I immediately knew was what going on…… and I saw the knowing smile on Jasper’s face too

“Let me guess……you did something to Mika and she wants to kill you?” I asked with a smirk and he scoffs

“That’s not true…… I’m just resting from Avia’s troubles” he said and Jasper tapped his shoulder

“You both should just get married” Jasper said and I chuckled…… Roland’s eyes widened and before he could object….. Jasper was already inside

“He’s right though” I said and Roland frowned….. walking away and I laughed to his hearing

I walked in and and the place was completely empty…… that’s unlike it…..we are always packed with customers

“Where’s Roland!?…….”I swear to God I’m gonna kill him once I lay my eyes on him!!” Mika said as she walked out of the kitchen with a spatula……. she’s obviously raged

“Your boyfriend ran out looking scared” I said and she walked up to me I’m fast strides

“I’m not joking……..we were supposed to be cooking before the customers arrived and he was on his phone….. pining the whole work on me!!!!……. and stop calling him my boyfriend gurl!!!” She said angrily as her chest heaved heavily and I rolled my eyes

“He’s outside…… probably hiding” I said and she started walking out

I smiled and looked around the empty tables and chairs

My phone binged and I frowned before taking it off my pocket and I almost wished I hadn’t

Pay up the rent today or don’t bother coming back

Who gave this old wizard my number?

Tears wailed up my eyes immediately and I didn’t know when I started sobbing silently……

My hands were shaking as I tucked my phone back and I heard a mild laughter from behind…….I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me who that was

I cleaned my tears as I turned…..

“Poor thing…… it’s just the middle of the month and you are crying?…… I’m so sad right now” Avia said and I felt my intestines churned

I felt like slapping her…… making sure all her tooth fall out as I feed them to stray dogs

“Taunting me wouldn’t change the fact that you will forever remain ugly” I said and she chuckles

“I may be ugly but at least I don’t have to pay to live in my father’s house……you are just pathetic!…..poor and myserable!……..

why don’t you just kill yourself?……. it’s way better than you been alive and taking up space meant for important people!” She spat and that hit home badly

I felt something sink deep into my chest and I actually couldn’t breathe for five seconds….

“Why don’t you just let her be huh!?” I heard Jasper’s voice from behind and Avia scoffed

“What did I do?…… I’m just letting her know where she truly belongs” she said and I felt Jasper hands on my shoulder……..I really wanted to do something but she’s spitting facts and that hurts

“It’s very obvious you are jealous of her……..why don’t you find something meaningful to do with your life instead of meddling in her business…….. where she comes from doesn’t concerns you so fĂșck off” Jasper spat angrily and I somehow felt relieved

Avia rolled her eyes before walking away…… and that’s when the tears came pouring down like a train that has lost it’s brake’s control

“Shuuush….. it’s alright….. don’t let what she said get to you” Jasper said as he pulled me into a warm hug which I embraced without hesitation….. wrapping my hands in-between his as he rubs my back soothingly

I couldn’t stop the endless sobs as I continued crying

“You’ve got to stop crying like a baby…. seriously…… she’s not worth your tears” he said and I couldn’t help but smile as the tears steamed down my eyes

But it hurts…….. everything about my life hurts like hell


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