Uncle Bob (Jasmine’s uncle)

“You are taking much time son, I expected you to be done by now” Bob said and Laurence smriks

“Dad you are impatient…… Just give me some time and I will be with them” he said and Bob rubbed his forehead

“But what if we’re too late….. They already met each other….. It won’t take long before Jasmine remembers who he is and I will lose” Bob said and Laurence smriks

“That’s impossible Dad…… Jasmine can never remember her past….. It’s all gone” he said and Bob bangs his hand on the table making it squeak as Laurence flinched

“I know what I saw!….. Listen to me carefully….if you and your sister don’t hurry up with whatever it is then I will take action myself!……. Jasmine has to die and that’s it!” He spat as he angrily walked out

Laurence smriks as he watched his father walked away angrily

“Sorry Dad, but I’ve got other plans” he said with a sinister smile


Jasmine’s Pov

The ride was super quiet as I felt my cheeks burning up nervously

I’ve never done anything like this and right now it feels as if I’m going to pass out from anxiety

The AC was on and I’m still sweating….. I dabbled my head with my hankey as I sighed for the hundredth time

I do this each time I’m nervous

Looking out the window as I tried to get enough air…… it’s as if I’m been choked by an invisible person

I sighed again and I heard Jayson’s groan

“Why are you making so much noise?” He said and I glared at him

“What did I do?..” I asked and he rubs his forehead

“You’ve been sighing since we left my house…… Quit it” he snapped and I frowned

“Well, pardon me for being nervous” I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes

“I don’t want to hear any noise…… Don’t you have a phone to play with or something?” He said brashly and I gulped

Now I’m offended…. It’s not like it’s his fault though but still

“I don’t have a phone” I mumbled and his gaze softens as I looked away

“I’m sorry…..I didn’t mean to sound that way” he said and I felt the guilt in his voice as his phone started ringing

What’s the point of apologizing after rubbing it in my face?

I turned my head away as I literally drowned in my thoughts….. His voice became muffled sounds as I paid no attention to whatever he was saying

What do I care?……. he’s so arrogant and ignorant with his words

Morever I’m only seen in his car because of the money he has to offer……. I know it’s not a really huge amount but it will be enough for me to move into a new apartment and be free from the clutches of my spiteful uncle

I exhaled deeply as we arrived…..the car halted and I stepped out… mouth literally hung open as I stared in complete awe

Am I in heaven?…… Is this where his mother lives all alone?……. Just how rich are these people?

I stood rooted in that spot till I could no longer close my mouth……shocked is an understatement compared to what I’m going through right now

I suddenly felt a strong yet soft hand on mine as he took it completely and that’s when it hits me that I’m not longer single……. I’m Jayson’s finacee

I smiled brightly even though I’m extremely mad at him…… wrapping my other hand on his as we walked towards the main building

I immediately hinted the shock in his eyes as I pulled into character…… I’m pretty sure he wasn’t expecting me to be this good…….we are talking about money…..what was he expecting?

He looks at me and I flashed him my prettiest smile as we walked through the glass door

“Bravo!!!!” A shrill voice pierced through as an elderly woman in her late forties claps her hands……a bright smile plastered on her face as she stared at the both of us holding each other lovingly

Jayson took my hand as he pecks it gently and I faked my most realest blush…… covering my mouth like a newly wedded bride

“So she’s the lucky one?” The woman asked and Jayson smiles brightly….. flashing his perfect set of teeth

“Yes mother……I want to officially introduce my finacee to you…….. Joelle” she said and I almost choked but maintained my smile

He never told me that I would change my name

Oh gosh this boy won’t be the end of me

“Joelle?…….oh my, she’s really beautiful son” she said as she took my hands and pulled me closer…..I smiled brightly even though my cheeks are now hurting me badly

“I told you you were going to love her……. isn’t she exactly how I described?” He said and she smiles…… caressing my cheeks as I beamed like a glow in the dark ball

“She really is gorgeous……. I’m so happy to finally meet you my child” she said to me and I smile

“Thanks mother” I said and she dragged me towards the couch and made me seat

“I should probably excuse the both of you” Jayson said and my jaw dropped instantly……I managed to close my mouth before she looks at me

What’s wrong with Jayson?…….. leaving me all alone with his mom?…….. what am I supposed to say to this woman

“You should because there’s a lot I need to know about her” she said and I felt something sank deeply into my chest


What am I going to do?……. I’m stuck with this woman…… damnit!!!!!




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