An hour later, Graham found his way to kitchen and saw Romeo seated there, eating an ice cream.

“Something wrong?” Graham ask knowing that whenever Romeo eats ice cream, something is bothering him.

“I just needed to eat this” he said, putting a mouthful of cream in his mouth.

“Which is why I ask if something is wrong? Things didn’t go well with Juliet?” Graham ask, guessing.

“She wants us to stay away from each other but how can I do that when I like her?” Romeo said, looking dejected.

“You can say that again” Graham said, taking the ice cream from him to eat.

“Something happen with Judy?” Romeo ask.

“Turns out I already broke up with her. I couldn’t remember because of my amnesia and she had to play along just so I wouldn’t be stress, doctor’s order” Graham said.

“What do you intend to do now?”

“Nothing. I just let her go,I shouldn’t be shameless when I was the one who brought up the breakup ” Graham replied.

“How do you feel now that you know the truth? Do you love her or you believe you love her because of your amnesia?” Romeo ask.

“That’s no longer important”

“It is important. Answer your brother, do you feel nothing for Judy?” Nina, their aunt ask as she walk into the kitchen.

“Well I….I do feel something for her”

“Then that’s the answer you need. I didn’t bring you two up to give up easily.

If you want something….” Nina let her voice trail off waiting for her nephews to finish it which they did in unison.

“You go for it”

“Then if you two want the Roberts sister, why not go for it” Nina said earning a smile from the two of them.

“I think we have it figured out now” Graham said.

“Thanks aunt” Romeo added as Nina left them.

“Have got a plan and I need your help” Graham said.



“Am sorry Judy but we can’t leave” Silvia, Judy’s mother said.

They were in their room, retired for the night and we’re about to go to their bed when Judy brought up the subject of them leaving again.

“Why? You said that the other time. Why should we keep staying at a place where they don’t respect you?” Judy demanded.

“You don’t need to know”

“Mother! ” Judy called while Juliet held onto her, stopping her from saying more.

“We can’t leave here, we can’t!” Silvia mother said.

“There’s is definitely a reason why you insist on staying here and I will find that out, I promise” Judy said, leaving the room in her pyjamas.

“Go to your sister, she needs you” Silvia said but Juliet went towards her mom and give her a hug.

“Am staying here with you because I know you are hurting more. You must have a reason for not telling us and I understand, I really do” Juliet said as Silvia wrap her arms around her daughter, crying her eyes out.

Judy sat at the garden,gazing up at the moon. Her eyes glistening with tears.

“Enjoying the night view?” Travis ask, startling her.

She wipe off her tears, hoping he wouldn’t notice but he did.

“You are crying? What’s wrong?” He ask, moving towards her.

“Am not crying” she said, taking a step back.

“Is it Graham? Did he do something to hurt you?” Travis ask.

“He didn’t do anything and just so you know, I broke things off with him.

You don’t have to threaten me anymore” she said walking past him but he went after her, taking hold of her hand.

“Do you think I am threatening you?”

“What else if it isn’t a threat. You knew the truth and to scare me, you decided to threaten me.

You know, have always thought you to be different but I was wrong, you will always be an Anderson, an Anderson who loves tormenting the Roberts” she said turning to leave once more but he pulled her into his arms.

Hugging her close.

“Let go of me!” Judy said trying to pull away but he held her tightly.

” I will never do a thing to hurt you, you are very precious to me” he said and that got Judy standing still.

“Can’t you see how much I love you? I love you Judy” he whisper into her ear, shocking the life out of her.

Unknown to them, Natalie stood at the balcony of her room taking a picture of them.

“I can’t wait for Graham to see this” she said, smiling cruelly……


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