By Painter

Episode 33

When I woke up, it was to screaming.

“What the h’ll is this?” Calvin’s very angry voice boomed through the room.

The guard who had stayed with me was still here and he had pulled the bench from in front of my vanity to the foot of my bed so that he could lie his head down on the bed. We both shot up as Calvin’s voice practically echoed the room. Calvin ran to the guard, grabbing him up by the neck. I ran to them pushing between them. “Calvin, please!” I screamed. “Stop it! Put him down!”

Calvin glared at me with black eyes. “Now you want to protect him?” He screamed at me.

“Nothing is going on here!” I shouted. “He was just sleeping!”
Calvin put him down and pushed him up against the wall. “What in the hell are you doing in here? How dare you!”

The young guard looked scared to death. “Your Majesty, I swear I only escorted her here!” He said shakily.

“Why are you sleeping in her room then?” He demanded.
“Sir, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. She said she didn’t want to be alone, and asked if I’d stay a while.” He tried to explain quickly. “She was so upset, and looked so sad, I just did as she asked.”

Calvin punched the wall beside his head, causing the blue silk to almost fall, then he backed away from him. “Is it true?” he asked me evenly, without looking at me.
“Yes.” I said softly.

Calvin lowered his hands to his sides. “I’m sorry for the overreaction.” He apologized to the guard. “Thank you for being there for her when I should have been.” He said softly.

The guard nodded his head and ducked out of the room.
I felt horrible for getting him in trouble when he was only being kind to me.

I felt even more uneasy when I realized I was alone with Calvin. He turned towards me, and I was shocked when I saw the moisture in his eyes. “Rachel…” He whispered my name.

“I’m so sorry.” Seeing him upset made me almost lose my mind, but I held my composure. He came to me, cupping my face in his hands, tilting my head to him. “I don’t know why I acted the way I did yesterday.”

He whispered. “I guess I didn’t want my father to think what the people are saying about me is true, but I’ve decided I don’t care. If loving you makes me weak, then I want to be the weakest man in all of the world, because I do. Love you, I mean.” He smiled with a tear rolling down from his eyes. “I was pushing you away, and I don’t know why, but I’m not doing it anymore. Please say you forgive me.” He begged and I nodded my head.

“I’m sorry about the way I just acted too, I just lost my mind a little seeing another man in your room, especially with you looking like this.” He said with an edge to his voice as he looked down at my little purple camisole and little shorts I’d slept in. My body felt hot everywhere his eyes looked.

I was already breathing heavily when I reached up around his neck and pulled him down to kss me, needing the feel of his cool lips on mine.

He grabbed me around the waist, his fingers digging into my flesh as he deepened the kss making me arch my body into his.

He roughly spun us around so that my back was pressed into the silk covering the wall and he put both of his hands on the wall on either side of my head, leaning away from me while my fingers quickly unbuttoned all of the tiny buttons on his white shirt, then shoved it away from his body, greedily taking in the sight of Calvin without a shirt.

His muscles were defined and glorious and his skin was velvety smooth under my touch.

I couldn’t get enough of him. His broad shoulders, his thick biceps, his tight chest, my mind was everywhere all at once.

He grabbed me under my arms, lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he leaned me back against the wall, his hands seemingly everywhere too.

His tongue danced with mine and I dug my nails into his back when he bit my lip gently.

He jerked me away from the wall, carrying me effortlessly over to the bed, lying me down and then kssing up my body until he was back to my lips.

His hands started to slide underneath the fabric of my shirt when my brain finally kicked back in.

“Wait!” I said breathlessly and he stopped instantly.

“I’m sorry.” He panted looking down into my eyes.

I giggled, covering my face with my hands to hide my blush. “No, I’m sorry, I’m just not ready yet.” I whispered.

He pulled my hands away from my face, kssing me gently. “That’s ok, Rachel.” He smiled down at me. “I want to wait for you.” He smiled. “As long as it takes.” Then he rolled his body off of mine and went to retrieve his shirt.

I sat up on my elbows, watching him. “Now I didn’t say you had to put that back on.” I joked as I watched him slide his strong arms back into the sleeves and buttoning it back up, leaving the top half undone.

He winked at me. “Well, you see, I have a surprise for you.” He smiled wickedly. “And I kind of need to be wearing my clothes to take you.” He chuckled. “Although, I’m fine with it if you want to take my clothes back off once we get there…or if you wanted to take off yo-.”


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