By Faith Lucky

Episode 7

“Zoey, please, stop painting me as a bad person. I’m really here to apologize, okay? I’m sorry for what happened,” he said wearily, and I crossed my arms.

“It was Mandy, right?” I asked.
“Mandy was the one who gave you my address – the same way she helped you trick me into that room…”

“Whoa! What are you talking about? Mandy had nothing to do with what happened.

Okay? That night, she never called me on the phone, asking me to bring you to her. It was all my idea.

She didn’t have a hand in it.”

I remained silent for a while.

“Well, I really don’t want to have anything to do with you. You almost ruined my life.

Now, if an apology is all you came to offer, you can leave.”

And with that, I turned around to leave.

“Zoey,” he called my name, and I stopped to give him a stare.

“I’m really sorry,” he said softly.
I gave him one final stare and without saying any other word, I walked away.

I returned to the living room and found my mom there.

“Who’s he?” She asked immediately, with her hand on her h!p.

Oh no! I knew she was going to ask.

“It’s no one, mom. He’s just…someone I don’t want to see,” I replied, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Really? Why? What did he do?” She inquired, but I really didn’t want to talk about it.

“Look mom, it’s not important. I…”

Immediately, the strong urge came again, and I covered my mouth with my palm and ran into my room.

As soon as I got to the bathroom, I vomited and took a deep breath.

Oh God! Why does this keep happening?

“Zoey?” Mom rushed in and found me in the bathroom.

I slowly went to the sink and washed my mouth. I felt so weak.

“This is getting out of hand, Zoey. You’re really sick,” she said from behind.

“Get dressed. We’re going to the hospital for a proper check-up.”



?Zosar’s Pov:?

“Son, son, come on; you can’t do this. You can’t possibly say you want to leave the country…” Mother grumbled behind me as I finished packing my luggage.

“I’ve told you, mother; it’s important. I need to find Hathor,” I said without looking at her.

“But what do you need her for?”

“She’s carrying my baby, mother!” I snapped and turned to look at her.

“She’s pregnant with my child, and you know it! I can’t simply stay here and have fun knowing she might be in danger.”

“Zosar,” she called tenderly and placed her hand on my shoulder.

“I understand you, but you don’t really have to go after that woman just because she’s pregnant with your child.

You’re a prince – the most powerful prince – and there are millions of women begging to be with you.

All you have to do is say the word, and you’ll have hundreds of them on your bed.”

I sighed and turned away from her.

“I can’t leave Hathor, mother. I need her. She’s the mother of my first child, and I can’t just abandon her,” I said.

“That woman is a traitor! She ran away from her own people. How can you be sure she’s still alive?”

“I don’t know, but I need to find her!” I almost yelled.
“If not for anything, for the baby.

I can feel it; the baby’s still alive. And I need to find her.”

She fell silent, and I turned back to my bag, zipping it up.

“I promise to come home with her the moment I find her. I’ll be back before you know it.

You can relay my message to father,” I said coldly and walked out with my bag.

I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I have to.

I made a promise to Hathor. I promised to be there for her and protect the baby. And that’s exactly what I want to do.


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