THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 1 – 10

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 1 – 10


The car was silent as Pete drove into the estate. He had been playing Naira Marley’s song earlier but Kathleen had turned off the stereo claiming it was too worldly for her, and she didn’t want to corrupt her soul or that of Amanda with such a song. Thus the rest of the ride to the house after that had been a rather silent, but welcomed one for Kathleen.

Pete parked the car in front of the house and got out of the car to carry Amanda who had dozed off, “Give me a minute to lay Amanda on the bed and then I’ll show you to your apartment.” Pete informed her as he walked into the house with Amanda while Kathleen remained outside waiting for him.

Not more than five minutes later, he returned with keys to the apartment and led her to the side of his house where the boys quarter was located.
“This is where you would be living.” Pete said as he unlocked the door and walked into the house. Pete watched her, as he waited to see her reaction. He expected her to at least show gratitude since he was sure she would prefer this house to the one she had just moved from.

Kathleen didn’t know whether to thank God or not, since she knew she would never have been able to afford this kind of well furnished apartment in the next two years, not with her salary since she was always sending most of it home, and making do with what little she had. She could tell this was one of those situations she didn’t like being in. Where she was going to have owe him for being this kind to her, and then she would have to be nice to him and not turn him down when he asked for difficult favors.

Kathleen sighed as she turned to look at him, “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not sure I can stay here for free.” She said as she looked around the beautiful house.

Pete scowled as he looked at her, “I thought we already established that you will pay back by rendering services to me? Fine. Let’s assume I agree with you, how much can you pay me? And let’s say you can’t pay, where are you going to live?”

“…” Kathleen looked away from him, she knew she was being unreasonable, but she also knew she didn’t want to owe him anything. That was how it always started. He would want her to render services around the house, and next would be in his room on his bed.

As though he could read her mind he looked her over, “Judging by your overactive imagination I’m sure you think I would want to have something sxual with you in return for this… but get this straight… I’m not interested in you. You’re very attractive don’t get me wrong, but I don’t like ladies like you. So let’s just get this over with.” Pete said as he turned to leave the apartment.

Kathleen felt her bIood boil at what he had just said. God knew one thing she was still praying to God to help her control her temper and her mouth, “What do you mean by ‘ladies like me’?” she asked quietly before he could walk out of the door.

Pete turned around to look at her, and without saying another word he walked out of the apartment. He knew the tone she had just used very well. That was the way ladies usually sounded when they were spoiling for a fight or an argument. His late wife had been that way, and so was his mother and sister. He wasn’t ready to get into one with his holier than thou employee.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 1 – 10

Kathleen gritted her teeth as he walked out and she quickly hurried out after him in time to see the car which was driving into the compound.

Pete closed his eyes when he saw the person behind the wheels, think of the devil. It was his only sister, Isabella Howells, fondly called Ella by the family.

“I would rather you don’t talk to me in such a manner again. I may be your employee, but I’m not your kid and I’m certainly not your slave.” Kathleen hissed at him.

“Are you going to live here or not? If not feel free to pick up your bags and leave. You can forget about being my daughter’s caretaker. I’ll just get someone who is more interested in the job.” He said without looking at her as he walked over to the car.

“Pete Howells!” She greeted with a cheerful smile which immediately relaxed him as she got out of her car and approached him. She was the only one among his siblings who called him by his name.

“What now?” He asked when she hugged him, and walked past him to look at Kathleen who was looking at them with a scowl.

She assumed Ella was probably the lady he had spent the night with, since she was dressed in just a bum short, a polo top and sneakers. Who left their home dressed in such an indecent manner? Kathleen wondered as she sized Ella from bottom to top.

Judging by the kind of car she was driving it was obvious she was wealthy… was she a Lagos runs girl? She had the type of complexion and looks of someone that posted pictures with captions like, ‘Feel free to lick your screen!’

She glanced at the weavon on Ella’s hair and even without touching it, she could tell it was very soft and was hundred percent human hair, not like the spongy synthetic wigs she had in her room, which she was sure had served as petrol for the fire that had engulfed her room. She stifled the envious sigh that was about to escape her lips as she looked into Ella’s face. Her face was well done in nude make up and she noticed the lady was wearing eye lashes and contact lens.

