By Cisca. H.



” Uncle, I have told you many times before, now is not the right time to find a suitable bride.” Riguez stated, trying to persuade his stubborn uncle.

The two of them were seated in the grand dinning hall enjoying their delicious breakfast which had early been prepared by the servants.

” You can’t go on acting like you can live alone without anyone beside you. I understand how much your kingdom means to you,

But that shouldn’t keep you from getting married. You need a heir of your own, and the kingdom needs its queen too.” This has always been his sermon notes all the time he talks about getting a bride.

Almost all his life his uncle has demand after demand on how he lives his life, and even at his adult age, he never stops detecting what he should do.

His uncle relentlessly ignored the fact that he had grown into his own person and was not the little boy he used to be.

But some times, Riguez ought to be the man of his own. Now, it’s up to him to decide whether or not to have a bride by his side.

He saw that the discussion would not progress to his level of satisfaction so, he decided on getting him in the part that held him the most, knowing that he will get to him.

” Don’t worry about the Affinstars, I’ll handle them. Right now, you just have to send a letter to king Neheb, tell him you will be journeying to Pendamour by tomorrow. ”

Lord Rodriguez tapped his Biro on his desk as he thought on how to structure his words to King Neheb.

Though he needed a partner, but that never seemed to trouble him especially now his kingdom needed him the most.

” So, what do you plan to do with his daughters?” He Uncle asked after a long while.

” I don’t know. ” He answered.

” You just have to be observant, Rod, I heard Neheb had three daughters. ”

Rodriguez rose his eyes at him, looking surprised. ” Three daughters?” He asked, shocked.

” Yes, three daughters. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard if the three daughters said to be the finest in Pendamour. ”

” I am only aware of the three who had attended the ball ceremony. ”

” That is why you must journey to his place to find out. Don’t you think there might be some thing behind his third daughter not attending the ball ceremony? ”

This got Lord Rodriguez more curious than he should be. The two he had seen the other night really did captured his attention.

But why does he feel like this last daughter would be the best.


King Neheb opened the letter, reading through the letters.

His lips wore a soft smile as he rolled the scroll back. ” Finally, just as I expected.”

” Expected what?” Lady Moreen asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

” We’ll be having a visitor by tomorrow.” He answered.

” What visitor? ” She tied her robes properly, sitting on the bed. ” Should I say it’s a good news?”

” Yes. Lord Rodriguez sent me a letter just now, he will be paying us a visit by tomorrow concerning the proposal of one of our daughters. ”

” Oh heavens, just as I have prayed. We should get our daughters ready for tomorrow especially Enya. She will be very happy to hear this news. ”

” We can not tell who it is that will be chosen. ”

” I know but it doesn’t matter. Enya will be turning twenty six next year, she is old enough to be a mother. ”

” We first see what his decision will be, then I will have to convince him to have Enya as his bride. ”

Lady Moreen nodded in agreement. ” Yes, you are right. ”


That night, Lady Moreen gathered her daughters in her room to tell them about the news of Lord Rodriguez visit.

She had learnt about her husband’s absence to a friend’s place, so it was the right time to talk to her daughters.

” So,” she started, watching as how interested they looked in what she was about to say. ” there is a letter from the King of Brok this afternoon. ”

” What did it say, mother. ” Enya asked sharply.

” Easy sister. ” Anna said, crossing her legs to listen more.

” It says the King of Brok will be visiting Pendamour by tomorrow. ” She replied to Enya’s question.

” Did it say when?” She asked again.

” No, it didn’t.”

She puffed out air, blowing the strand of her hair as she leaned on the chair. ” I wish it did.”

” Why is he coming here?” Arwen asked in a mean tone.

” I am sure we all know his reason for paying us a visit. ” Lady Moreen said, she seemed not to like her question.

” If he really wants to choose a bride for himself, why don’t he choose from Brok? Besides, I have heard a lot about the Broks, they inhabit beautiful ladies. ”

” He must have his reasons for not picking a bride from his kingdom. You should be happy, you know. ”

” Of course, I am. ” She rolled her eyes.

” You might hate gentlemen but that doesn’t mean the others do. Perhaps, marriage isn’t for everyone, it’s for those who wishes for it. ”

” Just like sister Enya? ” She said, not minding the hard glance Enya threw at her.

” Just like any woman.” Lady Moreen said in order to avoid what next might happen. ” So, I am telling you three this because I wants you girls to get yourself ready.

Anna always say, men are unpredictable, we do not know who the chosen bride will be. It might be you, ” pointing at Enya, ” you, ” pointing at Anna, ” or even you. ” Lastly, she pointed at Arwen.

” I hope to see one of you chosen. Now girls, we only have few hours left. Go, get yourselves ready for tomorrow. ”

Arwen threw herself onto her bed, flapping her legs playfully. She wasn’t interested, and she wasn’t Enya either.

On the part of Anna, she felt reluctant to pick a dress, she had finally picked one after minutes of delays.

Enya on the other side, always the head over heeled one, seemed more ready and prepared unlike any of them.

She had checked on almost all her dresses just to find the one fit for tomorrow.


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