?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 3

Xavier Marion
“And C is for Charlie, which is your name”.

I step out of the wardrobe changing room just to my little sister, Cheyenne trying to talk to my dog again.

“Cheyenne!”. I warn her taking Charlie up in my arms.

“Huh? Why did you take him!”. She pouted cutely. “I was talking to him”.

“You talk to humans and not animals, thats how its done”.

“But Charlie is my friend”. She argued.

“And I’m his owner, case closed. Please leave my room”.


Almost immediately, she began a piercing loud cry making my cover my ears slightly.! She does it whenever she wants something.

“Cheyenne! Stop it!”. I waggled my finger in front of her but she continued anyways.


The door opened revealing my other sister, Diamond. She paused seeing Cheyenne on the floor and glared at me.

“Xavier! How can you watch her while she is crying!”.

“Just take her away from here”.

“What did you do?”. Diamond crossed her arms still glaring at me.

“She wanted to play with Chelsea”.

“And you refused? How awful can you be ? Brother, she’s a child, let her play with what she wants”.

“Chelsea is not a toy to be played with”. I reminded her stroking my dog lovingly.

“Well Cheyenne is four. How is she going to know that if you don’t explain quietly?”.

“I want to play with him!”. She continued wailing pointing at my dog.

“Okay, her crying is definitely gonna give me a headache. Diamond!”.

“Come on, baby. Lets go get you another Chelsea to play with”.

I watch bored as she takes Cheyenne into her arms and they both walk out of my room together.

Phew! Finally! I love my sisters so much but sometimes, I just wanna be alone.

Diamond is sixteen and she understands when I need my space. But Cheyenne, she is just four, doesn’t understand anything.

My Mum died while giving birth to her and my Dad?? He was busy having fun in Hawaii with his mistress!

More reasons why I should hate those girls, all they know is to $educe taken men.

I sigh and stand up feeling the need to go downstairs, I brushed my fingers against the gold handle opening it slightly to step out.

The appointed guards by the door stood erect immediately as I walked through the hallway.

My feet step on the tiles silently walking down the S-curved stairs as I saw her in the sitting room.

“Violet ?”. I asked surprised as soon I get there.

“Of course, its me. Who else were you expecting?”.

“No one. I’m just surprised to see you here”.

“So were you?”. She trails off staring at me as she gasps. “Were you expecting Sam?”.

“What! No! I wasn’t. What gave you that idea?”.

“Wait! Who else knows about Sam except me?”. She asks crossing her arms.

“No one”. I said quietly.

“But Xavier, don’t you think you are taking this too far? I mean, I was okay with you trying out stuffs with him but this is too far”.

“I want this, Violet. Don’t try to talk me out of it”.

I made to walk away but paused as she encircled her hands around me.

“Okay fine but know this, whenever you need anyone to talk to about stuffs like this, then you can talk to me”.

I nod quietly as she places a quick peck on my cheek shyly before walking off quickly.

Okay! What was that?

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Violet was crushing on me!
?Paris Myers?
I stare at Berkeley High obviously amazed by the structure, the building and the way it just strutted out like an effable institution.

“Lets head on, Paris”. Aunt Jenny’s voice says snapping me out from my thoughts.

I nod and walk beside her still staring at the effable sight.

G©sh! I can’t believe I’ll be attending the same school as teen celebrities and mainly my favorite singers.

Both Violet Summers and Xavier Marion.

Jeez! I hope I get to see Xavier. He’s like my all time-crush and idol in music industry .

Aunt Jenny finally arrived at the principal’s office and I waited outside for her. I notice the looks the passing students gave me as they stared at my expression.

I immediately flip my hoodie cover over my head even more.

G©sh! I don’t want them seeing my face.

I sigh and look around tired of waiting for her. I decided to just walk around and then look at the surroundings for a while.

I stopped by a free passage and decided to sit bringing out my headphones when I heard a prompt soft sound that caught my attention.

I paused and listened to it realizing that it was actually from a keyboard musician.

I stood up with my headphones and walk in direction with the sound I was hearing. I stop by a place which was empty but then continued walking ahead.

?I’m desperate for love

?Just give me your love

I widen my eyes hearing that familiar voice and the enchanting sound that followed from the keyboard.

And then I saw him. Xavier Marion! He was there! Just sitting, playing on the keyboard singing along to an unknown song.

G©sh! Who wouldn’t fall in love with him? I just love the way he sings and all that.

Aside from that, he is every’s lady dream and mostly all females drool over his cute hotness.

His style of dressing was so unique and I love the way his dark hair flopped over his forehead making him look even cuter.

He wore a plain white long-sleeved t-shirt with an unzipped designer leather jacket.

The sleeves were rolled up to the elbows with the first two buttons were unbuttoned.

I notice he was chewing a gum blowing a bubble with it as he mouthed a song trying to play the keyboard along to the lyrics.


I pause hearing another voice and gasped inaudibly seeing award-winning actor, Sam Hanks.

G©sh! This guy is the best! And his British accent is so enticing.

Hm. Seems like he’s friends with Xavier.

I watch from a far angle where I was as he stride over to Xavier planting a kss on his left cheeks.

What the h.eck?

I widened my eyes seeing Sam Hanks do that and then Xavier leaned over to hug him affectionately.

“Uh?”. The words came out before I could help it.

“Who the fuck is there?”.

I quickly turn around resting on the pillar as Sam said that. My heart pounded as I tried thinking of a way to get out of here.

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