Life hasn’t been fair towards me ….. having to put up with everyone shitty attitude…..I still have to face this two faced slût

” Hey!!…..pile of dirt!!!….. didn’t you hear what I said!?” Avia’s shrill voice pierced through my ears and I frowned instantly

My eyes maintained on hers as she walked towards me briskly

Different thoughts running through my mind as she stood in front of me….her hands on her waist….

She looks classier because she gets the higher pay and we have to put up with her stupid attitude

” I’m talking to you Jasmine!!!!” She yells this time…. snapping her fingers as I blinked repeatedly

” I heard you the first time” I said as I just couldn’t help but showcase the sassiness in my voice

” Are you fcking trying to get on my nerves Jasmine?….. you know I can get you fired with just the snap of my fingers considering the position esteemed on me” she said and I scoffed

” Yeah…. wonder what position you were fliped into to get you into that position” I said before I could stop myself….I didn’t regret it either…. this bîtch was crossing her limits

” What’s that supposed to mean?” She said as she steps closer……I didn’t bother to move either

” Oh…. she’s wondering what style you were bended into to give you so much power” Mika said loudly and almost everyone gasped…..a raspt laughter filled the air and I could see Avia swell with irritation

Why would she be mad at the truth?

“You seriously don’t want to get involved in this….. Mika” she said and Mika chuckles inwardly as she slides into the kitchen

It was actually fun seeing Avia like this……angry and flushed

” Now… will be better for you to do your job instead of meddling in other people’s business….. remember who you are here” she said as I watched each sentence leave her mouth….

“So just because you are the top dog around here you think you can control and mess with everyone?….. give me a break” I said with an eye roll as her pulled out her hand…. shoving the cheque on it while taking off my apron

“The fact still remains that I’m the highest paid manager….and you are nothing but a cook….you will keep on serving and entertaining the customers while I get to order you around….and there’s absolutely nothing that you can do about it” she said…… smiling at me mockingly as she walks away

I clenched my fists…. trying not to loss my cool…. trying to stay in check because I know one silly move could get me fired

I need this job….. it’s my life…my sustainance….

“Jasmine just let it slide” Roland’s voice breaks my thoughts as I slowly faced him……he was done and ready to go

” Isn’t it bad enough that I get to do all these hard work by myself….now I have to put up with that bch….I hate my life” I said flipping my hair that won’t seem to stay outta of my face

” We all know how she got to be the manager…..if you want bigger positions then you must be ready to get laid” he said and he couldn’t be more right

God knows how many times I have turned out the offer of showing up naked by the founder of this stupid resort

It’s funny how the poor get to face different conditions just to survive…..more reason why my parents warned me to stay away from anything that has to do with the rich because they’re gonna make you pay…. nothing comes for free

Too bad they’re no more…. damn


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