“Aren’t you tired of being a waitress……or pay to live in your own father’s house?…..huh?…… answer me Jasmine” he said and my jaw dropped instantly as I blinked repeatedly in shock

How did he know all of this?

How did he know my name?….

I simply stood gumbstruck as his smrik got thicker making his dark orb eyes darker than it was before…..we both have the same eyes orbs but that’s not the point right now

I shifted backwards and he came closer…… pushing my fustrations to it’s limit

“How did….. you…. know?” I stuttered almost inaudibly….. trying to figure out what this man right in front of me is up to

“I don’t think that’s important right now…..but rather what am asking… are you in or not?” He said and I scoffed

Adjusting my purse as I kept my gaze fixed on him

He’s obviously an arrogant, rude son of a filthy billionaire and he definitely has no regards for anyone whatsoever…….I don’t want to have anything to do with someone like him

Mama’s promise is way important to me

I don’t know what his family did but I don’t care to know either

“You can shove your deals down your throat I don’t care…… and I’m certainly not going to be a party to whatever mischievous schemes you are planning so fck off my life and stop stalking me!”

I said as I brushed past him but he held the collar of my shirt as he dragged me backwards with ease

My mouth was wide open as he did that……it felt as if he wants to pull me off the ground

I stood right in front of him but this time it was even closer…..he tucks his hands back into his pockets

That’s definitely an habit he loves doing everytime

“What do you want!?” I bursted angrily and he pulled out my right hand….. placing a card on it….. it’s obviously his personal card

“Call me” he said and I scoffed loudly

“I won’t!…… because I’m never going to!” I said and he smriks

“Let’s see about that” he said and I shoved him out of the way…… making sure my shoulders hit him even though he’s way bigger than me…..who cares?……he didn’t even feel anything as I frowned walking away as fast as I can…..

I badly wanted to throw the card away but it’d not like he’s important anyway….. stuffing it in my purse as I try to get what just happened off my mind

What nerves?…… I’m not some cheap commodity he can just place a price tag on……for fk sakes this like this only happens in movies and comics…… this is reality

I sighs heavily…. taking a shorter cut


Jayson’s Pov

I smriked as I watched her leave….. there’s something about her that just excites the rigid part of me

Her boldness and fiesty attitude never cease to amaze me

Tucking my hands back into my pocket as I remembered how I vividly forced Noah to get all the necessary informations about her

“But dude!….. she’s not worth it….. she’s not even up to your class!…… let’s find someone else”

Noah lamented but I didn’t want to listen…..I know what I want and something tells me that she’ll be perfect for the job

I want someone with strong intuition and stamina….. someone who will easily blend with my mother

She’s crazy… mother is also crazy…… It’s a perfect combo

I made sure I digged into everything that has to do with her

I couldn’t get much……but I got enough to know that there’s something definitely off somewhere

That’s invasion of privacy but who cares?…..I need her…..well she needs me more.


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