ONE LAST ONLY GIRL: Episode 31-40

Episode 35
By Juanita
“But Stan, Debbie… “Conai wanted to say something but he was cut short by a hostile response.

“Shut up!! If you dare mention that name in my presence again, you won’t like what I will do to you, I have nothing to do with that girl called Debbie”he said and just then I heard footsteps and the door opened, it was Stan.

We looked at each other for a while without saying a word and just then he was to bypass me.
“What have I done wrong? “I asked him but got no response.
“Stan,what have I wronged you?!”I repeated.
“Please Debbie, I am not in mood to speak to you now”he said.
“Why are you avoiding me? “I asked him.
“I am not avoiding you”he defended himself.
“But its written all over your face, Stan your hurting me”I said near tears and just then he faced me.
“Hurt? Did you just say hurt? Just look at me and see who is hurting the most? Debbiei really loved you and wanted you to be my wife, but let’s end it here”he said and my heart sunk.
“What does that mean? “I asked him.
“It means that its over between us! “He yelled and I almost collapsed.
Please someone should wake me up from this terrible dream.


“Please Stan, tell me is a joke”she said in tears.
“I am not joking Debbie, its over”I said and tried to walk away but he grabbed my shirt and it torn a little.

“So, I am sor”I couldn’t let her finish her words. She has not changed at all, she always course me trouble. Why did I fall for her out of all the girls?
“Enough! I don’t wanna hear that word from you coz I am fed up of it”I said and dipped my hands in my pocket and brought out the hair pin I picked years back.

“This must be your”I said showing her the hair pin and I could see the shocked expression written all over her face.

“My hair pin?! “She exclaimed and looked at me, just then she gasped. “Are you Mr jamie’s son? “She asked and I guess she has remembered me.
“What is going in here? “Conai asked.

“Cinai, this girl is bad lack to me, because of her, my late mother’s spirit has never been at rest, bexuae of her I was called an illegitimate son because of her my life become a total mess, I regret meeting her in the first place”I throw the hair pin at her and walked away.

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