Juliet and her mom were heading out of the mansion when Romeo caught up with her.

“I will leave you two to talk” Silvia said, heading to the waiting car Graham had sent for them.

“Let me accompany you guys home” Romeo said.

“You don’t need to” she said turning away but he took hold of her hand.

“Are we strangers again? When you leave, are you going to ignore me again?” He ask.

“What do you think? You saw what happen what happen earlier? You should be the one ignoring me”


“Cause for one am a maid daughter. People tend to ignore me when they know that” Juliet explain.

“Well am not like other people” he said, shrugging and that got her pulling her hand out of his.

“Yeah, you are not like other people. Look Romeo, I went to Crystal high to focus on my study and with you hovering around me, it won’t be possible since everyone attention will fall on me”

“You think that by being around me, attention will fall on you?” Romeo ask.

“Exactly. And that’s why it’s best we stay away from each other. My motto in life is to stay invincible and I hope I can keep on being that” Juliet said, hoping he understands and leave her alone.

When he said nothing, she went into the car and left.


Juliet was alone in Graham’s room when Graham came in bearing with him a hot coffee.

“What about my mom and sister?”

“I got the driver to take them home” Graham reply, holding the coffee toward her.

“And what about me? Why am I still here?”

“To calm down. I want you to relax before taking you home ” he explain.

“And you believe that by staying here with you, I can relax? I want to go home” she said, walking past him but he took hold of her hand.

“Judy you really…”

“Let go of me! All of it is your fault! If you hadn’t thrown me this birthday, my mother wouldn’t have come here, she wouldn’t have been disgrace by Natalie!” She yell at him, jerking her arm out of his.

“I only did it cause I wanted to make you happy”

“And why will you do that? Why will you try to make me….”

“Cause you are my girlfriend and I did it because I love you” he yell and that got Judy bursting in tears.

“Am sorry Judy, I didn’t intend to make you cry” Graham said, hugging her to him.

“Why….why are you so nice to me…you shouldn’t be nice to me” Judy said in between sobs.

“Is it because we are on the verge of breaking up?” He said and she pulled back to stare at him.

“I remember us fighting. Though I haven’t put a picture to it, I just keep hearing your scream and mine while we argu. We did argue before my accident, right?” He ask and she nodded, pulling away from him.

He must have remember his argument with the real Judy.

“Tell me why we argued? I don’t remember the reason” he said.

Judy was about to speak when she change her mind…instead of telling him that the real Judy and him fought because she was pursuing her dream and leaving for China she decided to change it.

“We reason we argued is because we both fell out of love. We decided to part ways when you had the fall” Judy lied, hoping he’d believe her.

“Who brought up the break up topic first?” Graham ask.

“You. Apparently you found someone else” she continued with her lie.

“So I broke your heart?” He said making her feel miserable for lying to him.

But it’s better to tell him this lie than to tell him she’s not Judy and also, with this new lie of hers, he will let her be.

“You didn’t really break my heart since I no longer love you” she carried on with the lie.

“The fall and my memory being erase made me think that you and I were still a couple.

It’s the reason why you’ve been distant with me” he said, a sad look on his face.

“Yes. Now that you know the truth I hope you understand me when I say that we should keep our distance. After all it’s over between us” she said and he gave a slow nod.

“I will get my aunt’s chauffeur to take you home” he said, leaving the room while Judy kept telling herself that it’s the best thing for everyone most especially for him.


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