Episode 127

First showing, I won’t call it love but affection perhaps it’s for your kids and then always leaving me alone when I needed you the most. ” She said it with one go. I tear struck eyes made my heart ache. Whenever I went towards her she retreated.

” Ahana… I know, I was stupid then. But let me clear it. Jia isn’t pregnant. She was just lying. Please trust me. ”
” Fine… I know she wasn’t pregnant.

She wouldn’t be Coz I know you would never do such a thing. I never did doubt on you but you always had wrong perception about me. Didn’t you? ” She questioned boldly.Ahana….. ”

” Let me finish this. I want to end all of this at once. ” She said with authority, coming towards me. Does she mean that she wants to end our marriage too.
She went to her closet and removed a file. I read the bold AGREEMENT written on it.

I know I have hidden many things from her. I know I have had wrong perspectives at times but I never really doubted her.
Perhaps this is my punishment. Her anger.

” This!” She had the file in her hand.
“Why did you made me sign when you yourself wanted to marry me?
And why did you want to marry me?

Why, Ansh ?
What Revenge you wanted that you married me and made my life more miserable.”

She said clutching my shirt and sobbing at the same time. I could see her scratches and they were deep.
Did I really made her life miserable?

” Ahana.. This looks bad. Let me clean it. ” I said showing her the wounds.
” No… Not at all. ” She said wiping her tears and speaking subsequently.
” This.. Do you see?” She said waving the file.

” Looks Bad and this here….” She said placing her hand on her heart.

“……. Is messed up. So you better clean it up first and answer me. Why did you marry me and if you wanted to marry me then why did you made me sign this shit, ruining all of its purpose and purity.

And if you want a divorce I am ready for it. Let’s sign it and finish this game once for all. ” She said breaking down.

But I could see it in her eyes. She was hurt and I was the only reason behind and still she found a way to love me. I know she did.

” Ahana… Please.. I don’t want to divorce you. I can’t live without you. And how-how did you know about it?”

” Ha!! Do you take me as a fool. Everyone here knows that our companies didn’t need a damn merger. Until I thought that Dad wanted to get rid of me but that night when it was your B’day and you ditched me like always, I was surely drunk but I was in my senses. I heard what Dad said.

He said that he never forced you and it was always your decision. And today even my Dad said it. So… Are you planning to tell me or not? Was it some kind of revenge or some betting game? ” She asked.

” Ahana… How can you think like that? It’s not any revenge or a betting game. I wanted to tell you this long back but…. ” I stopped midway when I saw some blood oozing out from her hands.

” Ahana… Blood… ” I said holding her hands. I was a bit panicked now. I don’t want anything to happen to her.
” Leave it… Now… ”
” Ahana.. Stop fighting with me. This is getting worst….”

” No… Ansh… I want to know the Truth. Tell me.. Tell me why did you hurt me.. Tell me… Now… I can’t live like this anymore…” She shouted while hitting on my chest.

” Okay! Fine… Listen.. Coz…
I loved you before… I love you still and I will be loving you forever… No matter if you stop loving me… ” I said holding her face in between my palms.

” You are lying… I know you are lying….. You don’t love me. If you did love me then you would never hurt me… You are a Liar… ” She said trying to push me way, hitting me with her soft palms.

” You wouldn’t have done all this if you loved me even for a day… Liar… I hate you… ” She didn’t stop.

” Ahana.. Trust me, honey… You didn’t leave me with a choice.”
I said pulling her close.

” You are lying… I hate you.. I hate… ” But before she would say anything more I crashed my lips on her.
It was vital to calm her down.



” Ahana.. Trust me honey… You didn’t leave me with a choice…” Ansh said.

I wasn’t aware about what was he talking. What choice? I didn’t have a choice either. I had to marry him.
He was making me frustrated with every passing minute.

I was angry with mixed emotions in my heart. I couldn’t take it more. I haven’t been affected so much in my life. Just because of one person.

” Liar…. I hate you… I hate…” But before I could complete myself Ansh pulled me towards him and crashed his lips on mine. I tried to push him but his strength was unbeatable. And then, finally I gave in.

Initially it was easy for me to resist him but since we returned from Maldives I missed him. I missed his warm lips and his manly, yet soft touch. As soon as his lips met mine I got lost in them. They were moving in a perfect sync.

