By Tiana Isaac

Episode 58

Three years ago…?

After a hectic day at work Nadine came back only to catch Leonard in the act again, with another lady on their matrimonial bed. This the third time all these is happening and he usually comes home drunk, he have changed so much within the years.

” Leonard… How could you I have had enough of this disrespect. Stop disrespecting me this way by bringing those sluts here, ” Nadine yelled at him.

“Isn’t that what you want? Am done treating you like a queen because to me you’re not,” he said as he turn to leave but Nadine pull him back.

” Stop hurting me for crying out loud am pregnant and you know that,” she said blinking back the tears in her eyes.

” What else did you want me to do… It’s almost four years after that wretched Lorenzo’s death but you still haven’t forgotten him, you still talk about him and you even have his pictures. I have surrender Nadine.

I have accepted my fate that you will never love me just like Lorenzo, afterall he was right when he told me you’ll never love me and I knew you only married me because I was just a second option to you,” he yelled angrily.

” A lot have happened Leonard, the circumstances have changed a lot of things. We are already married and we have a family already, I don’t want Eric to grow up in a broken family.. and also this baby am carrying,” she said.

” Eric is my son and I will be the one to take him away if we ever get to separate,” he said angrily then pushed Nadine out of the way as he left.

Nadine closed her eyes as she let out her tears. Everything seems to crumble on her own parts now. Leonard sudden change, she somehow wish things will eventually work out between them atleast for her son Eric.

“Mummy…,” Eric called as he walked to her.

“Are you crying? I have been waiting for you so we could have dinner, where’s daddy? Little Eric asked.

“Daddy is tired, he’s in his room and am also exhausted Eric, I need to rest I will just ask your nanny to have dinner with you,” she said while the little boy nodded sadly, he notice Nadine hardly have time for him these days.

Nadine sat down on her bed that night and wept. Leonard is right she never loved him and she actually married him to please her parents and probably because he was the second option when she left Lorenzo. And now she’s already two months pregnant with Leonard’s baby.

“Even if the truth will eventually come out someday about Eric, I hope Leonard won’t completely blame me because he will have this baby as his own bI.ood,” she muttered to herself.



” You can’t tell me you’ve squandered all the money. You are living so extravagant these days Leonard and I know you’re spending it on your sluts which is affecting the company and the sales, do you even realised you no longer function effectively as you used to? Nadine yelled at him as she barged into his office.

“The £-Cloud waves have their share and you have no right to question me Nadine,” he yelled back as he stood up and sI.apped Nadine.

“You don’t question Leonard Enersto’s,” he said sternly then walked out of the office leaving herin shocked.
Nadine stood there speechless as she blink back the tears in her eyes.

“Nadine! Her dad called as he walked to the office.

” Leonard just left angrily, did you two quarrel again? Josie asked.

“Did he hurt you in anyway..,” he asked.

“No dad! I want to be alone,” Nadine walked out angrily.


@ Home..?

Leonard returned back home early that day as he have a good time with Eric.

“Where is mummy? Eric asked.

” At work, always busy. She hardly have time for us especially you,” he said.

“And whenever she comes back she’s always tired, she no longer stuck me to bed and read bed time Stories for me,” Eric said with a sad face.

” I miss those times she do that.. mummy is no longer happy, maybe you aren’t making her happy” he said.

” It’s okay champ! during weekend I will take you to your grandparents to visit them,”

” Yay… That’s sound cool,” Eric said so excited.

” What about Grandma Julianna and Josie? He asked.

“That will be next time. You’ll enjoy the weekend with my mom and dad in their mansion,” he said..

Leonard and Eric chatted until he fall asleep..


Late that evening Nadine arrived back home.

“Nadine…,” Leonard called in a stiff low voice as he stood up to welcome her.

“Just stay away from me,” she said sternly.

“Am sorry Nadine.. am sorry. I shouldn’t have sI.apped you,” he pleaded.

” First thing tomorrow morning and leaving with my son,” she said.

” You can’t do that to me Nadine. Am sorry and I promise to make it up to you. I love you Nadine and am sorry for transferring my aggression on you, atimes I feel like you’ve never love me, it seems to me like you still haven’t forgotten about Lorenzo,”

“Why do you keep bringing Lorenzo to our discussion.. are you guilty of anything? I choose you Leonard. Despite when Lorenzo was here I still choose you at the end and thought we will make it work just the way you’ve always said,” she stuttered..

