By Tiana Isaac

Episode 57

Six Years Later??

I always believe in what meant to be will be no matter what. When we live we get hurt and when we get hurt we start to hate things around us, we believe that no true love exist and we sometimes feel like quitting but then when we start to hate we try to forget and when we try to forget we start to miss! And when we miss, we fall in love again and that’s the cycle. That’s the story of my life.

Kamil was my first love but after my experience with him and all that I passed through in life harden my heart to so many things. At some point i hated my life, I was traumatized after the last incident that happened when I was kidnapped by Audrey but having true love in Miguel had changed everything about me.

Having all the love from my family and the people around healed me, Miguel was patient enough to wait until I heal completely and recover back to myself, he had always been there, he has been my backbone, support system and my hero. Despite all that happened he never left, he helped me fought my battles which he was nearly klled all because of me. I actually didn’t know what true love means until I meet Miguel and open up my heart to love him back.

I won’t allow my past to affect my present and future, I won’t allow it to take away Miguel away from me again. Indeed everything happens for a reason and it was through Kamil’s and Audrey evil plan that make me land in his hospital, my helper and indeed the one whom destiny has decide for me.

I love him so much because I have found true love with him. Have you ever been with someone and is just effortless? The vibe is different! Imagine being with a man you can be 100% real with and not feel judged or boxed in. Imagine a love filled with motivation for the better life ahead.

A love beyond measure. A pure, innocent, selfless and genuine love. Meeting Miguel was one of my most cherish moment that I would always thank God for, he had been everything I have prayed for in a man and that makes me understand why Stacy, Ashely and other girls are all dying to have him, perhaps to them they wanted money, fame or something to be known for but in my case it was different.

I love Miguel for who actually he is and that’s his heart. He always put me first and love me selflessly. He has never given up on me.

Thinking of all the sweet memories we shared together, drinking Coffee, watching movies all night and all the paths we walked together, I love them all..

Stacy died right at the spot before she was rushed to the hospital.

Audrey bled to de.ath and that was her end. I told Nadine and Miguel all that I know about Austin and from there they cut whatever ties they have with him. That friendship has lost it flavour and trust.

Austin never really care at all as he also try to avoid them by all means and trying to prove how much better he can be without anyone else. Am Super excited for my friend Ann, she also got married to Tony and they relocate back to Mexico- how I missed her so much but of course we always in touched. Sonia was arrested and was taken to jail, Kamil is still paying for his crimes, it actually remain nine more years for his release.

Though he regretted whatever he did, he pleaded for my forgiveness and I forgave him, he was more surprised and sad when he was told about my wedding with Miguel his half brother. Miguel and Nadine haven’t fully accepted him but they visit him once in a while.

All the enemies have go down and peace was the evidence. The province was more peaceful now, having a just and established people in government, the new Mayor was doing great.

Dad and uncle returned back to San Francisco and dad insisted to continue his farming, this time I supplied all the necessary equipments and machinery he needed and I make sure he doesn’t exhaust himself too much, he have a lot of people who do almost all the work while we pay them.

I opened a new saloon shop for uncle Terri and it was one of the largest in San Francisco. Everything begin to work out well.

After my marriage with Miguel we travelled to Paris and spend one month for honey moon, it was the best and sweet episode of my life, it was the most memorable day, waking up each day to see the face I loved so much. Miguel spoiled me with love, indeed we became best friends and inseparable.

It’s six years now but seems like forever, having our two little twins, Lily and Sharon who are just four years now.


@The shopping mall°°°°°

“I need this one mummy,” Lily said pointing at the big pink teddy bear.

” No Lily, you have a lot of this in your room,” Cassie said.

“I need those crayons mummy,” Sharon pout while Cassie sighed.

Indeed Lily and Sharon can be troublesome and so disturbing. Miguel suggested they went for shopping since it weekend so they can atleast have a family time together.

“Where is Daddy? Lily asked looking around.

” Let’s go that way,” Cassie held their little hands as they walked outside.

Cassie was surprised to see Miguel out there in a hug with a lady.

