By Samuel Favour


Eric froze for a while, his face hardened, his eyes cold like never before.

“It’s none or your fking business ”

“Maybe she was murdered, why didn’t you tell me Eric”

“And who the fk are you to meddle in my fking business. Should I tell you everything that happens on my fking life” he yelled.

“You murderer her ” I screamed

Eric froze hearing that

“What!!!, That fking bstard must have twisted the story”

“Or maybe he’s just saying the truth because you murderer two fking people Eric, your mother…

Before I could complete my statement Eric sI.apped me.

“How dare you say I murdered my mother, who in their right senses will murder someone that brought you into this world”

“Ryder saw y…

“That bstard and you fking believed him”

“Yes because I read your diary , you said they were calling you a murderer, you really are a murderer Eric ”

Eric froze in his step as he looked at me with different emotions on his face .

“Murderer” he whispered more likely to himself before walking out of the room leaving me alone.

“He really is a murderer”


Eric lothario

I felt a pang of pain in my chest as I walked out of my room. She fucking called me a murderer

When I was already trying to move on she called me a murderer. But why does it hurt so much?

I’ve been called a murderer all my life but why her, when she called me that it fking hurt.

Maybe I’m a murderer

It hurts

She saw my weakness

She used it against me.

She saw me cry ,

She saw me having nightmares

She saw me involuntary

She saw me breakdown

And she used it against me.

That bstard Ryder, how could she believe him so quickly.

I don’t know what the h’ll he told her but I’m sure he told her I’m a murderer and I killed Ariel.

Did I ever deserve her love?

Maybe I actually did kill her?

I thought Nyx was different but she’s not. She’s just like the rest that called me a murderer.

It fking hurt like h’ll.

I walked out of the mansion taking my keys entering the black venz as I drove out of the house.

I needed to be somewhere far away from the mansion. I can’t even be in my room because I remember the way she looked at me.

The same face they looked at me.


I drove to the club going to my favorite suite in the V.I.P area.

I ordered one of the strongest wines to drink my sorrow away.

I’ve been called a murderer before but why did it hurt when she called me one.

When I fking decided to move on, to forget the past

It was very hard for me to make that decision on my own , forgetting that I ever loved Ariel, moving on from all the good times we had.

I didn’t want to dewell again In the past with the help of Seth and as much as I hate to admit it Nyx helped me.

She made me smile genuinely.


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