Kathleen reminded herself that she was a Christian and all these were things of the world that she wasn’t supposed to like. Even the Bible said if anyone loved the world and things of the world the love of the father wasn’t in them, Kathleen reminded herself.

Ella on the other hand sized Kathleen up with interest. She noticed that Kathleen was a real natural beauty with nice curves. She also noticed the disapproval on Kathleen’s face and assumed it was because Kathleen was jealous and probably thinking she was Pete’s girlfriend.

Time to correct that impression, Ella decided.

“You’re the one right?” Ella asked Kathleen with a knowing wink.

“I beg your pardon?” Kathleen asked with a slightly raised brow.

“She’s the one isn’t she? Tell me she is the one.” Ella said as she turned to look at Pete expectantly.

“What are you talking about?” Pete asked in confusion.

“She’s the one you were at the club with? The lady you spent the night with?” Ella asked, trying to keep down her excitement.

“Jeez! Why would you ask such a question? You’re embarassing her.” Pete exclaimed at the same time Kathleen glared at Ella.

“Do I look that easy to you?” Kathleen asked unable to control her anger at such an insult.

“Does she look like someone I would want to spend even an hour with?” Pete asked with a scoff as he looked at Kathleen from head to toe, making Ella look from one to the other. What was going on here?

“Oh! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped into such a conclusion. I came in here, saw you both, and naturally assumed… I should just shut up now before I make any more blunder. I’m sincerely sorry.” Ella said taking Kathleen’s hand in her own and squeezing it.

Kathleen immediately felt embarassed for overreacting since she had also assumed Ella was the lady Pete had spent the night with, “I’m sorry I overreacted. It’s understandable.” Kathleen said with a small smile as she pulled her hand away.

“I’m Isabella Howells, Pete’s sister.” Ella said, making Kathleen’s eyes widen in surprise. She was Chief’s daughter? The apple of Chief’s eyes as she was called? She had never seen her but she had heard so much about her.

Pete watched the exchange between them with interest, and suddenly realized that he had missed something, “Wait a minute! How did you know I was with a lady last night?” Pete asked Ella with a frown, and as though remembering that Kathleen was still standing there, turned to her.

“Have you made up your mind? Let me know when you do.” He said and turned to Ella, “Now you have to tell me what’s up. Are you guys now following me around?” He asked as he cocked his head in the direction of the house for her to go in with him.

“Wait, I didn’t get her name, yet.” Ella said as she turned to Kathleen. She could sense something was going on between them both, but she couldn’t tell what it was.

“I’m Kathleen Okorie. Amanda’s caretaker.” Kathleen decided to settle for that. There was no need telling her she worked at the company since that might only lead to more questions.

Just Amanda’s caretaker? Why did it seem like there had been some sort of tension between them a moment ago? There had to be more to it than that, Ella decided.

Pete’s lips twitched in amusement when he heard her. He could tell she had deliberately left out the fact that she was an employee at the family company, “Does that mean you’re taking the offer?” He asked indifferently. He really wanted her to do the job particularly because Amanda liked her.

“We will just talk about that later. I’ll go settle in while you talk to your sister.” Kathleen said as she turned to give Ella a polite smile, before walking away.

“Who is she?” Ella asked the moment Kathleen disappeared from view.

“Didn’t she just tell you she is Amanda’s caretaker? What are you looking for? Gossip?” Pete asked with a raised brow as he walked into the house leaving her to follow him.

“She lives here?” Ella asked as she gave her brother a knowing look as she threw her phone and purse on the couch and headed for the kitchen.

“Why? Do you want to move in with her? Or your sxual preference has changed since your last heart break?” Pete asked dryly as he followed her into the kitchen. He knew she wasn’t going there to cook, but to look for something to eat.

Ella scowled at him, “Don’t be such a bore. I sensed something between the both of you earlier. Is something going on? She’s really pretty too.”

