THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 11-20


(? what my heart wants)

By: Authoress Naomi

? Episode nineteen ?

? Hellen ?

Throughout the drive home, boss kept avoiding my gaze and I don’t understand why

I kept thinking about what he said in the Villa

“I dunno about the future” that sentence kept ringing in my ears like a church bell……I know I have feelings for my boss, right … The way my heart beats faster anytime I’m with him, the way I palpitate anytime he holds my hand or comes closer…all these are evidences but I’m trying hard to keep it within cos it’s not a good idea, we’re not in the same cliche

We got home and he’s the first one to open the door and enter the house

I ran after him and stood on his way, he avoided my eyes again

“Boss, please….may I….ask the meaning of that statement in… the Villa?” I asked carefully

Still avoiding my gaze, he answered

“It’s nothing Krystal, it’s really nothing” he answered and went in

“It’s really nothing?” I thought as i fell on the couch and almost immediately, Elvira came in with Tyler

“Oh Elvira!” I exclaimed, quickly standing up, I hugged her and shook hands with Tyler

“Tyler, one big assignment for you, please take care of Elvira, if you break her heart, I’ll break your bones” I said seriously

“Look Hellen, I promise not to do anything of such, I love her so much” he replied and kssed her right there

“Good, so how did you know my name?” I asked

“Elvira here won’t stop talking about you all day, you’ll always hear her say “my pinky” blah blah blah”

“Oh that’s cute,then she must have told you a lot about me”

“Sure, I know everything” he answered and I smiled

“Where’s my cupcake?” She asked

“Boss is upstairs” I replied

“Since when?”

“Since when we came back from the Villa” I replied

“I think the governor stepped on his nerves again” she said

“Actually….he..he slapped him” I said

“That was harsh!” Elvira said seriously

“I know,he kept defending Rihana” I replied

“That old man and his damn character, I’m coming” she said and went upstairs

? Stanley ?
I couldn’t face her and tell her how I really feel about her, it’s as if my tongue was tied, I really mean what I said in the Villa, “the future”, it must contain i and her..I like her…, I love her but I don’t know how to tell, I’ve never really told any girl that word before and being the first time, I look naive and confused about how to say it……I wanted to tell her badly when she asked me the meaning of what I said but it’s like something is blocking my throat, hindering me from talking

I got to my room and became disoriented, i dunno what to do or how to tell, I really dunno

The door pushed open and Elvira entered

“What are you doing all alone?, And you look distressed” she said, sitting beside me on the bed

“I dunno” I replied, looking into space

“But I think I know” she replied

“So tell me” I replied

“You can’t be here thinking about the slap the governor gave you, I know you don’t think about things like that” she said

“What are you talking about?” I asked

“I know exactly what you’re thinking about” she replied

“What am I thinking about?, Stop beating about the bush” I asked

“How to break the ice and tell pinky your feelings” she replied and my eyes widened

“How on Earth did you…..

“Just look at you, I’m a lady remember, and I know it when a guy loves a girl” she replied and I inhaled

“I really want to tell her my feelings you know, sometimes I feel like just holding unto her and telling her but I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can’t seem to be able to do it” I replied and she stood

“Should I tell her for you?”

“No no, I’ll tell her myself, I’m just waiting for the perfect timing” I replied

“What’s wrong with now?, Gear up bro cos I think Richard also likes her”

“I haven’t seen him around her for a while”

“Oh, it’s because he went for a retreat in his father’s place and he’ll be back tomorrow, I know the first person she’ll come to see is her, do use your brain brother, and take care of yourself”

“Say hi to Tyler for me” I said

“No, he’s downstairs right now, come say hi yourself” she replied and I followed her downstairs

“Dude, you’ve grown more handsome” I complimented as we had a brotherly hug

“You’re more handsome, always handsome” he replied and I smiled

“Take care of my sister, and don’t leave her again”

“I won’t” he replied and Elvira made some eye signals before she left

? Helga ?
“Table four needs one serving of rice cake and the guy there said he’ll like for you to serve him yourself” Dana my attendant told me

“Oh really?”


I took the serving and went to the table but surprisingly, it’s who I’m not expecting to see…. Steve!

“What are you doing here?, Aren’t you supposed to be in the hospital attending to patients?

“People eat here, so I came to eat here and I have five other doctors in the hospital, don’t worry” he replied

“Who told you I’m worried?”

“You implied it” he answered and I rolled my eyes at him

“Don’t tell me you really came all the far way to eat rice cakes here?”

“I came to eat you” he replied

“Pervert” I replied and he smiled


“Wait, I forgot one important question, how did you know my shop?’ I asked

“Oh, since your name is Helga and your surname is Roger,you have a Facebook account, even a weChat account and all your information is there, so I got it all from there, that’s one of the major work of social media baby” he replied

“So you’re stalking me now?”

“If you call it that, then that’s it, that apart, can we go out for lunch?” He asked and I smiled sarcastically

“Don’t you see I’m in my shop?, I need to work” I said

“But you have an attendant”

“Oh you mean I should leave the poor girl all to herself”

“Oh that?, I’ll get you ten attendants right now, with just a phone call” he said and made to call but I stopped him

“I really can’t leave this shop during selling hours, I’m the only one who knows how to make this type of rice cake, even my attendant tried learning from me but she won’t get it, Hellen can’t make it either” I replied sincerely

“Oh then, should I start calling you magic fingers?” He said and I smiled

“You just smiled, that is enough to make my day, at least I saw your face” he said and stood up to go

“You’re not taking my rice cake with you?”

“Of course I am” he replied and I got a take away package to pack it, I gave it to him and he made to pay

“No, its my treat” I replied

“I’ll eat it very well then” he replied and left

I smiled as I saw his car zoom off

? Hellen ?
Since Elvira left with Tyler, the mansion became suffocating, my room feels like somewhere oxygen never resides

I need to go get some fresh air, I got to the living room and saw boss pacing around, my heart started beating irregularly again

“Boss, you…..are you ok?” I asked, he looked at me intently and started coming closer, closer and closer, he’s now so close that I can feel his fresh breath on my face, I moved back and he followed till I reached the wall

“Boss, what are you….

I didn’t get the chance to finish that statement when he started leaning in

As if in a trance, as if I know what he wants to do, I magically closed my eyes, my whole body is shaking badly

? Stanley ?
She closed her eyes and I felt like kissing her badly but I haven’t confessed how I feel, I really want to say those words before making any move….

I took a look at her again,her eyes are still closed

I left her and ran upstairs

? Hellen ?
Immediately he left me, I sat on the bare ground and nearly cried

Just what did he just do?

I look like a fool for closing my eyes

Should I just confess my feelings?

H.ell no!, He’s my boss.

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