” It’s still not late.. I will make it work. For the sake of Eric and our unborn baby we have to stick together no matter what.. I know am stupid these days.. please forgive me,” he pleaded.

” It’s okay Leonard. If you’ve changed genuinely then let me see it from your actions and not mere stupid words,” she said angrily before heading to her room.


A week Later°°°°°°

Nadine thought of leaving but she wave it off with Leonard constant apologies, this wasn’t the kind of life she wanted for herself, this wasn’t the marriage she hoped for, but everything seems too difficult for her already.

Leonard came back home drunk one evening and that lead to a heated argument between them which lead to him sI.apping her again but this time Nadine sI.apped him back in full dose.

“Am not your pvnching bag Leonard and I guess this so called marriage is over between us. Am leaving and am taking Eric away and no one can stop me,” she yelled.

” Eric is my son and he’s going nowhere! Leonard yelled back.

“He’s my son too. Well let see then,” Nadine smirked as she turn to leave but Leonard dragged her by the hair and pushed her down .

“Eric is my son and no one is taking him away from me” Leonard yelled as he kept dragging Nadine with her hair.

“You’re hurting me Leonard,” Nadine cried out in pains but Leonard care less as he kicked her so heavily on her stomach, giving her several pvnches.

“You are going nowhere Nadine, because you’re my wife, I own you now and I alone will control you.,” He yelled.

Nadine held her stomach in pains as she cried out in so much pains, she was already bIeeding but Leonard care less.

“Daddy.. ,” Eric yelled in shocked as he ran to the scenes, surprised to see his mom in that condition.

“What are you doing daddy.. why are you hurting mummy,” Eric yelled in tears as he squat in front of his mom.


It was Eric’s Nanny that had to call Miguel right away..


@ The hospital..

Nadine slowly open her eyes feeling so much pains all over her body.

“Poor Nadine! Why didn’t you tell us Leonard has turn into a monster” Julianna cried as she watch her daughter badly injured.

Josie was so angry as he paced to and fro. He must pay for this,” Josie muttered.

Miguel walked in with angrily as he told his parents about the fed back.

“Leonard is arrested and he have to pay for what he did to Nadine and Eric is never gonna stay with him,” Miguel said.

My baby… Where’s Eric? Nadine slowly muttered

” Eric is safe, he’s at home with Cassie,” Julianna said as she sat on a chair beside Nadine’s bed.

“My baby? Nadine asked placing her hand on her tummy.

” You’ve lost the baby. You’ve bIed too much Nadine. You need adequate rest,” Julianna said sadly.

“No mom.. the isn’t the kind of life I want for myself nor for my family” Nadine cried.

” We are sorry Nadine. I never thought Leonard could do such thing to you. He have to pay for everything and for that he will never get to see Eric again,” Josie said while Nadine burst into more tears.

” I need a divorce…,” She said angrily.


After that incident the Montes and Enersto’s have become sworn enemies.

Josie cut off whatever relationship he have with them, including in his company. Having a strong family like the Montes, Leonard was imprisoned for two years for abuse and domestic violence.

It was after few months to Eric’s sixth birthday he was realised and ever since then it has become war he wanted the custody of his son but Nadine wouldn’t agree to that. He was willing to take Eric at all cost.

Nadine already started the process for their annulment but Leonard refused to sign any papers claiming to love Nadine and will want their family back together but that was a big No from Nadine. She wanted to be free from him.

End of flashback°°°°°°°°?


“Things will eventually get better. Eric is still a kid and will still need the figure of a father around him, he needs his family back but you will never go back to that Leonard, he almost klled you and make you lose your second child,” Julianna said.

” Yes Mom. I wish Leonard will just sign the papers and leave me alone because he will never get Eric from me. He said once Eric clock seven years he will take the case to court and seek the custody of his son”

” He will do nothing Nadine. I will make sure of that, your dad will never agree to that, so cheer up,” Julianna smiled.

” Thanks Mom,” Nadine let out a smile and soon a phone call with a private number came into her phone.

“Excuse me! She said to her mom, then picked the call.

?” Can I talk to Eric… Daddy wants to wish him a happy birthday,” Leonard’s voice came in

?” You again! Haven’t I warned you to stop calling me,”

? Haven’t I paid enough for my crimes. Being in the prison for two years, I recently got out and lost everything, even my reputation was ruined and now you want to take away my son from me..? Leonard asked in a sad voice.

?But you also took away my baby, it was because of you I lost the baby,” Nadine yelled.