“Stop talking about that one and tell me how you found out about last night.” Pete said reminding Ella of what had brought her to the house.

She turned around and looked at him, “Please don’t tell me you were really out with Kimberly last night. I’d be so disappointed in you if it’s true.” Ella said with a look of disgust on her face.

“How did you know about that?” Pete asked irritably. He was pretty disappointed in himself already and he didn’t need her coming to remind him of that.

“Does this mean the picture wasn’t photoshopped? That was really you in that picture?”

“What picture? Can you just talk and stop asking me stupid questions?” Pete asked in a tight voice as he tried to control his temper.

“Have you forgotten she was my class mate in secondary school? One $illy girl sent a picture of you both leaving the club together to our group chat, with the caption, ‘Guess who is about to become Kim’s sister in-law?’ I casually checked only to find out it was my own elder brother! I didn’t want to believe it, so I came over to see if she was at your house so I could warn her to stay away from you!” Ella concluded.

“What is wrong with you? Why would you do something like that?” Ella hissed angrily when he didn’t deny it as she had expected him to.

“Will you watch your tongue? Who I go out with has nothing to do with you or anyone else. I can decide to date her or get married to her if I want, so stay out of it!” Pete snapped angrily.

“Stay out of it? Wait until mom hears about this. Just wait, you hear?” Ella threatened as she hurried to the living room to pick up her phone and call their mother.

“Don’t you dare call her!” Pete growled angrily as he followed her.

As though by unspoken agreement, their mother, Mrs Elizabeth Howells never got involved in the family business and she never interfered in her husband’s career choice for their children, since she believed that was her husband’s department. But when it came to the personal life of their children, she was always in charge, and her husband never interfered in her choice of suitable partners for their children.

“Why? Are you scared? I thought you are never answer to anyone?” Ella asked with a snort as she dialed their mother’s number while moving away from Pete who kept trying to snatch the phone from her.

“This one you called me today… Do you need something?” Mrs Howells asked dryly, the moment she took her call.

“Ekaro mum (Good morning mom….”

“It’s nothing, I just wanted to say hi to you.” Pete said as he snatched the phone from Ella while glaring at her furiously.

“You wanted to say hi and you’re calling me with your sister’s phone? You don’t have airtime abi what is it? Give the phone back to your sister, I’m sure you’ve done something wrong.” Their mother said suspiciously as she stood up and excused herself from her guests who were laughing at what she had just said.

“I didn’t do anything. My battery is down, so I decided to call you.” Pete assured her, and dared Ella with his eyes to say otherwise.

“Is this about your going out with Senator Abamba’s daughter last night? If that’s it I’m aware of it already.” His mother said knowingly, taking Pete aback.

“Is there a person in Lagos that doesn’t know about this?” He made up his mind he was going to kill Ken for putting him through this embarassment.

“What were you expecting when you chose to fool around in such a place?” Mrs Howells asked with a snort.

“How did you hear of it?” Pete asked wearily.

“Have you been away from the country for so long that you don’t know your mother has her ears on the ground? Especially when it has to do with her children? I didn’t call to scold you because I trust it was just a one time thing. Don’t let this repeat itself. And while we are dwelling on this subject, come over to the house this evening. I want to see you.” Mrs Howells said and hung up, leaving no room for either an explanation or an excuse.

“But shey you realize that I’m going to pay you back for what you just did, abi?” Pete asked Ella who simply shrugged as she adjusted her shirt.

“But I didn’t tell her anything, did I?” Ella asked with a daring smile. It had always been like that for them since they were young, threatening to pay each other back for every slight thing.

“When that time comes, we will know.” Pete promised as he dropped on the couch, wondering what his mother wanted to see him for.

“But really, it was just a one night stand, right? I don’t have to worry about seeing more pictures of you both together?” Ella asked in a pleading tone making Pete sigh wearily. He was going to think twice before having anything sxual to do with any lady again in this Lagos.

Luckily before he could respond to her question, he heard the honk of a car outside, and didn’t need to check outside to know who it was.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 1 – 10

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