” Who’s that?” I asked Noah and he was smiling nervously… right there and then I knew who it was

“Ignore it… and switch off my phone” I said without looking at him as I made to turn on the TV

“But sir it’s your mother” he said as he looks at me like I have suddenly grown horns

“And I said ignore it…you know how much I hate to repeat myself Noah” I said and the call ended…he proceeeds to give me my phone after switching it off

I sighed

“But what if it was something important?” He asked again but my attention was soley on the television

“The both of us knows that my mom as a nack for complaints and I’m sure it’s about business……. I’m definitely not in the mood for explanations” I said and he bows respectfully

“What will you like to have for breakfast?” He asked and I scoffed instead

“I’m not hungry yet……you can leave” I said waving him off…in as much as I like having him around he’s just like my mother.. always preaching and making my ears bleed

He bows again and heads for the door but the door bell made my head turn

Who could that be?….. can’t I just have some peace and quiet?…. fck!

“Are you expecting anyone young master?” Noah asked me….. waiting for my approval before opening the door

“Of course not!….. just open the door” I said and he did….he staggered backwards as I looked back this time and I almost wished I had the power to disappear

“Mother?” I called out unbelievably as she shoved Noah aside….her eyes boring through mine… she’s definitely not happy

“For how long will you keep avoiding me huh jay?” She asked and I ruffled my hair….her eyes traced the entire place and she scrunchies her nose

“Since when did you start cooking?…. who’s in here with you?” She asked again….I tried to say something but my words failed me….I was beyond gumbstruck as she heads for the kitchen

“How did she find out I stay here!” I semi yells and Noah fiddles with his fingers as he looks away

This is definitely not going to end well……… mother is the last person I wanted to see and now she’s just going to ruin my morning with ease.


Jayson’s Pov

” Mom will you just sit down and relax” I said almost inaudibly…..but that didn’t stop her from sniffing her nose all over me….as if she’s trying to read a smell of me…..I mentally facepalm myself as she finally suppressed her anxiety

” I can never relax knowing fully well just how wild you can be….. I’m hundred percent sure a girl was here…..” She said as she lowered herself on the couch….. breathing heavily

” Mom please I’m not in the mood for all these” I said and Noah simply stood like a statue behind us

” Oh really?…..I didn’t raise you up in this manner……I wonder where you got all these raz attitude from…..and it’s definitely not from your late father….. he’s responsible” my mom said and I simply sigh…..I couldn’t say anything at that moment

” Well good for him” I said and she glared at me…..I pretend not to see it and focused on the TV

” When did you buy this penthouse?….. and how come I never knew about it?” She questions further and I felt like punching the wall

” I didn’t tell you about it because I know you would come bother me….. exactly what you are doing now” I said and she frowned

” This must have cost a fortune… spend so recklessly and that’s why I can never allow the company to be handed over to you while you are still behaving immature” she said and that kind of irritated me….

“It’s my right and no one can take it from me” I said and she smiles…..I knew that smile wasn’t genuine

“No one is taking it away from you as long as you do the needful” she said and I shook my head negatively…..

“I’m definitely not getting married anytime soon….. y’all know how I feel about marriage stop forcing it on me” I said….my mood completely changed as I tried to maintain myself

“It’s not like you have a choice……if you really want to inherit your late father’s properties then get ready to get married…. besides I have the perfect girl for you” she said beaming with smiles and I scoffed

“And who the hell is that?” I asked brashly before I could stop myself…..she glared at me and I cleared my throat


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