?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 35

?Xavier Marion?
“Xavier! Xavier!!”.

I ignore J.R’s voice as I walk down the stairs. I grabbed my coat off the handle putting it on stepping out of the mansion.


I turn back to face him. “What?”.

“What the heck do you think you are doing ?”.

“What am I doing? I’m going to see Sam, thats what I’m going to do”.

“Xavier”. He sighed. “I know you are really worried about Sam but you can’t just leave now. I mean, its late”.

“I don’t care about that. I need to know if he’s okay, his stupid manager isn’t in Florida, I mean, how am I supposed to know his situation if I don’t go over there”.

“I promised you already, tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we head over to the John Hopkins hospital and see how he is faring because we head to the industry”.

“Jayden, I can’t wait till tomorrow”.

“So what are you going to do? Go see him now, I get you care about him. But are you just really going to go over there? Without even making sure your sisters are fine”.

I heaved a sigh. “Diamond is not a baby”.

“Then what about Cheyenne?”.

“Diamond can take care of her”. I replied him frustratedly. “And you are here too as well so I’m sure I’m leaving them in good hands”.

“Xavier. You can’t just leave like that”.

“Okay, fine”. I looked around. “Diamond, where are you?”.


She squealed as the doors opened and she came outside with Cheyenne in her hands.

“Wait. Were you planning to follow me?”. I ask seeing she was already dressed.

She shrugged. “Maybe. Lets just say that I am pretty good in eavesdropping”.

“Obviously”. I roll my eyes before turning to J.R. “Are you satisfied? I’m taking them with me. You coming or what?”.

“I have to be a judge at the competition tomorrow”.

“Okay, fine, have a good night sleep”. I say turning around.

“Ughhh!!”. Jayden groaned as he walked to where I was. “You are such an idi©t! You know I can’t leave you alone!”.

“I know, thats why you are driving us”. I tell him handing him the car keys as I winked.

He grumbled taking it heading to the car as Diamond stayed beside me.

“So you really love him this much?”. She asked softly.

“Its not love”. I answered. “Samuel and I have been friends since forever. I’m the only one he has and I have to be there with him”.


I take Cheyenne from her hands walking to the car as Roy started it signaling for us to come in.

“Well just hope our effort in going to meet him this night is not a waste”. Diamond say muttering.

“Don’t just say stupid things”. Jayden corrected her. “Sam is alright and nothing is in waste here”.

“I know but he got into an accident, his car was burnt. You saw it, right? Everything in the car was totally charred and I’m pretty sure…. “.

I look out the car windows staring up in the sky as I zoned out what they were saying.

I look up in the sky with shining stars and suddenly wished that all this was a dream.
~~At The Hospital~~
“Xavier!”. Diamond walked towards me. “I think Cheyenne is asleep”.

“So? What do you want me to do?”. I ask her still pacing around.

“There’s a children bay around here”. J.R butted in. “I’m sure its around the corner, somewhere around here. Just go ask any of the nurses that have been passing”.

She nodded and glared at me before taking Cheyenne with her.

“Coz”. Jayden stood beside me. “You need to rest. You haven’t been here 30 minutes and you are looking pale already”.

“I’m not pale”.

“You are. Look, they already called the doc in charge of treating Sam and he’ll be here any minute. So you need to chill out”.

“Thanks”. I breathed out. “I really needed that pep talk”.

“The doc is here”.

I look away from J.R and turn towards the male doctor coming my way. I glanced at his coat.

Doctor Stevens.

“Hey! Doctor Stevens? Right?”.

“Yes?”. He stopped. “You requested for me? I suppose?”.

“Yeah, he did”. J.R answered. “Um, this guy, Samuel? He was brought in?”.

“Shut up”. I nudged my cousin. “I’m the one to do the talking”.

“Actually, a man named Alex came here. He paid all the fees, expenses and the patient is up in the VIP room, room 10, and been given adequate medical attention. But he’s still asleep and does not need to be disturbed in anyway”. The doctor said before walking off.

Jayden scoffed facing me. “Alex came here? What for?”.

“Looks like Sam is still signed under AZ industry and his contract includes hospital fees, medical stuffs, like that”.

