She was crying when your son was brought in a stretcher and had lost so much blood. We had run out of blood in the bank and so when I asked the nurse to call you, it’s because we needed blood. She overheard our discourse and offered to help even when she is mourning her daughter who just died, I have never seen such kindness in my entire life, this just restored my faith in God again ”

I held the woman close to me and hugged her tightly, I hugged her and wouldn’t let go, both of us were crying as we were the only ones that understood the whole scenario.

The Doctor didn’t collect a dime from us as he tagged what happened a “Miracle” and it would be unfair to take money from us, money I didn’t even have.

My son was discharged two weeks later and the Woman is now living with me and the kids, atleast they need a mother na.

I have been called back at my place of work, this time with an ever bigger paypacket.

Susan is the Angel God sent to me to change my situation and I almost lost that chance because of my predicament.

She has so far been excellent with the kids and everything in my life has turned around for good!!

#Help people when you can, there is a reason it’s called help.

#If you can’t help someone, then don’t abuse them.

#Be sensitive in your spirit and listen to God always, only then will you get the peace that comes with obedience.