By Kamara B. Blake

💦Williams Paige💦

I watched as Chloe rushed into the ward room pushing those nurses out of the way, I glanced at Lucas expecting him to go calm her down.

But he had folded his arms and shut his eyes, probably asleep. Maybe I should rest for a few minutes too.

I closed my eyes and then immediately, an infant’s cry shattered the silence making me jerk awake and jump to my feet.

“Shit!!”. Lucas straightened and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

I beamed brightly. “She finally gave birth”.

“Dude, your kid got one hell of a pair of lungs though”.

I laugh pushing him aside as I walked into Brianna’s ward to see Chloe holding a baby and the female doctor holding another baby.

Wait. What? Two babies.

“Congratulations. Mr. Paige”. She smiled walking towards me. “She delivered twins”.

She made to give me the baby but Lucas held the baby instead while I went towards Anna whose eyes were closed.

“Brianna”. I whispered stroking her cheeks.

“She’s resting”. Chloe replied.

“Woah, dude”. Lucas spoke up. “You got a daughter and a son, this is dope”.


I smiled hearing that and Chloe handed the blood covered baby to me. I glanced at him beaming as I took him in my arms.

“Look, they both have blue eyes just like Brianna”. He continued. “Even the girl look so pretty”.

Yeah, Lucas was right. They both had the oceanic blue eyes just like Brianna but had the color of my hair too and the nose also.

“So. What are you going to name them?”. Chloe asked staring at the baby in my arms.

“Jayden Paige”. I gazed at the baby with awe. “And the girl, Jana Paige”.

“I know you didn’t come up with the names yourself”.

I chuckled lightly. “Shut up, Lucas”.

“Her fingers are so small, I can hardly hold it”.

Chloe looked at him amusedly. “Really?”.

“Thats how it is”. I told her. “He also acted that way when Lilian was born”.

“Hey! I just happen to like babies, thats all, is that a crime? They look so innocent and cute that I just want to hug them”.

“Okay, thats just plain weird”. Chloe says and we all laughed.

“Hey, Fella”. I whispered. “Meet your Aunt Chloe, she’s crazy at times”.

She frowned. “I’ll let that one slide because of the baby but next time, know that you’ll miss a bone”.

“Like I said, she’s crazy”. I whispered again to the sleeping baby in my arms.

“Hey. Don’t forget me”. Lucas said stepping over to gaze down at the baby.

I took Jayden to Lucas. “This is your dumb Uncle Lucas”.

“Haha. Very funny”.

I chuckled lightly. “You did say I should introduce you though”.

“Sir Paige”.

I turned around to meet the doctor. “Yes?”.

“Miss Brianna needs some rest”. She said gesturing towards her. “I think birthing took a toll on her”.

“Oh”. I stepped backwards. “But she’ll be okay, right?”.

“Of course”.

“When do I get to take her home?”. I asked her.

“Probably in three days”.

“What about the two babies?”. Chloe spoke up. “When do we get to take them home?”.

“That will be around the same time the mother is discharged”.

“You hear that, Jana?”. Lucas whispered to her. “You’ll come with us in three days?”.

“I think you mean, she’ll come with me. She is my daughter, if you remember?”. I turned towards the doctor. “Anything else?”.

“Yes but … “. She glanced at the baby in Lucas’s arms. “Jana will have to stay here longer because she’s fragile”.

I arched my eyebrows. “How long?”.

“Probably a week. She needs to be here in the hospital so she can be well taken care of”.

I nodded and the nurses moved forward to take the babies. Jayden was taken from me and Jana as well, and then they walked out with the doctor.

“Do you we need to trust them?”. Chloe stood up straight.

“Yes”. I replied her. “Doctor Jane was the one who helped when Lili was born”.

“So we can be sure that nothing is going to happen to Brie or her babies?”.

“What are you worried about?”. Lucas faced her.

“A lot of things. I’m worried that maybe either Trisha or Lauren will try to harm the babies”.

I crouched besides Brianna. “They can’t. I’ll assign bodyguards to guard them during this week”.

“I’m just worried for my best friend”.

