?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 34

?Paris Myers?
I nod my head listening to the booming song which was sounding in my head. I felt a figure hover over me making me quickly look back.

I let out a huge sigh seeing it was Rio. He chuckled seeing how scared I was before.

I remove my headphones sitting up on the bed as he sat on the bed too dropping his crutches next to the bed post.

“When did you come in?”. I ask facing him.

“Just few seconds ago. I was watching you getting lost in whatever you were listening to”.

“Yeah. Until you decided to scare me”. I hit him playfully. “Why the h.eck will you do that ?”.

He chuckled. “Hey! In my defense! I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything”.

“But it seemed like you were sneaking up on me”.

“I wasn’t. I wanted to tap you when you just turned around all of a sudden looking scared like you’ve seen a ghost”.

“Duh!”. I roll my eyes. “I felt that someone was behind me! So its enough to scare me”.

“You seem pretty preoccupied”. He said referring to the paper in my hand and the headphones on the bed.

“Yeah”. I sigh. “I didn’t know it was this hard to learn lyrics to a music and learn to sing along to the rhythm”.

“You can’t do it?”.

“I can. But I’m so used to singing my own original songs. Maybe thats the problem and thats why its so hard for me”.

“Whose song is this?”. Rio asked staring at the paper reading the lyrics.

“Jayden Roy”. I told him. “I don’t even know any of his songs. Another reason why its so hard for me to do this”.

“You don’t know Jayden Roy Alvarez?”.

“I know him. But his songs? I don’t know them”.

“Then how are you going to practice for your next audition? Paris, isn’t this the song you are expected to sing?”.

“Yes but luckily, I met this girl, Logan and she’s super cute and nice. She actually is the one who sent the song and lyrics to it”.

“Is she really cute?”.

I smile at his statement. “Yeah. She got this dark curly hair and green eyes. Why? You interested?”.

“Maybe”. He replied with a smirk on his lips.

“Ooh. So you are interested? You’ve gotten over Rebecca already?”.

“No”. He sighed resting on a pillow. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get over her. She was my first girlfriend and I don’t really blame her for leaving me. I mean, who would want to stay with a crippled guy like me?”.

“Rio, hey, don’t say that, okay? You are not crippled. Somehow, we’ll find a way”.

“Yeah! I just remembered the reason why I had come into your room. Aunt finally said she found a surgeon”.

“A surgeon to help with your legs?”. I ask confused.


“Really?”. I squealed. “Shit!! Rio! Thats a great news! Oh Em Gee!!! This is awesome, I’m so happy”.

I stopped noticing he didn’t have the same happy reaction with me.

“Rio?”. I paused. “You are not happy? Is there a side line to it?”.

“The hospital that Aunt is supposed to take me to is dmn expensive as fk!”.

“How expensive?”. I asked lowly.

“Really expensive! And I was thinking of, maybe, telling Aunt Jenny that she shouldn’t set up an appointment with the doctor, that, maybe, we should find another doctor that will likely be less expensive”.

“What? Rio, how can you say that? You finally have the chance to walk again! And you want to throw it away like that?”.

“I’m throwing it away. I’m just considering something. What if Aunt suddenly wakes up one day and tell us to refund her all the money!”.

“Okay, fine, if thats what you are worried about then we’ll pay the money ourselves, okay? We are not poor, we have the money, we’ll pay the amount”.

“Fair enough”. He replied nodding.

“But I don’t think Aunt is going to let us pay the money”. I said. “You know her nice she is”.

“I’m not taking any chances, Paris. We’ll pay that money ourselves”.

“But how expensive is this hospital anyways?”.

“Where’s your phone ?”. He stretched out his hand asking for it.

I grabbed it from the nightstand giving it to him. “What do you wanna do?”.

“I wanna search it up on google and show it to you. The hospital is pretty popular”.


“Hopkins Hospital”.

“Ooh. So has Aunt made an appointment already?”. I asked curiously.

“Not yet. But we’ll go over tomorrow to talk about the cost and all that”.

“Then I’ll go with you”. I replied resting on him. “Everything will be alright”.

He pulled me closer stroking my hair as I hugged him close to me snuggling against his chest.

This was what my parents usually did.

Whenever Rio and I was anxious about doing anytiing.

They would hug us tight on the bed and never let go whispering encouraging words to us.

“Remember when Mum and Dad will make us sleep together in the same bed when we were scared to do anything?”. I asked him.

“I miss Mum”.

“I miss Dad”.

“I miss them both”. He whispered.

“Me too”.

“I’m sure they know they have a beautiful daughter named Paris”.

I chuckled sadly. “And they also know that they have a son with perfectly walking legs named Rio”.

