Jasmine’s Pov

“You?” I managed to say and the smile on his face vanished as he tucks one of his hands in his pocket……..that particular gesture is so freaking familiar

I thought he said he’d let me go?.

I thought he said he wouldn’t report me?…… what’s going on?

Why is he here?…… what does he want?… did he even find me?

I stood rooted in on the spot I was standing as I felt beards of sweat forming on my forehead…..I was hella nervous

He’s just looking at me… if he’s trying to process something about me and that’s when it hit me

The fking picture Roland showed me…… this jerk must be the son of the filthy rich billionaire

No way!!!……I suddenly started feeling uncomfortable with the way he is staring at me….. he’s starting to scare me for real

“Can I talk to you?” His voice suddenly breaks my long train of thoughts as I blinked….. looking at him as he kept his eyes on me

“Why?” I asked and the thought of him being the son of Bartle Billion’s made me sick in the stomach….I don’t want to have anything to do with that family

He tilts his head backwards…. like he’s shocked that I’m not bowing down to his command….. moving closer to me as I stepped back…. trying to create a safe distance between us……my eyes traveled and right there on the crock of his neck was a rose rose tattoo

Funny how my favorite flower is rose…..

I shook my head slightly as I focused on the hot figure in front of me….. trying not to lose control of myself

“Because I want to talk to you” he said with a smirk and I scoffed…… looking at him from head to toe as I rolled my eyes….. there’s no way I’m listening to whatever trash he has to say

“Can I have my purse now?…….I don’t want to talk to you” I said looking slightly pissed and he licked his lips slowly while a mocking smirk creeped on his face……I hated the fact that I find that kind of attracting

I get he’s handsome and all…..but ewwww

I’m definitely not ready to let mama down……I made a fùcking promise to her on her death bed

“You obviously look like you need all the help you can get right now… instead of being an uptight pssy…….why don’t you just listen to whatever I have to say?” He said calmly but I felt my blood boiling

I’m starting to wonder if there’s a banner which “poverty” is inpreted and nailed to my forehead….. because this whole shit is starting to anoy me

“Just because I’m a waitress doesn’t mean you have the right to talk down on me!……..I don’t need your help!” I snapped at him and he tilts his head backwards…….but this time it’s in a more mocking manner

My purse was still with him and he’s holding onto it pretty tight

“You seriously need all the help you can get…..I mean look at you” he said and I gasped staring down at myself

He’s right…..I do look like an abandoned sack of potatoes…..I looked like a mess… shoes are nothing to write home about and I’m wearing a uniform

“Fck off!” I said…. yanking my bag from him as I made to leave but he blocked my path

I looked at him and he was smriking…….both hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie……but dang….he’s broad…….I tried moving the other way but he wouldn’t let me go

“What exactly is the color of your problem!?……I don’t wanna to have anything to do with you so just leave me be!!!!” I bursted out and he smiles

Why is he smiling?

What’s funny about what I said?…….I rubbed my forehead as I tapped my feet in irritation

“I want us to have a simple deal……I need your help and I’m willing to pay handsomely for it” he said with a cocky smrik and I felt like throwing up on his face

I tilted my head mockingly….. while trying to process the rubbish that just came out of his lips

“I don’t want your stupid money or deal!……..stay away from me!” I said angrily but it seems like the more I get angry…..the more he smiles

He seems to be enjoying my pains and irritation.


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