?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 7

?Xavier Marion?
Almost immediately, half of the cafeteria began laughing as the girl recoiled looking terrified, more like scared.

“Ugh! Her face got too much burns”. Violet faked a gag. “She’s just plain ugly with the scars”.

“You got it wrong, she’s still beautiful”.

“What?”. Violet turned to me immediately arching her eyebrows. “What did you just call her? “.

Geez! I must have said that out loud.

“Nothing”. I mumbled.

“But I heard you say she was__”.

“Nothing, Violet”. I say interrupting her as I headed to our main booth.

I sit down still feeling uncomfortable with the way Paris was being bullied. Violet sat too still eyeing me about what I said earlier.

“Will you stop giving me that look?”.

“Xavier, I know you said something about that ugly girl”.

“Will you stop that?”. I asked quietly. “You are not any different from them, are you?”.

“What are you talking about?”.

“She’s not ugly”.

“Wait, you mean that girl?”. She scoffed turning to look at Paris again. “The girl with the ugly scars”.

“Having scars isn’t a bad thing, Violet, it simply means that she was stronger than whatever tried to hurt her”.

“And thats why you deem her beautiful?”.

“I didn’t just deem her beautiful, she is beautiful”.

“I think you are going cuckoo because that face isn’t beautiful at all, I mean, she’s not even close to pretty”.

I glanced at Paris again highlighting her features. Her eyes were almond-shaped and very sea light blue in color.

She had a wide, round face with pointed chin. Her nose is upturned a little bit while her skin is golden-brown with a subtle rosy glow around her cheeks.

“I think you are blind, Xavier because I really don’t see anything beautiful about her”.

“Beauty isn’t just about the face, Violet, its also beyond that. Some people are maybe just pretty on the inside”.

“And ugly on the outside”. She added the last part rolling her eyes.

I ignore her resting back on the booth as I try to envisage the girl without those scars.

I’m pretty sure she would have been drop-dead gorgeous. There’s something about those innocent charming blue eyes of hers.

“She’s getting bullied, won’t you go help her?”. Violet asked referring to Paris.

“I don’t involve myself in whatever its done in the school by any of those girls and you know that”.

“But you said she’s beautiful, first time, you complimented a girl ever since that stuff happened with Sam”.

“So? That doesn’t mean I wanna get myself involved with her. I complimented her does not change anything about my perspective on girls”.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. You’d rather fall in love with Sam than any girl”. She said with pure distaste written over her face.

“Geez! Violet, can I just speak without you making reference to Sam, huh?”.

She rolled her eyes and I turned back to see if Paris was still being bullied but she was no longer there.

I could have helped her but No! Rules are rules, I can’t just break them because of her.


I look up to see Sam filling the empty seat besides me as he drops a huge box of pizza, there were also top pancakes on another plate and then lastly milkshakes.

“I got this for you”. He said sweetly then faced Violet. “I wanted to get something for you but then I remembered that you hate me”.

“Glad you still know that “.

“And I also know that you hate me because of some person”. Sam added smirking at her.

“What person?”. I asked confusedly. “I’m confused here”.

“Don’t worry about it, she knows what I’m trying to say”. He replied placing his hands on my th1ghs.

Violet frowned back. “Okay. Why the heck is he sitting with us? And you two should not do your stupid stuff right now”.

“Did you hear about the new girl Berkeley bullied?”. He asked ignoring her.

“Yeah, I watched it forehand”.

“And Xavier thought she was beautiful”.

“Alright. Enough talking”. I say sternly.

“Why? Don’t you want your boyfriend to know that emotionally described her beauty to me”. She replied then faced Sam to talk. “Just for the record, I thought she was pretty ugly”.

I glare at Violet as she said that but she just rolled her eyes looking anywhere else but me.

Seriously? Why did she say that to Sam?

“Did he walk up to her?”. Sam asked glancing at me.

“No, I didn’t. You know I wouldn’t do that kind of thing”.

Violet scoffed. “Whats the difference? You admired her from a far distance”.

Okay. Why is she bent on talking stupid?

“I think girls are beautiful too but you don’t see me walking up to them. Why would I when I have my baby boy?”.

“Please, don’t”. Violet said and I had to frown this time.

“Can I be excused?”.

Sam nodded. “Sure”.

I walked away from the booth heading out of the cafeteria.

I probably walked here to get away from obvious Violet’s bad energy concerning my relationship with Sam.

And maybe to see that girl too. I just want to know if she’s hurt, thats all.
?Paris Myers?
I finally stopped running and stood by a spot in the school which was deserted. I rested on the wall crying as I remembered what happened.

They all made fun of me. Just like I had expected. No one came to my aid.

I wiped the dried tears on my face with the back of my palm as I sniffed tearfully. I slid down the hall hugging my knees to my chest.

I really miss how things were before.

Back then, Rio used to be the popular kid in school and I was liked by most girls who wanted to go out with him.

But now. Everything is all gone. Vanished.

Like I knew my first day of school would be like this. With my new appearance, I know I will never get liked in this kind of school.

Oh God! Please help me!

I heard the school bell ring and I know that its probably to signal lunch over but I didn’t make any attempt to stand up.

I don’t even feel like going to classes too. I think I’ll just stay here till school’s over.

They saw my face, they’ll laugh at me. And I’m not sure if I can take that at all.


I look up to see a handsome dude stopping to face me. He was dressed like the ‘filthy rich’.


“What are you doing here? This place is a restricted area, the school authorities should not find you here”. He warned.

“Oh”. I immediately stood up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know about that”.

“You a new student?”.

“Um, yeah”.

“Jeremy Scott”. He gave a little nod tucking his hands in his pockets. “Whats your?”.

“Paris Myers”.

“Your name is Paris? Like a city?”.


“Right. So you better get on to class before Fatty Elaine catches you snooping around the hallway”.

Fatty Elaine? He must be referring to Elaine that was nice to me earlier.

How rude to plainly call her fat! She’s just plus size on the edge, thats all.

“See you around, City”.

“Its Paris”.

“Yeah, I don’t care”.

I watch as he spun around walking back in the opposite direction. He did look cute.

Hm. Something about his name seems oddly familiar to me.

Jeremy …

Like I’ve heard it from somewhere.

I sighed shrugging those thoughts off as I turned back to head back to my classes. At least, I should try and sit through them.

I stopped right in my tracks to see Marion coming down the same hallway. He seem to be talking on his phone.

I widened my eyes and quickly hid under the stairs available.

For some reason, a part of me don’t wanna see him. Or don’t want him to see me.

I paused when I heard his footsteps getting closer and then it stopped making me kind of confused.

“Paris, thats your name, right? Just so you know, I can still see you”.

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