Written by Authoress Princess

Episode 29

The Darth vader’s family was the second most richest family in the country and because of that, Malcom, got intoxicated by the power and wealth that he started treating people like dirts, maltreating and enslaving people.

King’s parents warned him to change and he promised to do so but unknown to them, he stared doing some dirty business which involved killing, adopting the innocence e.t.c.

Malcom Darth Vader rapped the mother of the siblings, Lisa who he rapped every day for more than three years and that was how she birthed the 4 siblings (hazel,Erica, Rowan, Liam) until she finally died while giving birth to liam.

And because of the death of Lisa, mandy, Lisa’s only friend who was the wife of Mr Gerald (that old man who planned on making the Darth vader’s siblings to go against each other) sneaked into his house and tried to kill him but he found out about her plot on time….

And shot her dead but that wasn’t enough for him, he tortured and killed her first twin daughters.

At that time, Rowan who was the first born boy was 16, Erica was 15, hazel was also 15 and Liam was half months old.

So, they weren’t aware of what was happening and even if they saw with their two innocent eyes when their father was killing like a mad man, they didn’t understand….

Until after 4 years, he was caught by the police and executed immediately, And at the day of his execution, he begged for his children to be taken care of but immediately he died, they never heard of the poor children again.

King who was 18 years old cried and did all he could to find 15 years old hazel but all their search proofed furtile.

And they eventually gave up but up till now, no one knew how they got sperated and also how they lost their memories….


King clenched his fist angrily, how dare that old b*stard, how does the Darth Vader siblings have to do with his late wife Mandy huh?

Because as he could remember clearly, their ages never exceeded 19, how could they understand what was going on at that moment?, He was beginning to think that this Mr Gerald has mental problem.

All he could do was to thank dark inside of his heart, he really helped him a lot since they were little, even till now.

“I guess I will have to leave right now but the thing we need to worry about is the fact that we haven’t gathered all the evidence, only part of it”Xavier muttered placing his fingers under his chin in deep thoughts.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I would do everything in my power to find little Liam and also find out how everything turned out to be like this!”King muttered and Xavier smiled before winking.

“That’s the spirit!”Xavier muttered and walked out of the room.

King sighed as he walked back towards the sitting room and immediately he was close enough to the fire place, he sat in front of it and stared at the fire as it made the mansion a little warmer, he watched the fire boredly, he doesn’t know how to find out the truth about what happened years ago.

But after much thinking,he found out something…., If Bella could remember what happened when she was little and regain her memory…..
Then there is a higher possibility that he would be able to get the idi®t who caused all these ruckus.

But the question was, how??!
How was he going to regain her memory?!
He knew that it would be a very hard test to carry out but he needed to try…


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