By Chidimma Mirabel

Episode 8

After her bath a car dropped her home and her mother was waiting in front of their house.

Paulina quickly stood up and walked to her.

“How did it go?” She asked.

“I’m getting married!!” She screamed happily and they hugged each other jumping happily.


Paulina woke up feeling happy, she knew already that her plan would woke that’s why she’s not too worried.

Now that Kaila is no longer there, she’s the one to clean the house. After the cleaning, she walked up to her husband’s room.

She opened it and walked in. Evaristo was already. He was surprised to see her in his room. Since he became crippled it was only Mindy and Kaila who came to help him…

She walked up to a seat and sat down then glared at him. Evaristo looked away feeling guilt.

“I just came to inform you that Kaila ran away with her lover, she said she didn’t want to get married that’s why” Paulina said.

Evaristo looked at her confused

“I know you Paulina, tell me the real truth. What did you do to Kaila” He asked with a stern look on his face.

“I told you the truth already” She replied bluntly.

He grabbed her hand, adding pressure in them as he glared at her.

“Tell me the truth now” He said.

She tried freeing herself but was impossible.

“I sold her!!” She spatted.

Evaristo froze as he released her.


“You heard me right, I sold her.” She said and stood up then walked to the exit…

“Don’t even try to blame me about what happened, it’s all your fault and you know it. You turned me into the monster that I am right now….

And also don’t you dare try to tell on me, you know what I’m capable of doing” She said and wiped off her tears before walking out of the room.

“All this is my fault” Evaristo said as tears escaped his eyes…


“Come in, you have to tell me everything that happened” Paulina said as she ushered Mindy into the house


( Flora’s brothel )

Kaila was shown to a room where she walked into. She saw several women in that room. Some where chatting happily, some where doing their makeup, while some where sitting dejectedly like her, looks like she isn’t the only one who was forced in this kind of life…

She walked up to a corner and sat down there, void of any emotion.

Everything she held dear to her were all taken away from her. She has nothing anymore, even the will to live isn’t there anymore.

Memories of how he touched her, rapped her came flashing in her eyes.

She hugged herself as she’s wept silently…She felt disgusted by her body, she felt dirty….

“You have to stop crying, crying won’t help in any way” Someone said.

She looked up and came face to face with a girl around her age or older. She was smiling at her but behind those smile she could see pain.

She walked up to Kaila and sat down beside her.

“My name is Gianna and you?” She said.


“Listen Kaila, I was brought here last month, I still remember my first day here. It was painful, I felt like I was all alone in this world…

They kidnapped me before taking me here, I’m sure by now my family thinks I’m dead…I once had a fiancĂ©, we were planning to get married today but I’m sure he already moved on.

What I’m trying to tell you is that, you have to have faith every will turn out well” Gianna said.

“But my case is different, my own step mother sold me. Ever since I came on earth, she was the only person I saw as my mother…She’s so harsh on me but I thought it was because she was trying to educate me.

I still loved her, now look at where that love brought me, it could have being better if she klled me” Kaila narrated and wiped her tears.

Gianna held her head and placed it on her shoulder as she patted her back trying to console her…

“I’m so sorry Kaila, I really feel for you” Gianna said wiping her own tears. Kaila’s story really got her emotions…

After some minutes Kaila calmed down. They broke the hug and Kaila smiled sadly at Gianna.

“Thanks Gianna, I really needed someone to talk to” She said.

“No probs. I’m 26 and I’m pretty sure I’m older than you so just call me big sis” Gianna said.

“Okay big sis” Kaila said with a smile.

“I’ve always wanted a cute little sister. You’re so cute and pretty too” Gianna said pinching her cheek.

“You too sis” Kaila said and they chuckled…


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