I almost choked on my sliava but she was right though….. Oh Jasmine what’s wrong with you and your blabber mouth?

“It’s actually my first time meeting her…… I just needed a heads up” I said and she smiles

“We would actually love to tell you but we aren’t permitted to cross our limits” she said and the door opened…… It’s Noah

He gaze trails over me as he seems rather impressed by the makeover

“It’s time to leave” he simply said and left…… I rolled my eyes as the girls followed him suit while I stood in front of the mirror…… It’s like this mirror has become bestfriend now

Mika must be really worried….. I wish she was here with me

“Dang my spoilt phone” I said as I took it and stared at it for a few minutes before tossing it on the table

I’m definitely going to get a new phone after this bizzer mission

Trying to get myself mentally prepared for whatever it is that awaits me….. I wonder how she’ll react

What questions is she going to ask?

I didn’t even think about all these and I opted to do it…… Fùck!

I exhale deeply

“You can do this Jasmine” I said to myself as I walked out……. God help me.


Jayson’s Pov

I was looking rather casual….. Not much on as I didn’t want to over do it

My mom is super smart and I just hope Jasmine will be able to fool her

It takes a lot of work to impress my mom and Jasmine is extremely annoying so it’s going to be easy

I checked my wristwatch for the last time as I tapped my feet…… Why is she taking forever to get done?

I rubbed my forehead as I spuned around……but stopped dead on my tracks when I saw her climbing down the stairs……. She’s looking extremely beautiful in the red dress that compliments her body shape….. Hugging every essential angle

I cleared my throat akwardly as she walked up to me……. She looks really attractive right now…. Why am I just noticing it?

“Can we go now?…… I don’t have all day” she blurted out and I rolled my eyes at her sharp mouth

“You should mind your choice of words, girly” I said and she scoffed

“Really?…… Because I’m working for the almighty Jayson?……oh please give me a break” she said with a familiar hand gesture as she flickers her hands

I shook my head as I really don’t want to get into an argument…… I already have a huge task ahead of me and she’s the least of my problems right now

“Let’s go” I said coldly and she nods….. Taking a step ahead but for some reason she tripped on her heels and stumbled……but I was quick enough to catch her before she fell….. As if I’ve been waiting for it to happen

What just happened?

She gasped as she slowly released herself from my grip…… arranging herself awkwardly as she stares at me….. My eyes darted away as I walked up front

I heard the sounds of her clicking heels as we left.

“This isn’t funny!!!!” Gina yells angrily as Mantinda told her the arrival of Jayson and his “alleged girlfriend”

“Gina mind the way you raise your voice at me!” Mantinda said as she glared at her

“I can’t believe you are allowing this happen…… Like what happened to family curtsey?…… Mandy’s family have known us for years and the bond between us is really strong…..

And suddenly a stranger is coming out of nowhere to ruin it!…… That’s not cool!” Gina bursted again and Mantinda sighs

“I don’t have the right to tell Jayson who he should marry….. It’s his life and he knows what he wants….. How would you feel if I tell you who to spend the rest of your life with?” Mantinda asked and Gina frowned instantly

Ruffling her hair as she looks away from her mother

“You see….. Nobody likes being told what to do!” Mantinda said and Gina scoffed.


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