“Ooh. So since he’s in VIP. I guess he’s being taken care of, so we better get going back home”.

“No, wait. Jayden, I need to see Sam first”.

He groaned. “What else do you need? The doctor just said__”.

“The doctor said Sam is not awake and does not need to be disturbed. I get that but I need to see him”.

“Fine. Lets go up then. Room 10, thats what the cranky doctor said. But after you see him, we are going back home”.

“Thank you”.

I head up the stairs with Jayden and we got to the so called VIP room. I look sideways watching out for room 10.

“Hey! There it is!”. Jayden tapped me as he turned me to look at it.

I walk there and knocked on the door softly before opening the door.

Breathe in. Breathe out. You can do this.

I slowly grasped the door’s handle, mentally preparing myself for a sight that might send my stomach tumbling.

I step in quietly and signaled Jayden to do the same but he only rolled his eyes walking in as well.

I look around the room. It was depressing and cold as any hospital room would be.

But his was different with the walls painted in cool colors; there were blinds on the windows and flashy curtains covered it a little.

And finally, the air conditioning which was effectively walking.

Jayden rested on the wall snapping me out from my thoughts.

Slowly, my eyes finally fall on the person lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

His brown eyes, that were once filled with so much joy and life were closed with dark, purple bruises over them and his face was covered in an oxygen mask to help him with breathing.

“Dmn!!”. Jayden cussed. “The accident was really serious like they said! His body looks battered”.

I glance down at his upper body and then noticed the large cuts on his arms. Jayden dragged the bed covers back to reveal more.

I couldn’t say a word as I notice there were bandages on every part of his body and it was soaked in bl©©d too. My heart churned as I see all of that.

“He must really gone through a lot of pain when the accident happened”. J.R mutter.

I sit on an empty chair close to Samuel watching him. His dark hair was thrown astray as I brushed it backwards with my hand.

The heart rate monitor slowly beeped.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Sam”. I whisper sitting close to his bed and reached out to touch his face.

He seemed so lifeless ….

“I’m not sure you should be touching him, is that among the hospital policy?”. Jayden asked.

I glare at him. “Will you shut up?”.

“Oh sorry”. He chuckled raising up his hands in surrender. “You can continue with your stroking his face”.

“Are you mocking me?”.

“What? No!”.

“You are mocking me”.

He laughed again. “I was not. Just face what you were doing before, touching him”.

“You are mocking me!!”.

I heard a low strained short laugh and then turn to see Sam staring at us. I immediately removed my hands shifting backwards.

“Hey”. He spoke up so lowly. “You are here ?”.

“Uh, Yeah”.

“I’m also here”. J.R butted in.

Sam looked at him. “I know you! Jayden Roy Alvarez. A direct cousin to Xavier. And also you are known as an A-list person in New York!”. .

“Yeah. You know it”. Jayden grinned. “This guy knows me so well”.

“I was the one who told him”. I say. “All of that, I told him myself so don’t feel special “.

“None of my business. Welcome to the family, bro”. J.R said tapping Sam playfully.

“Hey!!!”. Sam protested weakly. “Don’t do that”.

“Are you hurt??”. I asked giving J.R a glare for doing that.

“Yeah. I feel pain all over my body. I can’t move, my legs seem heavy, so do my arms and its hard trying to talk”.

“You’ll be okay”. I say reassuring him.

“I doubt that!”. Sam smiled sadly. “I guess you didn’t speak with the doctor”.

“We did. Why? Was he supposed to say something?”.

“My car blew up in flames, Xav. And I was in the car before being pulled out”.

“Yes but now you are in the hospital”. I say to him. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be taken care of and you’ll be okay”.

“I can’t be okay, Xavier. I can’t be. I got in a car crash”.

“But you survived it”.

“I didn’t survive nothing. I’m not going to spend more than two days here and Doc. Stevens knows about”.

Jayden furrowed his eyebrows. “You are not going to spend more than two days?”.

“Sam. What are you saying?”. I ask fearing to hear the worst.

“I’m not going to survive this”. He replied weakly. “Thats what I’m trying to say”.

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