Juliet stood with other guest while they all gather to watch Judy cut her cake.

She could feel someone gaze on her and when she turn it was to see Romeo watching her.

She turn away from him when Graham approach her.


“You should be in the photo, Juliet” he said and Juliet recall what Judy ask of her.

“Wait a minute, Graham” Juliet said, taking hold of his hand.

“Err….I just want you to know that am still in doubt about you and my sister. You are like the….most popular guy in school and suddenly you are dating my sister” Juliet began.

“That’s because I love her”

“She said the same thing too but….when exactly did you two started dating?” Juliet ask, still holding onto Graham.

“Well Err…am not sure. You see have got Amnesia and I can’t recall a thing that happen five months ago” he said.

Someone call for him and he left giving Judy the chance to approach her sister.

“So, what did you find out?” Judy ask.

“For one, he really does have amnesia. He can’t recall a thing and secondly, he is in love with you, Judy”


“I told him that I wasn’t sure about him and he replied with * that’s because I love her* and that isn’t a lie” Juliet said.

Somewhere in the party, Louis and Amber stood together, drinking champagne when knowing it’s illegal since they are not of age but they didn’t care.

“Why does that girl look so much like Juliet?” Louis ask, watching Judy and Juliet who were talking.

“Juliet my foot. That girl has got no fashion sense and besides, she can’t be beautiful as that girl over there” Amber said.

“But she….”

“Quit calling someone else Juliet and think about what to do next. Your plan earlier only made Juliet and Romeo partners”

“I tried my best, what do you want me to do again?”

“Well your best isn’t enough. Try to think of something new, am going in search of Romeo. Why will he bother to invite us when he knows he will jilt us” Amber said angrily.

“He’s probably in his room,you know he’s an introvert and besides, he didnt invite us, we invited ourselves” Louis said after her.


Juliet had just finish taking a picture with her mom and Judy when Romeo come up to her.

“Come with me” he said taking hold of her hand and pulling her to the house.

“Where are we going?” Juliet ask as they mount the stairs.

“To my room” he reply as they got to the landing.

Juliet was about to protest when he pulled her into a room, shielding her with his body while standing very close.

“Wh… what’s wrong?” Juliet ask, feeling nervous.

“I just saw Amber, she probably went to look for me” he whispered, slightly opening the door to see Amber heading back downstairs.

“She’s gone now, let’s go ” he said leaving the room with her and running down the hall till they got to a room which he went into with her.

“Are you okay?” He ask still holding her hand.

“I am” she said, pulling her hand out of his.

“So this is your room” she said, trying to make conversation.

“It is. I hope you don’t mind me bringing you here. It’s just that parties isn’t my thing and I notice you were getting bored yourself which is why I decided to bring you here to pass off time ” Romeo said.

“You are right. If I had my way, I won’t be here but it’s my sister birthday ” Juliet explain.

“My brother loves to party and it was a surprise for me when I found out he has a girlfriend.

I didn’t want to attend the party but then I saw you arrive and change my mind” he said, moving towards her.

Juliet didn’t want things between them getting personal and so, she change the subject.

She move towards a frame and pick it up.

“Is this you when you were little?” Juliet ask

“It is me. It was taken by my mom when we traveled to Paris ” he reveal.

“You’ve been to Paris?”

“Yeah and some other places”

“Have always wanted to travel around the world and I hope I do it someday” she said wondering why she was talking to him with ease when she always freeze off everyone else.

“Tell me where you want to travel to?” He said, looking interested.

And that was all Juliet need to tell him every where she wants to go.

“Hope am not boring you?” She ask after realizing she has been talking for long.

“No. Infact am glad that you are talking to me and not ignoring me like you do at school”

“Well that’s because you…”

“Go on?” He said, waiting for her response but she turn away from him.

Moving toward some CDs which he had pile on a shelf.

“You must like listening to music” she said checking them out until she came across one.

“Imagine dragons” she said and he took the CD from her to play it.

The song Believer began to sound out through the speaker as Romeo began to dance.

Juliet couldn’t hold back her laughter as she watch him.

“Common! I did it well, an applause will be great” he said.

“More like a boo….you didn’t do it right”

“Oh really? How about you correct me cause if I remember, this is the correct choreography to the song” he said, dancing to the rhythm of the music.

“Am going to show you and that’s because I can’t continue to watch your horrid dance ” she said and Romeo went to seat on his bed so he can get a good view of her.


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