By Authoress Blessed

Episode 4

Kim Sun Da Pov
“you had better cooperate” she mumbled against my neck and I almost scoffed.

“okay! Okay enough of all this!!” mum yelled and p$ycho disengaged from the hug.

“do you really love him?” mum asked and she nodded.

“what about you, Do you love her?” mum asked and I nodded.

“I will let you two get married instead then” mum replied.

“what????” I and psycho girl gasped.

“you guys love each other, right? Then get married” mum said and returned to her seat.

“let’s get on with the wedding” mum said.

“this is unfair!!” Belinda yelled and ran out.

Psycho girl glared at me hard while I glared right back. I am so killing her for bringing me into this mess getting married to her!!!!

Jeez! So annoying!!!!!!

“do you take……what’s your name?” the priest asked p$ycho girl.

“Seo Jun, Choi Seo Jun” she replied.

“do you take Choi Seo Jun as your lovingly wife in times of troubles, pains…….”

“Fuck yes” I cut him off.

“do you take……..”

“I guess so” Seo Jun replied.

“what’s I guess so? Just say yes or no” I said glaring at her.

“you shut up!” she half yelled.

“you don’t tell me to shut up!” I yelled back.

“never ever tell me to shut up arrogant punk” she yelled and I breathed in as i felt everyone’s gaze on us.

“you just let’s get done with this” I muttered.

“I am going to make life hell for you husband” she whispered to my hearing.

“you have not given a reply” the priest said.

“yes” she replied glaring at me.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife” the priest said.

“I now pronounce us enemies” Seo Jun whispered.

“you may now kss the bride” the priest said and my eyes widened slightly at the realization that this moment had to occur.

“don’t even dare” she whispered.

“like I want to either” I rolled my eyes.

“then don’t” she replied as I moved closer to her.

“just shut up” I said annoyed and pecked her cheeks.

“you damned bastard” she muttered.

“why? Kss her!!!”

“kss her!!!!” my brother chanted and I groaned.

Go$h! Why did I have to have such a stupid brother?

“kss!! Kss!!!” the others joined him.

“you planned this, right?” Seo Jun asked.

“what?? I will never do this” I replied while they continued yelling and chanting kss.

I moved closer to her and held her in a way the others would assume that we were kssing.

“I hate you” she said.

“I hate you more for not being able to perform your job perfectly” I replied and left her.


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