I walked out the resort as I was done for the day….. Mika decided to stay behind for a while…..I couldn’t because my head was filled up and I really need to get home

Home?…….how sure am I that my things weren’t outside right now?

I sank my long fingers into my hair as I brushed it all the way to the back

The cool breeze collides with my skin and I shivered slightly…… it’s definitely going to rain soon…..I gulped as I felt my pulse increase

I lost my parents when it was raining heavily and ever since then….. I’ve grown up to develop this hatred for rain…… each time it rains…..

I try as much as possible not to board into any moving vehicle because I didn’t want what happened to my parents to repeat itself

“Jasmine, we are definitely taking a walk back home” I said as I walked briskly…….the environment was busy you could see different people going about their daily activities

It’s just 5 pm so everywhere was still bright and busy

“You are just pathetic….poor and myserable!!……why don’t you just kill yourself!!!?”

Avia’s words constantly hugs my mind and I tried to break it but it seems to be hugging me tightly……..

“She’s just a child……. let’s dump her in the orphanage… least that’s where she belongs”

“She’s cursed…… losing both parents at once only proves it”

“Let’s just take her to the police…… they’ll know what to do about her”

I spent months on the streets…….. after losing my parents and my uncle took over and things became really difficult for me……but then one day he came and took me back but I went through hell…..

I wished I had just stayed back and not go with him…… that’s the biggest mistake of my life

I sighed as I kept walking mindlessly……not paying attention to my steps as I entertwined my legs and fell heavily on the ground

Why am I so clumsy?……. this is exactly how I poured hot coffee on a customer earlier today

I bit my lips as I felt a sting on my ankle region……I stood on my feet as I dust my body….. thank God the road wasn’t crowded as it was before…….it would have been embarrassing

I bent down to pick my purse when a human shadow hovers over me as a pair of strong hand took it……I immediately raised my head and it’s a guy….. wearing a hoodie as he held my purse

I looked around and we seemed to be the only one standing there and he’s still holding my purse

“Ummm…… thanks…. but I gotta go” I said and he chuckled

I could have sworn I’ve heard that same sound today

I looked around again to see if I was under an attack or if he’s trying to mess with me

I’ve been through enough for one day……my mind can’t take anymore stress

He slowly looked up as he took off his hoodie…… displaying his nasal smile as I felt the air I’m breathing got stucked in my throat….. making me almost choking as I stepped backwards…… shock written over face

I held my chest as he keeps smiling……… twrilling my purse on his hand as my lips parted slightly……all forms of communication fleeing off as I couldn’t help but gape at the figure in front of me

“You?” I managed to say as soon as I could find the right words out of my mouth.


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