the tablet in her school bag as I zipped it close. Liam had gone to work like earlier this morning and now Lili is dressed up for school.

She wore her shoes .”And done”.

“Wow”. I clapped for her. “You really pretty dear”.

She beamed brightly. “Thank you”.

She really looked pretty in her uniform wears, her skin was so smooth like a baby butt. And I was surprised to see she uses different lotions for different parts of her body.

“And now for the finishing touches”. I raise up a pink bow.

She walked towards me and sat on the bed next to me. I packed her glossy black hair into a curly ponytail and added the bow.

“Now I look extra pretty”.

I tugged her cheeks playfully. “Yes, you do”.

“Will you ride with me to school?”. She asked hopefully.

I shrugged. “Okay, I guess I can hitch a ride with you”.

She squealed in excitement as I wore her, her backpack. I opened the room door and we walked out heading towards the stairs.

She ran down the stairs hurriedly and I got down heading towards the dining directly. I took her packed lunch in the lunch bag and thanked the Nanny before walking out.

“Lets go?”.

I smiled back. “Lets go, baby”.

She went to the main entrance with me behind her and then she led me to a green brightly colored Mercedes Benz.

“You ride to school in that?”. I asked her.

“Yes, its my car”.

“Your car?”. I was clearly taken aback.

She giggled lightly. “Daddy always buy me a new car every year”.

“Wow”. I breathed out.

I went in with her and closed the car doors behind us. The driver was in already and he started the engine almost immediately. As soon enough, he drove out through the gates.

I looked back and noticed about two other cars following us. Wait, Lili has bodyguards too at her age? Wow, Liam is really wealthy.

I was about relaxing on my seat when my phone ringing jolted me. I grabbed it and glanced at the caller’s I.D. Dad?!!.

My Dad never calls me. I can’t remember when last he did, something is up. He can’t just call me out of the blues.

I answered the call. “Hello? D-Dad?”.

“I’m not your Father”. He snapped at me. “I warned you to stop calling me that”.

Tears filled with my eyes. “Then why are you calling?”.

“How dare you call up the cops on Lauren? I regret having you as a daughter”.

Those words were enough for me to cut the call immediately. I rested back on the seat bursting into tears.

“Mommy? Are you okay?”.

She scooted towards me and rested her body on mine. I smiled through tears and hugged her close to me.

“Are you okay now?”. She glanced up at me. “Is it the baby? Is she hurting you?”.





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