?That was all a mistake Nadine. Whatever that happened that night I came home so drunk you should have just avoid me instead of picking up a fight with me,” he said defensive.

“?”Are you blaming me now?

?Am not gonna sign our divorce papers… Please Nadine come back to me so that Eric won’t have a broken home.. I still love you, I know am wrong for what I did but I have already paid for it in the prison,”

?” Dmn you Leonard.. you will never see me nor Eric,” she yelled then hanged up the call.

” Then I will go the hard way Nadine. I will cross a thousands miles just to have my son and you Nadine, I won’t accept defeat, I will ever let what Lorenzo tell me come to pass. Nadine is my wife and am taking her soon again,” he muttered.

@ The Enersto’s Mansion ??
” This wasn’t the end of the bargain,” Enersto hit his hand on the table.

” But you caused it. She’s your wife for crying out loud why will you beat her until she lost your baby, can’t you realise you even deserve more than this,” his mom yelled at him while Leonard just stood angrily.

“Nadine never loved me! to even touch her as my wife has always been a problem, sometimes I have to force her just to get laid with her. Why do I always feel she’s still holding unto that dead brat uptil this time,” he yelled angrily.

” But she choose you right… You should have done your duties by making her fall for you.. you suppose to make it work but you scattered everything with your own hands,” his mom said.

” Enough! The father yelled.

” Who’s side are you on? He yelled at Mrs Beatrice his wife.

“Am only trying to point out his mistakes for him,”

“The deed has been done. Nadine always think she can get anyway with anything. We have to get Eric back, he’s our grandson too and we have every right to be with him. You are the father and you have to stand your ground to be part of your son’s life,” his father yelled while Leonard nodded.

” Am taking back Eric by all means. I have a perfect idea,” Leonard smirked…


In a small house ??

“No.. no Stephanie… You can’t do this to me,” Austin pleaded with her but she hurried outside while he quickly followed her behind.

” Am leaving and this will be the last time you will see me. Am tired of your fake promises, you can’t even take care of my needs.

You’re no longer the Austin I use to know, you know why? Because you’ve gone down already and you’re already bankrupt, your dad is so useless and shameless going around with all the girls in town. I can’t continue with this dmn relationship,” Stephanie blast at him.

” But I love you Steph, I really do,” he whispers.

“Love isn’t enough sometimes so am done,” she said and with that she left.

Austin went back in and sat back on a couch so frustrated, just when he thought Stephanie loved him.
A lot have happened to him in this six years.
Losing the only company his mother once left him, his dad has destroyed everything, collecting a huge loan from the bank and promise the board members to start up something tangible, he squandered the money carelessly and now couldn’t pay back, all the workers left, he was arrested and yet he couldn’t pay. It was Austin that had to sell all the valuable things they had including by their huge mansion just to realease his father out of jail because he was also threaten to join his father in jail.
He also got to know about his mother’s kller which happens to be his father through one of his uncle Lado who came to see them from the US.
Austin stormed back home in anger to confront his dad, this has always been their case always fighting each other ever since their struggle begins and ever since he knew his dad was responsible for the de.ath of his mother.

“Are you even my father, you’ve destroyed everything I had and you were the one that klled mom too,” Austin yelled so bitter.

” Is for your own good. Pinna was acting so tough, she wanted to take everything from me. I never wanted to klled her but she forced me to do so,” Adams said.

” And I was so foolish to have sold out our mansion just to bring you our of jail, I should have let you rot there,” Austin said so frustrated.

” Stop pushing the whole blame on me, you also like the what I did and you don’t have to worry much it’s not like the company is closed down, glad we’ve got someone who bought it and that’s what keeping us here, had it been we didn’t sell it then we would have been on the street roaming or rather begging from the Montes which we will never do that,” Adams yelled.

“Who is the person you sold the company to? Austin asked.

“To Mr. Marcel Ronald from the US,” he said.

“Then uncle Lado should atleast know something about the man. Am going to the US,”

” For what? Adams asked surprised.

“To fix what you’ve destroyed,” Austin said then stormed out of the room.


Late in the night Austin browsed more about *Marcel Ronald* but could only get few information on the internet and also their company. One of the fastest rising company in the US.

*? Marcel Ronald being an estates manager, multimedia programmer and gallery curator.*

Austin kept scrolling to see the pictures of the man but no pictures actually.

“Something is fishy about this,” he thought.

” Who is this anonymous man, seems like he don’t want to be known? Austin wondered..
Who is Marcel Ronald ??



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