By Ella N


“Babes…? Are you okay?” Georgia asked when she noticed Caesar’s sudden expression.

“I am okay,Baby.
Are you sure you’re ready to see him?” He asked instead,rubbing Georgia’s cheek,whilst staring in her eyes.

Georgia said yes,and held his hand tight as they began walking to where he is put in.

A cop was taking them there,by the way.

They finally got to his prison cell,and he could be seen seated on the cold floor,backing the wall.

His hands on his head which has been down since he was brought in here.

He was chained,just so he doesn’t escape. And they didn’t put him in the same cell with his boys that were arrested some days back,because who knows what he might do again.

The light in the cell came on. He’s been in the dark since yesterday.

The moment the light came on,he raised his head,only to meet Georgia and Caesar’s face,and he returned his face back down immediately.

Truth be told,despite all the evil he has done,both Caesar and Georgia felt for him,seeing him chained like a wild beast and left in the dark.


“You weren’t like this,Kraisee. All my life of knowing you,I never knew you as one who could even hurt a fly,what changed?

“Is this why you quit school? Just to follow this path?” Georgia began to question him,but he was quiet all the while.

It was later on he answered her.



So,after his sister dìed,which we all know what happened.

Jesse was actually ràped and kìlled by the same Chancellor who tried to ràpe Alvara the other day.

The Chancellor planned the ràpe because he had tried harrasing her sxually before,but he didn’t succeed,and Jesse swore to report his dirty acts and make sure everyone knew about it.

But unknown to her,the Chancellor had already planned for her d.èath,in the cruelest way,same thing he was planning to do to Alvara.

That’s by the way.

So,after Jesse dìed,Kraisee had to leave school back home,which he left without telling anyone,out frustration and the trauma of losing the only sibling he had in such a cruel way.

After everything,he wanted justice for his sister,after he found out who was behind it,but he got none.

Rather,the Chancellor made sure their lives (he and his Mom) became miserable,he wasn’t the only one though,they were three of them,but he was the one who did it.

He made sure the little business his Mom had,which was from there his Mom could send them to school.

She was a single mother who was abandoned with two kids,some years back.

She struggled hard and got to where she was. She was only trying her best to make sure she gave Kraisee and his sister the best she could.

But the Chancellor ruined all that. He made sure they were financially unstable,by destroying everything they worked for,just so they don’t have any means of bringing him to justice.

His Mom fell ill later on as a result of all the shit,and was diagnozed of a heart disease.

Well,it wasn’t long after Jesse díed,when she (Kraisee’s Mom) dìed too,leaving Kraisee all alone.

There was no way he could go back to school as everything was taken away from him,even the only hope (his Mom) that he had left,was gone.He went into trauma,depression and all that could weigh someone down.

Things went from bád to worse for him,as he had no one to turn to.

He searched for jobs many times,trying to have his life back,but found none,since he had no certificate yet.

It was even hard for him to feed well as a matter of fact.

And so,the best way he thought he could start again,was by stealing.

He robbed many stores until he got a little bit of his life back.

Then,he decided to take revenge for his sister’s dé.ath,and this is where the Black Daggers came in.

From klling the first victim,second,he became someone he wasn’t.

He began to hunger for more,kílling even those who wronged him not,until he found out about the Chancellor again who was at a point,nowhere to be found.

Kraisee was the same person who grùesomely kìlled the Chancellor.



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