He was gentle yet demanding, showing his possession on me. And I loved it that way. No matter what I couldn’t stop the moan escaping my lips. I don’t know when did I become so weak. Ansh made me feel weak.

It’s easy to live when you don’t have any weakness but when you have one, it’s gonna screw you badly.

I pulled his hair and he deepened the kiss although we were lost at breadth we couldn’t find a way to stop. He kissed my cheeks, my nose and was back to my lips. His hand had captured my waist perfectly and one of my hand was on his shoulder.

” Ahana… I love you. Please love me back.” He said between the kiss and captured my lips again.
“I love you… Please…” He said again.

” Ansh!! I…” But before I could compete myself she shut me up again. Kissing my upper lip and pulling me in a tight hug.
” Ansh!! I-I love you too… I can’t stop doing that.. ” I manged to say between the heated moment.

He gave me a strong kiss and kissed my forhead. At once I realised what I said. I wasn’t suppose to give in so easily. I opened my eyes and I saw his face with that typical Ansh’s wink and cunning smile. His cheeks were wet too. His hair messy and the culf of his sleeves were folded up twice.

” I knew it…. I just knew it… One can’t keep herself from loving a guy like me. Isn’t it Sweetheart?” He said moving his hand through his hair.
I pushed him away from my embrace. I swear these pregnancy hormones will be my death one day.
I was really breathing hard now.

I don’t know what to answer to this guy in front of me.
I moved backwards. I don’t know how to avoid that attraction. I couldn’t see his face.

” Ahana…. Please give me a chance. I will explain. All of it from the very beginning. ” I heard his plead when I turned my back to him.

God make me strong.
” Ahana… Please give us a chance. Please give our love a chance. We love each other. Don’t we need one chance to make things right? ” There were already stream of fresh tears falling. I want to give us a chance but I am afraid that it will go in a waste.

” It won’t go for a waste Ahana…
Trust me. Our hearts are connected.”
Finally, I turned around. He always did read my heart and mind. As I turned I saw a ray of hope in his eyes.

People say You Mustn’t Snatch A Person’s Hope Ever…
Coz it is possible that, thats all they have….
And I think our situations were similar. Dire need of some hope.

” Ansh… Enough already….” I tried to gather myself.
” I married you because I wanted to. I wasn’t forced. From the very first business party, when I saw you I knew you were something – someone different…..” He said before I could complete my sentence.

I quietly walked and sat on the bed while he stood beside the desk with his back supported by it. I wanted to listen and it’s surely going to be a long tiring night. I desperately want to know his side of the story, his untold story.
” I can’t say it was a love at first sight coz it wasn’t one. I was still dating some stupid girl whose name I never remembered. I still remember, that night you were awarded for the business woman of the year….” He paused and then continued.

” Not once did you notice me. Although, I was standing so close to your Dad. You had that aura and charm but you didn’t give a damn about me. Normally all the girls around me try to throw themselves on me but you were different, and that’s when I thought you are someone whom one could like to keep with oneself forever.”

I was shocked. And puzzled. Am I really hearing this ? I never thought that Ansh wasn’t forced into this marriage. His behavior was so confusing from the very first meeting.

It’s not that I didn’t notice him that night. Of course who wouldn’t notice
Mr. Ansh Raichand, the most eligible bachelor in the city with a bunch of affairs. Rumours always finding a way to him. He had received the award a year ago. And I was aware about him because he always made it to the headlines. Sometimes in the business editorial or sometimes in celebrity goof ups.

I am serious Ahana. I never felt so serious in life, that too about a girl, after seeing you for the first time. You were so polite with everybody. I have seen a lot of people especially women when they reach such heights. You weren’t a bit like them. Then I did was a background check.”
” What!! Are you serious? Were you stalking me? And why do you always like doings these background checks.”

I said a bit frustrated now. He smiled weekly and offered me a glass of water. I gulped it a go.

” Hey!! No.. I wasn’t stalking. I just came to know that you were single and your Dad wanted you to marry soon since you were already 28. And you we’re going to turn 29 in few months. ”
I was bewildered.

” Seriously… You knew my B’day and still you didn’t wish me, Ansh!” I blurted. It was impromptu but it just flashed in my mind. I never forget things so easily..

” Ahana… Really Are you still upset with that…..” He asked laughing.
” Yes… I am. What remedy do you have?” I said folding my hand.
” Hmmm… Let me think… A long warm and loving cuddling and hugging might help. Right? ” He said coming towards me.


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