Jasmine’s Pov

I woke up to the alarm’s beeping sounds as I groaned loudly…… this bed is the softest thing my body as ever came in contact with and I don’t want it to end yet

I turned off the alarm with a stretch of my hand and proceed to lay down again when my door flew open

I raised my head instantly as four girls walked in and Mrs Mantinda was standing in front of them……. rubbing my eyes as I opened then widely

“You are still sleeping?…… your wedding is in an hour and thirty minutes and you aren’t done yet?” She asked and I say up slowly……my gaze fixed on her’s as she saw the reluctance in my eyes

“I’m sorry…….I didn’t mean to over sleep” I said as I dragged myself up and she smiles

“You are definitely going to make a perfect bride for my son……act like it ” she said and I inhaled deeply

Srooding into the bathroom and I was done in a few minutes……..I didn’t want to waste much time anyways…… this is the hardest thing I would ever do in my life……. what if I end up fal………

“No way that’s happening” I muttered as the girls did what they do best…….. and in a few hours I was strapped in the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen

I looked at the mirror and gulped down as I stared at my reflection…….. I’m getting married?……..I’m getting married!

“Bch!!!!!……. you are here!!!” Mika’s voice interupts my thoughts as I looked at her…….she gasped in shock as she slowly walked up to me…… taking my hands as I could be barely recognized in my wedding dress

“Mika……I have to do this….. don’t ask any questions and don’t tell anyone”I said and she nods lightly…… I knew she was angry……I would too but it’s not my fault

“I knew you would be here since one of those púnks mentioned Mrs Mantinda……..but I wasn’t expecting to see you in a wedding dress?……. what happened?” She asked as her eyes roamed all over me

“I just don’t know how to say this but please just give me a little time and I will explain everything to you when it’s all over” I said pleadingly and she nods in understanding

“Well, who’s your bridesmaid?” She asked and I shrugged my shoulders as one of the girls came forward…… Mika frowned instantly as she takes the dress from her

“Sorry, but she has a best friend and I’m definitely not going to miss my bestfriend’s wedding……

I will handle it” she said as she walked into the closet and stopped midway

“I told you destiny has it’s way, you should never have doubted me” she said and I couldn’t help but feel guilty as she walked in fully


The ladies excused themselves and I faced the mirror again

Why can’t this mirror just tell me that I’m about to make the biggest mistake of my life?……..why am I just seeing myself?……..say something!

“You can do this…….. it’s not that hard……who am I kidding?……. it’s going to be very hard” I breathed out in fustration as I looked at the time……few minutes left before we leave

Mika walked out and she was looking marvelous as she touched up her face……..she seems excited but I was slowly dying inside…….if only she knew

“It’s time to go” one of the girls that did my makeup said and I felt Mika’s hands on mine…….she took my hand and lead me to the door……my heart beat was going bizzer at each step we take and I wondered if they can hear it too……

I used my other hand to hold my chest as my wedding dress dragged elegantly from behind

“Just breathe okay…… everything will be fine” Mika said and I looked at her before faking a smile………


No Mika……. it’s not going to be okay




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