By Kamara B. Blake

💄Lucas Knights💄

“She’s not supposed to give birth now, the doctor said … “. Chloe trailed off.

“Hey!”. I faced her squarely. “Everything will be fine”.

“Hand me your phone”.

I gave it to her and watched as she dialed Liam’s number again. It went through and she began talking to him.

I watched her silently. Why does she want to talk to Liam again? I told her what she needed to hear, right?

“Don’t worry, Liam. You didn’t interrupt any thing important when you called earlier”.

I arched my eyebrows at that. What the hell is she saying? We were in the middle of a hot make out session.

“No .. No, you were right to call. How long ago did you say her water broke?”.

I sighed. This is really more serious that I had anticipated. Brianna giving birth at 8 months … Isn’t that premature birth?

“Where is the hospital?”. Chloe asked him over the phone pacing around.

I get her. She’s worried for her best friend, she and Brianna are like close twin sisters.

“I’ll be there within 30 minutes”. She gave me the phone. “Brianna is in labor”.

“So I heard “. I replied. “He told me about it earlier, said they were on the way”.

“But now they are in the hospital”. She added.

I kissed her cheeks. “Brianna will be fine”.

She nodded and wrapped her hands round me as we hugged. Soon, we pulled away and I held her fingers pressing a kiss into her palm.

“What time are we leaving?”. I asked her.

“We?”. Chloe arched her eyebrows. “I can drive myself to the hospital. You don’t have to go with me”.

“I need to go with you. Its Liam’s baby as well, remember?”.

“Oh, all right, Lucas Knights. You can tag along, now I’d better go change”.

“Why? I say you look great”. I teased her.

“Really? You don’t expect me to go meet my best friend and her baby in just a shirt”.

“But my shirt looks good on you”. I say moving closer towards her.

She stepped backwards. “I’m changing”.

I chuckled as she walked over to the stairs going up. I went back to the kitchen to tidy things up so we can get to the hospital in time.

We walk into the hospital grounds and then to Brianna’s ward immediately where she was still in labor.

Chloe left my side going to the ward as she stared at everything from the glass window by the ward.

I walked towards Liam. “Dude”.

“I don’t know how much longer this is going to take”. He replied pacing around.

“Williams. She’ll be fine”.

“I don’t know, Lucas”. He continued pacing to and fro. “She has been in there for 1 and half hours straight, yet no baby”.

I sat on one of the waiting chairs. “Its her first baby, what do you expect?”.

“Damn it!”. He rammed his fingers through his hair. “I just …, God! I feel so worried for her”.

“I’m sure she’ll pull through this”. I tried to assure him.

“And damn it! She isn’t even nine months pregnant complete”.

“Williams. She’ll be fine, she’s pushing the baby out. You can hear it, right?”.

“Why can’t the baby just slide out of her already?”.

“Babies take as long as they take”. I say as I reclined on the chair lacing my fingers at the back of my head.

“Thats easy for you to say”. He snapped at me immediately. “Its not your wife in there giving birth to your child”.

I sighed. “Liam, just chill out”.

“Chill out?”. He scoffed. “Lets see how calm if Chloe gets pregnant and then try to deliver”.

I maintained a straight face as I tried to think about that fact. Jeez!! I’ll be worse than Liam.

I took a deep breath and walked to the glass window where Chloe was. I held her palm squeezing it softly and she smiled at me.

I knew Brianna was probably screaming her lungs as those doctors worked beneath her legs.

Hm. I hope she delivers safely.

I went to Liam again. “Dude. You seriously need to calm down, Brianna will be okay”.

“I had no idea it would be like this”. He muttered ramming all of his ten fingers through his hair.

“That it’d take this long?”.

Liam shook his head. “No, that I’d feel this scared, this nervous. I don’t remember if I felt this way when Lilian was born but I feel scared for Brianna”.

“She’ll go through this”.

“I must have read books about birthing and I thought I was ready but Hell, man. All I want is for Brianna to be okay”.

“She’ll be fine”. I reassured him for like the umpteenth time.

I stared at Liam. He was pacing, worrying, wondering and probably praying right now.

“I’m going back there”. Liam announced like he couldn’t bear to be away from her.

I slapped his back to encourage him as he went to the glass watching Brianna cry her way to giving birth.

“I just feel guilty for all this”. He spoke up coming back to me.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”.

“She saw Trisha and I kissing”. He blurted out.

“What the heck? Williams, whats wrong with you? Why the hell would you do that?”.

“I was trying to get her to sign those papers, Trisha said she’ll sign the divorce papers if I give her a kiss”.

“And you fucking believed her?”.

“I just .. “. He shook his head. “Brianna saw us and she went into labor immediately”.

“But seriously? You know Trisha can never be trusted, why the hell will you fall for what she said?”.

“I was just desperate to get her out of my life”.

“Push harder, ma’am”.

I grunted tired of hearing that shit from the doctor for the last one and half hours I’ve been here.

The door opens and I stressfully look to see Chloe pushing her way in. She comes towards me warding off other nurses.

She bent by my side. “How you holding up?”.

“Oh God!”. I whimpered. “It hurts, Chloe. It hurts so much”.

“Miss”. The doctor spoke up. “More effort”.

“Argh!! Oh God!”. Tears stream down my cheeks. “Shit!”.

“Okay, Brianna”. The doctor continued. “I need you to keep your legs apart, I think I see the baby’s head”.

I nod tearfully as I groaned using my might to push what was in me out.

Chloe massages my arm. “You doing good, Brie”.

“Keep your legs open wide”. The doctor adds. “Don’t shut them close, the baby is on the way”.

I groaned loudly as the pains increased the more around my pelvic area. The doctors did whatever they were doing beneath my open legs while I grunted out in pain.


“Come on, Brie, continue pushing”. Chloe coaxed me. “In a moment your first child will out of your womb, you are doing great”.

My fists curled around the sheets of the bed on which I was while I grunted trying to push the baby out with all my strength.

More tears slide down my cheeks as I felt something coming out between my legs.

“The baby’s been crowned”. The doctor announced. “I can see its head”.

“You hear that, Brie? Your first child”.

I shit my eyes imagining how my child will be like and then I got the strength to push the more.

Almost immediately, I felt something slide completely out of me and the niggling pain reduced just a little.

A high pitched crying pierced my ears and I open my eyes to see the doctor holding a blood covered baby. My eyes glistened with tears as I stared at the newborn infant in her hand. My child.

Chloe took the baby and tears rushed down my cheeks uncontrollably as I stared at the tiny creature in her hand but pains were still in my pelvic area.

My baby.

“Its a boy, Brie”. She whispered cradling the crying child.

I was very weak to hold the baby but she brought him very close and I stared at him still finding it hard to believe that I just gave birth.

“You are a new mother, Brie”. Chloe added trying to stop the baby from crying.

I bursted into tears remembering the pain I went through just for him to come out. He’s looks so cute.

I gasped as the niggling pain came back and the female doctor crouched in front of my bent draped knees again.

And immediately, another slide out of me and a sharp loud cry followed getting me surprised.

“Uh, ma’am?”. She looks up at me. “You are actually carrying twins”.

Chloe’s face breaks into a smile. “Brie, you are going to be a mother of two”.

I close my eyes feeling weak not wanting to dwell on what she said. I just gave birth to twins. My Jayden and Jana.

Chloe touches my arm. “Brie?”.

“I don’t feel so good”. I mutter drifting into unconsciousness.





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