Jayson’s Pov

The past three days has been torture, I’ve been couped up in my mother’s house and plus Jasper incident making everything worsen, a lost a few business deals, I was expecting it anyways because of my image and whatever but I’m not really bothered about that, I miss Jasmine so much

In as much as I’m really trying my best to ingnore and avoid her completely, it still hurts to stay away from her, I’m used to her being around me and seeing us drifting apart is killing me!…..

I thought I could live with the pain but seeing her calls yesterday increased everything, I ingore them but that doesn’t match up with the pain that came with ingnoring her….. moreover, she said she doesn’t love me…

“You plan on living here for the rest of your life?, Don’t you have a wife and a house…. this is my late husband’s house and as you know I hate sharing it with anyone” my mom’s voice filled my ears and I smiled weakly while staring at her, she’s super right,

even after the demise of my father, my mom has left this house for close to eighteen years, she’s been living and loving my Dad even in his death bed and that consequently made her become selfish and therefore forbids anyone from staying with her….. even Gina, my younger sister has her own house

I’ve never seen anyone love each other the way my parents did….. and still doing even though one of them is gone, I wish Jasmine and I can be like this

“You know I don’t want to see her face anytime soon, mother” I voiced out in hurt as I folded my legs on the couch and my mom rolled her eyes

“You are being too hard on her and yourself, for Christ sakes, she’s just recovering from her trauma, you have to understand that she’s confused and hurting and therefore doesn’t trust anyone at the moment,

instead of distancing yourself from her; this is the time you should be really close to her and build back that trust” my mom said and I lift my heavy gaze at her

“She clearly told me she wanted a divorce…. she said she doesn’t love me” I breathe out as my heart squeezed in it’s cage

“That’s because she’s hurting…. look, you’ve got to understand what she’s going through, you don’t expect someone to find out that her husband’s brother killed her parents and expect her not to react,

if you were the one I believe you would have done worse” she chimed further and I sighed deeply, I think I get it now

“I miss her so much” I blurted absentmindedly and I saw the grin plastered on my mom’s face

“The go make things right with her….. she needs you” my mom furthered and I exhaled

“Thanks mom…..I really needed the push” I said cutely and and she crowed me with her arms, even after the whole Jasper saga, my mom didn’t freak out like I expected her to….

rather she told me that the bastard also threatened her, fúck me for not ending his life three days ago but that’s not the main issue right now……I need to get Jasmine back


“I can’t believe you right now!” Delilah bursted out immediately she saw Roland smiling at his phone, he’s been avoiding her ever since he bailed on her and he didn’t bother to even apologize

“Did I do something wrong?” Roland asked and she titls her head backwards, Mika wasn’t paying attention to whatever was going on

“Don’t fúck with me Roland, aren’t you going to apologize for bailing on me on our date night!?” She almost yelled but suppressed her raging anger

“Oh that, honestly I forgot all about it, Mika and I went to visit Jasmine, it’d been long I saw her so I had Mika take me there” he said cooly and Delilah rolled her eyes

“You could have picked another day to go visit your friend, did you know how much I wasted to get us that reservation?” She said calmly and he takes her hand

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you went through so much stress, I shouldn’t have bailed on your efforts” he said and she wriggles her hands off his grip

“My efforts?” She asked

“Yeah, your efforts, the whole thing was a play date right?, And I know you went through a lot to get things done” he said and she pokes his chest hard.


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