You’ll walk again, Rio.

I pray this Hopkins Hospital works out to help you.

I really hope so.
?Xavier Marion?
“He got involved in an accident”.



“W-What?”. My voice came out in a croaky whisper.

Diamond nodded. “I’m serious”.

“What the fk? Sht!”. I stood up from my seat immediately. “The h.ell! You sure this is true?”.

“Of course, its true. I was doing my beauty routine before going to sleep when one of my friends, Charlotte called me one telling me about it. She has a crush on him and she said this accident happened minutes ago”.


“So when she told me, I quickly rushed over to tell you since you know, he’s your, I mean, he was your … “. She trailed off and then shook her head. “But what I’m saying is true, he was involved in an accident, and here, check my tablet if you don’t believe me”.

I stare at the tablet in her hands wondering if I should take it as she stretched it out to me.

What if the news is true?

Will I be able to read it?

Sam in an accident?

“I’ll just take it”. Jayden spoke up as he took the tablet from Diamond.

I paced around in the widely spaced music room as I watch my cousin skim through the contents of the news.

“So?”. I asked standing in front of him. “Is it true?”.

“Y-Yeah”. He answered holding it for me to read. “Xavier, maybe you should just see it for yourself”.

“Told you he was was involved in an car accident”. Diamond butted in.

I glare at her to shut up while taking the tablet from Jayden. I scrolled towards the various blogs and media houses posting the news and decided to click on one.

?Breaking News! This just came! Popular American Netflix Actor, Samuel, known for his teen drama, has allegedly been involved in a car accident and has__?

I paused the video as I was trying to clarify what they were saying.

I took a deep breath before playing it.

?It was noted in some of the highway’s cameras that the Netflix actor was driving full speed without stopping, and even when he met with a tractor on the road, he decided to swerve the car instead of applying the brakes and that made him to collide with a hydrate which resulted in his car accident?

What the fk!

Was he drunk or what?

?Passerby at the site of the accident said the car bonnet had come off as smoke began drifting out. An ambulance was called and Samuel was helped out of the car but he was bl.eeding profusely?

“Wow!”. Diamond commented and I realized that she and Jayden were actually watching it with me.

?Paramedics state he was unconscious while he was being taken to the JOHN HOPKINS hospital?

I dropped the tablet on the table as the reporter continued talking.

I shook my head burying my face in both my palms as I tried to think of a reason why Sam would be driving full speed.

Was he trying to kill himself or what?

Fk! Was he trying to commit su1cide?

I breathed out deeply standing up. “I need to go see him”.

“Woah! Woah! Woah!”. Jayden dragged me back to face him. “What the h.ell did you just say?”.

“I need to go see him, J.R. Didn’t you hear? He was involved in an accident?”.

“I heard perfectly well. Xavier, its night and if you head out to see him in that hospital by this time then the media and paparazzi will begin to suspect that there’s something going between you and him”.

“I don’t care about that! I just want to know if his status. If he’s alive or … “. I trailed off not wanting to say it.

Jayden sighed. “I know he means a lot to you but seriously, Xavier, no way. I can’t risk letting you go see him tonight, you’ll go tomorrow and I’ll go to the Hopkins with you, okay? Not now, tomorrow. We can’t let the media figure that anything happened between the two of you, you dig, cousin?”.

“I dig”. I nodded flopping back on the chair tiredly. “But how am I supposed to know how he is?”.

“You can call his manager, Noel”. Diamond suggested.

“Noel is out in the countryside and I doubt he knows Sam’s condition right now. He’ll probably be on a flight back to Florida”.

“Then call his parents. They’ll know about their son’s condition”. Jayden said.

“I can’t”. I replied him lowly. “He doesn’t have parents. They are dead”.

“Oh. That explains why IMBD doesn’t have complete information on him “. Diamond says.

Jayden crossed his arms. “Friends?”.

“Not one that I know of. Dad signed Sam under AZ entertainment industry when he was 10. That was how I knew him”.

Jayden stood up not saying anything as he grabbed the tablet dropping it in my hands.

“Here”. He said. “First know about his condition. And then we might go see him this night since you are the only one he has “.

Diamond squealed. “Can I come too? I need to know if he’s hot when dying?”.

I glare at her while Jayden chuckled. I look at the tablet in my hands and continued listening to their news.

?And we are currently at the scene of the accident where it had taken place. The FBI and the cops have been investigating the cause of the accident and it was known that it was a brake failure?

Brake failure?

What the heck?

All of Sam’s cars are always checked and worked on by a specific person. His cars has never had any problem.

?And what the FBI are suspecting to have happened is that brakes were tampered with without the knowledge of the actor?

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