By Cisca. H.



The wedding was yet to start, Enya’s eyes has been searching around for Lord Rodriguez.

She has never set her eyes on him before, but a lot being told about him made her fall in love with him even before she could see what he looked like.

Their parents had gone to meet with a friend and their discussions seem like eternity.

Anna felt uncomfortable as it was her first time, and the only thing she prayed for was for no man to ask her for a dance.

She promised herself to disgrace anyone who tries asking her for a dance. ” Isn’t it beautiful?” Enya asked, glaring around.

” Yeah, it is.” Anna said not really in the mood for complimenting on anything.

” You look terrible.”

” I told you. I feel h©rrible too.”

” No, I meant you look horribly uncomfortable right now. Take it easy, Anna, you’ll soon get used to this. ”

” You keep saying that for like twenty times now and I still feel the same way. Look, ” she pointed at a direction. ” I hate the way he’s staring at me. It makes me feel more uncomfortable.”

” Isn’t he handsome? ” Enya teased.

” Shut up, Enya, you are not helping matters at all.”



The appearance of Lord Rodriguez was announced and Enya’s heart skyrocketed at the mention of his name.

For the first time since they arrived at Brok, Anna smiled. Seeing the way Enya behaved at the mention of Lord Rodriguez made her laughed.

” You’re head over heels for him, aren’t you?” She said and Enya blushed. ” Look, they’re more of them who are head over heels for him like you are. ”

Enya scanned the arena and saw that Anna was saying the truth. Her face shrink a bit with jealousy, causing Anna to chuckle the more.

” I told you, you aren’t the only one in love with the King of Brok, they’re many of them. ”

” That’s enough, Anna. All I know is, he belongs to me and I belong to him too. ” She finalized.

Finally, Lord Rodriguez showed up. Enya’s eyes widened in awe at his captivating beauty.

His hairs were braided in five ways. Brown eyes, muscular stature which had everyone’s attention. His pointed nose gave him a fine look.

Lord Rodriguez’s beauty was beyond mere imagination. Even a day isn’t enough to describe what he looks like.

” Oh my gosh! He is indeed handsome.” Enya shivered. ” I can’t believe I am staring at the famous Lord Rodriguez. ”

” Oh please, what’s so special about him? ” Anna eyed her. ” I wish I stayed back at home. It would have been a lot better. ”

” Thank you all for coming. ” Said Lord Rodriguez as he shakes hand with his friends.

” Was that….? ” Anna couldn’t deny how sweet his intonation sounded in her ears. ” Was that Lord Rodriguez talking?”

” Mm-hmm. He has a godly voice. ”

” Hmm. Indeed he is handsome. ”

” Don’t go crushing after him, okay? ” Enya warned strictly.

” I wasn’t. ”

” Better. ”

” King Neheb, I’m most delighted to see you tonight. ” He stretched for a handshake. ” I’m really sorry for the late invitation. Please, pardon my attitude. ”

” Oh, do not worry, we got the invitation that’s all that matters. I am happy we are all here. ”

” We? ”

” Yes, my family. ”

” Oh, I must have forgotten. If you won’t mind, I’d love to see your family. ”

” Of course. ” Neheb called his wife and two daughters together as he began introducing them to him.

” This is my wife, Moreen and my daughters Enya and Anna. ” He introduced.

” A pleasure to meet you My Lady. ” He said, pecking the back of Moreen’s palm.

” I’m delighted I finally got the chance to meet you, Lord Rodriguez. ”

He stared at Anna, taking hold of her hand. ” A pleasure to meet you, My Lady.”

” Thank you.”

Then at Enya, he stared at her for a while. ” I haven’t set my eyes in a beauty like this. Your beauty is really enchanting, I’d say. ” He pecked the back of her palm.” Nice to meet you, Lady Enya. ”

” A pleasure to meet you too, your Highness. ” She blushed shyly.

He returned his gaze back to Neheb, ” I’d love to introduce you to my friends. ”

Moreen and her two daughters sat on the same table, watching as the other guests chatted and danced.

Moreen has been smiling for quite a while now, ” Enya, I think it’s obviously clear Lord Rodriguez really got captivated by your beauty.”

Enya blushed again. ” I doubt he was. ”

” Trust me, he was. Don’t you see how he addressed you? I can’t believe it actually worked. ”

” What actually worked? ” Both Moreen and Enya asked at the same time.

” No, I meant, he actually fell for your captivating beauty.”

” I told you, he’s gonna end up with me and not them. ” Referring to the other female guests who were admiring him.

” I hope so. ”

The gentle sound of the ancient 18’s music sounded in the hall. Almost every gentlemen had picked a lady for a dance.

Enya refused the five who had asked her for a dance and likewise Anna who enjoyed drinking her wine and staring at the guests who danced.

” Why aren’t you dancing?” Anna purposely asked her.

” I don’t feel like dancing right now. ”

” Don’t worry, I understand. ” Enya rolled her eyes, shooking it.

” What if Lord Rodriguez comes to ask for your hand in marriage, will you accept his proposal? ” Their mother asked.

” Of course, she will. ” Anna replied on her behalf. ” Who knows what they’re discussing about.”

” It’s none of your business, okay? ” Enya snapped.

” Come on, Enya, I’m not planning on taking your husband, okay?” She sighed.


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