By Samuel Favour


Eric Williams

I walked back to my room dropping my phone on the bed. I actually saw what Nyx did to the stylist and I couldn’t help but smile.

I noticed she’s more courageous than when she came and blunt.

I like it.

It makes me remember Ariel.

I walked to the glass window staring at Nyx. I saw how happy she looks.

She was holding the Lily flower but why.

Those were Ariel’s favourites flower.

Why does everything about her reminds me of Ariel.

Her behavior

Her boldness

Her smile

Now the flowers.

When I carried her in my arms it felt like I didn’t want to let go of her.

So fragile and light.

The memories of Ariel came clashing

I looked at Nyx staring at the flower sniffing it as I plucked into one of I and Ariel memories

The past
“Ariel wait for me” I shouted but Ariel didn’t look back.

I’ve always liked Ariel since she came into my life and now I’m going to finally ask her out.

It was already time for lunch as Ariel ran to the cafeteria not waiting for me, Seth and Ryder.

Finally catching up to her , holding her tight to mine.

“You should be careful, what if you fall in the hall, remember no running in the hallway or you’ll get detention.”

“But I’m hungry ”

“Come on ” with that we went to our usual table. Whispers everywhere as I was known as one of the popular guys in school but I only have eyes for the girl who was her In my arms.

Minutes later Ryder and Seth joined. As usual Seth being the most funny among us making us laugh.

When the bell rang I growled because I and Ariel were not in the same class.

“Meet me after school at the garden” I whispered to her and she nodded, giving me a heart warming smile.

Making my heart beat faster.

After school I waited for her with her favorite flower Lily in my hand.

Today I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend because I’ve loved her since I was 13.

Seth giving me the push to finally ask her out.

Seeing her I quickly hid the flower at my back waiting for the love of my life making its way towards me.

“So Ric, what do you want to tell me” Ric was the nickname she gave me and I so much love it.

I nervous pushed the flower to her and her smile grew wider making me fall in love every single minute.

“Thanks Ric” she said as her hand made its way to my hair, roughing it.

“Ariel, w..will I took a deep breath, I’ve practiced this lines with Seth and Ryder” Ariel will you be my girlfriend ”

I could see the shock on her face as the flower fell from her hand and I was already panicking.

But when she smiled everything went away as she said yes.

I remembered that day was the best day of my life and that was the day I had my first kss .

The present

Now all that is left is the memories of her and me. I didn’t even know that tears where running from my eyes.

She was the love if my life

“Why did you leave me?”

My heart was alive when she was there. I could feel people’s feeling and feel my emotins but now it’s as cold as ice.

Building a wall around my iced heart, so I won’t get hurt again. The only person I let into my heart was Seth but after Seth no one else.

I held my chest finding it hard to breathe.

I was having a panic attack. If there was one thing I want is that all the memories of us should be wiped away

It’s like a burden to me.

When I was at the edge of dying she came, she was my saviour, my everything and now she left me in pieces.

I’m broken



Now the darkness I thought I was leaving when I was 7 I just realized I’m falling back there but even deeper this time.

Holding my chest trying to breathe.

I tried looking for my inhaler but I couldn’t find it.

But then I heard someone voice but it was faint.


I looked up to see Nyx as I could see worries on her face.

But then I could also see Ariel’s face

I’m hallucinating again

“You shouldn’t have left me Ariel”

“I was late, I should have been there earlier” .

And I did something I haven’t done in years.

I cried…


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