Episode 12

Bryan POV

After breakfast, I decided to start the chatting..
“so what are your likes and dislikes…I asked
“ummm….my likes …she said as she smiled then she continued..
I love watching movies, I love making friends, I love people around me, I love dressing ..she said and laughed but she still continues…
I love playing PS game….she said and that caught my attention
“really you like playing PS game ….I exclaimed
” of course, I love it so much …she said boldly
“oh really, I also love it and I play it very well and I always beat my friends when playing it…
” ummm…really! why don’t we play so I can beat you to hell….she said
“oh that’s a challenge???…. I said”
“if you say so….she said
” OK common let’s get the game started…. I said
we both went to the sitting room as I arranged the PS decoder and connects it with the TV and handed her own game pack to her..
“are you ready??…I asked
” let’this game start…she said looking ready..
Then we started ..

Oh my god, I can’t believe she is damn good at it…she is a crazy player..
As she was playing, I was busy looking at her, she was all smiling and her perfect set of teeth revealing, she is damn beautiful..
I was just staring and suddenly she shouted..
“I won !!!!!!!!!!!
That’s when I turn to the TV and I saw that she won my player loosed…
” I told you I will beat you but you dared me…she said and I just smile and was busy staring at her.


I was so surprised I could win Bryan in the game. Am not really familiar with it but I so much love watching people playing it and have also played it some couple of times.

I beat him and while I was happy, he was just staring at me and I noticed it..
I also was staring at him, no doubt he is really handsome..
we stare at each other for some seconds and am beginning to feel weird..

ummm….umm..I cleared my throat so I could cut him from staring at me..
“yea, you won…you are really good…he said
” yea…thanks …I said
“so what do you too like…I said
” ummm…I just love being myself, I don’t really make friends because am not that social and when I love someone , I love the person with the whole of my worth no matter what the person does…. he said and that really make my heart melt..and I just find myself imagining and dreaming..

“can I ask you something weird…he asked getting my attention
” weird question??…I said
“yea, maybe not weird, well I don’t know how you will take it but promise you won’t get angry…he said
” ummm….let me hear it first…I said.
“no you have to promise… he insists
” ummm…OK promise
“pinky promise?… he said
I looked at him and laughed then I replied” yea pinky promise…

“ummm…OK, so…yea… he was stuttering…
“common talk now I promise I won’t be angry…I said
“he looked at me again and then said ” have you been in any relationship before???
“oh just that, and I thought you were gonna blow bomb ….I said laughing..
” wait doesn’t it sound weird to you??? he asked
“of course not and to answer your question “have never been in any relationship….. I said
“really, I mean as beautiful and gorgeous as you are ??….he said surprisingly…
” yea people do say that but when I was in high school I was so busy that I never had time for any dude and that’s what affected till I graduated and even when I graduated, I got job and that also kept me busy and not until mom brought our marriage issue up…..I said
“wow!!…he exclaimed…

“ummm…..so how about you, have you ever been in love, I mean have you ever been in relationship..??..I asked
“umm…yea …and its damn great and interesting, she was so crazy and cute ….he said smiling and looking like he was remembering someone..
“who is she????….I asked and I think that brought him back to where we are, all he just did was to stare at me.

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