“Amnesia? You mean he doesn’t remember a thing?” Judy asked the doctor who was running a check up on Graham.
“During the fall, he badly injure himself. Am still not sure of how damage his brain his since we need to take a test but with his symptoms am seeing now, he is suffering from a temporary amnesia, everything he did five months ago is a blur to him” The doctor told her.
“Is there something we can do? Will he get back his memories?”
“He will in due time but for now, we can’t do anything but to wait”
“Errr….Is his amnesia also preventing him from talking cause he’s been like that for a while now” Judy said, watching Graham who gaze has been on her ever since he woke at the hospital.
“I don’t think….”
“Am fine doc. I can talk, am just using this moment to check out my girlfriend. Isn’t she gorgeous” Graham said, taking hold of Judy hand.
“It’s funny though. I can’t remember a thing I did for the past five months but I do remember having a girlfriend called Judy” Graham added, not letting go of Judy hand.
“About that Graham, I need to tell you….”
“Where’s my baby! Graham, sweetie” A lady in her mid fourties came into the room, looking very worried.
“Am over here Nina” Graham said and immediately, she gave him a hug.
“When I got the news, I was so scared, how are you?” Nina asked, pulling back to give him a kss on the head.
“As you can see, I am doing fine and that’s thanks to the doctor and my sweetheart.
Judy this is Nina, my aunt and aunt meet my angel, Judy” He said, kissing Judy hand which is still in his.
“Judy! You’ve told me a lot about her in the past, am so glad that I finally get to meet you” Nina said, stretching her hand for a shake.
Judy had to force her hand out of Graham just so she can shake his aunt.
“Well your nephew might assure you that he is fine but he isn’t. We don’t have the test result yet and I don’t know how much damage he has but for now, he is suffering from temporary amnesia, he can’t remember a thing he did five months ago and I suggest you don’t force it” The doctor began.
“No screen for 72hours, blue light can make the symptom worse, make sure he stays hydrated and rest”
“Will he get his memory back?” Nina ask.
“Since it’s temporary, he will but don’t force it. It will be harmful to him and you dude, do not force yourself to remember.
It will come to you when due and also stick to a stress free routine. I need to visit other patient and after that, I will sign his discharge papers” the doctor said leaving the three of them.
“Do you need something to drink? I can help you get it” Judy said, trying to leave but he caught her by the waist and pull her close to him.
“I don’t want anything except for you. Just stay by my side” he said, starring up at her.
“Errr….I will love to do that but am thirsty as hell and I’d like to get something to drink, I will be back soon ” she said, pulling out of his arms and almost running out of the room.
As soon as she got down the hall, Judy made a call to Darren.
“Tell me it’s not true! Tell me that the clip am watching on the school page is not true! My gawd, you are dating Graham Stone and you didn’t say a thing to me!” Darren squeal, almost deafening her ears.
“It’s not what you think Darren. This is a nightmare and….”
“What do you mean a nightmare. Graham Stone can’t obviously be a night mare, he is every girl dream and you my girl just broke the heart of a lot of girls in school and… ”
“Graham Stone girlfriend is someone else! I just happen to bear the same name with her and now, he has mistaken me for her” Judy said, cutting her friend off abruptly.
“Wait? I don’t get what you are saying, can you explain more better”
“This isn’t something I can say on phone. I called to tell you to help me pick Juliet once school is over.
Am at the hospital and once I get a chance to leave, I will tell you everything. Thanks Darren, I owe you this one” She said ending the call.
Judy let out a scream when she turn to find Nina, Graham aunt standing behind her.
“Am sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” Nina apologize.
“It’s okay. I…I was just a little shock, Is Graham looking for me?” Judy ask.
“Yes and so I offered to look for you and that’s because I have something to talk about with you” Nina said, looking very serious.
“I know you are not the Judy Graham he is dating”
“You know!”
“Yes and that’s what I want to talk about with you. Can we go to the cafeteria” Nina urge and together they both left the hall way.
“And that’s all for today’s class ” the math teacher said, concluding his class.
Romeo as the class president stood up and told everyone to give the teacher a bow which they did.
As soon as the teacher left, Juliet pick up her things and left class too, something which Romeo notice.
His eyes followed her out of class until a girl stood in front of him, obstructing his view.
“What are you waiting for? Aren’t we going to lunch?” Amber Diaz, his childhood friend ask.
“He’s probably feeling guilty for what he did to me earlier” Louis said, putting his arm around Amber but she shook it off.
“What did he do?” Amber ask and Louis filled her in on it.
“Common,you know Louis wouldn’t hurt her. He’s just someone who plays around” Amber said, defending her friend.
“Playing around with something which is private to her. If he plays around with your pad, you won’t be saying that” Romeo said and left them standing there.
“He’s making a big issue out of it” Amber said.
“I don’t think so. What I think is that Romeo have finally found his Juliet, they both have a couple name” Louis joke only to receive a glare from Amber.
“Don’t ever make a joke like that, it’s annoying” She said and left the class with Louis going after her.
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This is really a masterpiece
Didn’t expect to see more herexpensive
Just strolling and decided to check if you’ve dropped
Am really amazed
Thanks author π
Nice story