“Miguel..” she called with a frown while the lady disengaged from the hug. The face really looks familiar to Cassie but she couldn’t place where she have seen it before.

“Is she your wife? The lady asked while Miguel nodded with a smile.

“With my two daughters” he said.

“Wow… They looked so much alike. You’re so lucky Miguel. And Cassie you’re also lucky because this was the same man I was ready to die for and also ready to kll for,”

” Sweet.. this is Ashely.. my long time friend. For the first time after this six years we just bumped into each other here,” Miguel said.

” Ashely! Cassie recalled.. this was the name girl that get into a fight with her all because of Miguel. She was happy Ashely didn’t let her obsession for Miguel destroyed her just like Stacy.
Atleast Ashely left and focus on her life but Stacy was desperate and that has lead to her death.

“Our love for money would definitely compromise our relationship at some point. I had to walk away but I knew you weren’t mine in the first place Miguel,” Ashely burst into tears.

” And that was the best thing you did Ash. I have always consider you as a friend and I still do till now.. am so happy to see you,” he said.

” I know that Miguel, am sorry I wanted more from you which you couldn’t give me. As a saying goes not all friendship need to leads to a relationship. Sometimes we need to control our emotions and trust our instinct,” she sniffled and wiped the tears with her hand.

” Am so sorry Cassie” Ashely apologize.

“That was all in the past Ashely. I respect you so much for walking away. I wished Stacy did the same thing then she would have been alive,” Cassie said.

” You have a beautiful heart Ashely and I know the right man will definitely come,” Miguel teased.

” The right man has already come, am getting married in just two months to come,” she smiled

” Wow.. that great! Cassie beam with a smile.

” I will specially bring my invitation to you and your family next time,” Ashely said with a smile as she turn to the little girls.

” What’s your name sweethearts? She asked.

” Am Lily the eldest while this Sharon my sister,” Lily said in her tiny voice

” Am the eldest, dad told me that,” Sharon corrected in a dramatic way while they all burst out laughing together.

“Awwn… You’re so lucky Miguel,” Ashely smiled…


“Happy birthday Eric!!!! Everyone shouted in excitement as he closed his eyes and make a wish then blew off the candle light.

“What’s your wish son? Nadine asked with a smile.

” To have the best grade in my class this time again and also to see you and dad get back together. I missed daddy,” he said the last sentence with a sad face. Nadine’s countenance also changed.

“Wishes do come true… So your wish will definitely come true,” Nadine said trying to cheer him up.

” Today is your sixth birthday and this calls for celebration and not sadness,” she said while he nodded.

” Happy Birthday Eric,” Lily said so excited as she eats from her cupcake.

” Happy birthday Eric.. my mom made this special package for you, it’s your favorite ice cream flavor,” Sharon said as she hand it to him.

” Thank you” Eric said so excited as he quickly opened the package. Nadine felt relief seeing how happy he was.


It was Eric’s sixth birthday and she threw a simple birthday party for him that involve only the close family members and few of his friends from school.

Nadine looked around and everyone seems happy, her mom and dad was with the kids playing. Indeed they have lived to see their grand children.

Nadine spotted Miguel and Cassie, how sweet the look together.

“Nadine! Her mom called as she walked close to her.


” How time flies actually. Little Eric is now six and is growing into a young handsome man,” Julianna giggled.

” He’s my only source of joy now mother and I won’t let Leonard take him away from me,” Nadine said with a sad face.

” What Leonard did was wrong. We have to keep Eric far away from him,” Julianna said.

” But he’s always asking of his father, he wants Leonard back to our lives mom,” Nadine said in tears.

She sniffled and wipe the tears with her hand.

“When true love comes knocking at the door don’t hesitate Nadine. Open up your heart to love again. Leonard never truly deserves you and that was the mistake we make by allowing you to marry him,” she said

” That true love was with Lorenzo mom and he died with it a long time ago. They say we only get to experience true love once, unfortunately I don’t think I can love anyone again ,” Nadine said with her eyes closed as she recalled what happened between her and Leonard Four years ago…


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