“Everything will be okay”. Lucas encircled his arms around Chloe as they hugged.

I face Brianna who was deep in her sleep, I smile reaching up to cup her cheeks as I placed a light kiss on it.

We finally have a proof of our love, Brianna, we have babies to support the love we got for each other.

And I promise you, I won’t let anyone hurt you or them ever again.

“Someone has to inform Lili”.

“Yeah”. Lucas laughed lowly. “She is going to be so psyched to know she has younger siblings”.

“Just like she wanted”. I added.

“And Trisha?”. Chloe looked at me. “What about her? She’s a pest in Brie’s life and you know that so well”.

“She’s right, dude”. Lucas supported. “Um, I think Trisha might try to hurt Brianna”.

“I’ll take care of Trisha”. I said coldly. “She won’t go near Brianna or any of my children ever again, not even Lilian”.
📚Lauren Hills📚

“Dad”. I yelled at him. “How could you?”.

He didn’t say a word, just merely glanced at his files on the table ignoring me.

“Dad! I’m talking to you”.

“What?”. He snapped at me. “Can’t you see that I’m busy, Lauren? Huh?”.

“Why the hell did you go see Brianna earlier today?”. I asked him annoyed.

“She’s my daughter”.

“She’s a bastard!”.

“Stop it, Lauren”. He pointed a finger at me. “Don’t you say that word”.

“Thats the fucking truth, Dad. Brianna is not your legitimate child, a stripper gave birth to her, remember?”.

“Lauren!!”. He barked at me standing up immediately. “You’ll not talk about her that way, do you understand?”.

“Dad. What the heck? Huh? Why are you defending Brianna all of a sudden?”. I ask surprised.

“She’s my daughter, Lauren”.

“But you never accepted her so why the sudden change?”.

“I regret everything hurtful things I’ve ever said or done to her”. He said lowly sitting back on the seat.


“She’s carrying my grandchild, that made me realize that I tortured her emotionally all for nothing. She’s my daughter, it pains me so much that I only remember that now”.

“And so what if she’s pregnant with your grandchild!”.

“You are going to be an Aunt, Lauren. You need to stop all this hatred because she is your sister and you can’t change that”.

I grunted loudly. “Sister! She took Liam away from me. She seduced me!”.

“I’m busy to attend to your tantrums and you know that”.

I frowned and stormed out of his study room angrily as I walked onto the hallway pushing any workers in my way.

“Mom!!”. I yelled loudly.

“Lauren, sweetie”. She stepped out of the kitchen. “Is something wrong?”.

“Yes, everything is wrong!”. I yell. “Can you believe what your husband said? Huh?”.

“Lauren … “.

“He made up with Brianna. That bitch who stole Liam away from me with her stupid pregnancy”.

“What are you talking about?”.

“Dad went over to see Brianna accepting his grandchild from her and I can tell from the look of things that he might add her to his will and not me”. I said angrily.

Her face turned pale. “Thats not possible”.

“It is. Brianna always takes everything away from me and now she managed to get Dad on her side because of her baby”.

“She’ll never get any of your father’s riches if thats what she’s thinking”. Mom muttered assuring mw.

“Aargh!!”. I shouted kicking things. “I’m so fucking annoyed right now”.

I used my hands to shatter some vases on the floor and finally walked out of the main entrance of the house feeling satisfied.

I stopped seeing Emilia’s car drive in and I walk towards her immediately. She pulled over and then stepped out.

“Oh Gosh! You don’t know how happy I am to see you”. I said feeling exasperated.


“Please tell me something good”.

“Brianna was rushed to the hospital, I think she was in labor. Probably was about to deliver her baby”.

“Dammit”. I rammed my hair with my ten fingers.

“If she has a child for Liam then I don’t think you got any chance, Lauren”.

“I know that”. I snapped at her.

“So what are you gonna do? Will you give up?”.

“No. I’ll make her life miserable and I don’t care about her fucking baby”.

“But how are we going to do that? She has Liam”.

“Nicholas”. I smirked immediately. “He’s the perfect person to help me right now”.


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