Bryan kept staring at her till she was done with her hair…then he took his phone pretending to be busy with it…

This is the file boss…Maria said

Ohhh I see…Bryan replied

Anything else boss…Maria asked

Hmmm..yes…my bookshelf over there…arrange and clean the shelf it is dusty…Bryan replied

Boss…one of your male cleaner still cleaned it yesterday…Maria answered

And so…who is the boss here…if you are tired of working here then tell me now…Bryan replied

I’m not tired…ok boss I will do it…Maria responded

Good job…Bryan answered

Is everything ok with him because he is acting weird today…Maria muttered

What did you say???Bryan asked

Nothing boss…Maria replied

If he is playing prank on me…it would be bad for him because I will make he pay…Maria thought…then she started arranging the books

You don’t know me yet…I’m Bryan Thoedore…No one dares to disrespect me and go scotfree…this is just the beginning…I intentionally place my file at the back of my chair just to frustrate her but she still have the gust to ask me if I have anything else…you are done for today…

I will make you regret ever coming to my mansion…your ruined my car’s window but still you did not stop at that you even wanted to end my life right…he thought

Just wait and see what I will do to you next you wtch…he kept thinking and smiled to himself…Good job Bryan he said to himself…

Get me a glass of milk…Bryan asked
Right now…but I’m busy arranging your books…Maria snapped

Are you rising your voice at me…Bryan questioned

Call it whatever you want..I know you are doing this on purpose to frustrate me…Maria snapped again

Well…since you know already…just do what I ask of you right now…Bryan smirked

Fair enough…I will be back…Maria replied smiling

And why are you smiling…Bryan smirked

At your loss boss…Maria snapped and left his room…

She is too full of herself…and that make me more angry…damn it..he said and scattered his hair…she think I will give up right but she should beware because I won’t take it lightly with her anymore…he thought…

He thinks he can frustrate me…well he is wrong because I will be the one to do that to him…she thought and smiled to herself…I have an idea…she said and added a lot of sugar to his milk…This should teach him a good learning…she smiled and went back to his room…

Here is your milk boss…Maria said and started cleaning the books back..she smiled secretly…

Bryan drank a little…he ran to the bathroom to throw up…he came back and went straight to Maria

Are you crazy…you did that intentionally right..I know your main aim here is to kill me right but you won’t be able to do that..Bryan yelled

I don’t understand boss..what happened…Maria said with a serious look

Really..stop pretending and cut the wanted to kill me right…Bryan snapped

Boss..I don’t understand…can you go straight to the point…Maria asked

You must be mad…you added alot of sugar to my milk and you are here pretending…I should have known better when you smiled before you left my room to get me the milk..Bryan snapped

Of course..I intentionally added a lot of sugar because you have a bitter personality…and you will learn how to talk to women with respect…so how was my plan boss…Maria winked at bryan

That would not work on me…so don’t even wink at me again..and you will regret what you just did to me…bryan smirked

I’m done with your work anything else…I mean I can help your lay your bed,clean the furnitures,arrange your what else boss..Maria said with a cute smile

Stop smiling at me… your charms won’t work on
me..Bryan replied

So you admit that I’m charming right…Maria winked again

Just get lost…Bryan shouted

When will you stop barking like a dog…Ok boss..Maria smiled and left him

Dmn it…this is so frustrating…I can’t take this anymore…i need a well thought plan to make her pay but what…he said to himself


Maria’s Room******

You think you are good at your game right but trust me I’m a better player…just wait and see..Mr Bossy Theodore…you started it right but I Maria Hendrixom will end it…brace yourself Mr Bossy..Iron Lady is here for you…Maria said to herself…



Boss…can I come in…Maria asked

Come in…Bryan answered

Maria entered and put his dinner on the table beside him…She was about to leave when he called her back…

Yes boss…Maria answered

And what is this…Bryan asked

Your dinner of course…Maria replied

I’m not blind…and take this away I’m not hungry right now…Bryan answered

Perfect…actually the food was not even enough…so I think I can have your food all to myself…Maria replied smiling

Do whatever you want and get out…Bryan snapped

But the food is so delicious boss…you are missing a lot if you don’t eat now…Maria said

Are you deaf…I said get lost…Bryan yelled

Yes boss…Maria said licking her lips

Close my door..Bryan snapped

Maria left his room

You don’t know what I will do tonight just wait and watch you wtch…


Maria’s Room****** 1am

She is sleeping when she heard her phone ringing…

Omg…why can’t I sleep peacefully…she picked without looking at the caller…

I want noodles so prepare that for me right now…Bryan shouted through the phone…

By this time but you said you were not hungry before…Maria asked

But I’m now…so do that now…Bryan said…

Call Ends

Maria left her room and went straight to the kitchen…she started preparing the noodles…

You want noodles right then you will get that…she smirked


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