By Cisca. H.


He was going to choose between the three sisters and the only way was to pass them through a test.

A test to know who would be the right one for him. But, was that necessary?

With the three sisters involved, of course, it is.

” In order to pick the rightful bride for His Majesty, you three will undergo a test. ” The chief maid stated.

” But before we proceed into the test, I will love to remind us of the rules involved. No cheating. And again, no sharing of ideas or you loose your opportunity. ”

” I will therefore proceed with the first test to us. His Majesty, Lord Rodriguez would love to have a taste of your tea. The best wins the first test. ”

She points on the counter, ” Here are the ingredients required for the tea. I will let you three be for now. Good luck. ”

She wishes them luck before leaving the kitchen for them. It was no doubt that Enya would win the test.

She had learnt how to make royal teas since she turned eighteen. That was part of the first things Lady Moreen taught to her as a way to prepare her for marriage.

Making a tea would sound easy to the ear, but it was the toughest thing when it comes to royalty.

Enya put the cup of tea she had made on a small tray, heading to the guest hall where Lord Rodriguez sat with King Neheb.

Anna and Arwen followed after. He first picked Enya’s, turning it alone gave a great smell as if she knew his specialty style of preparation.

At this time Enya depart, Anna and Arwen followed after. They left the hall awaiting in their seperate rooms until the winner is to be called.


After their departure, King Neheb asks him who the winner was ” from the first test.”

Lord Rodriguez first replies with a smile, then said. ” Your first daughter seems to be a lot better. She had made me tea in my specialty. I will admit, I did enjoy having a taste of it. ”

At this, King Neheb had a bit hope of Enya being the chosen bride.

But the question still remains the same… Will She??

The winner was announced to the three sisters, Enya felt ominously excited at her achievement and sought to win the next test.

On hearing the first test was over, Lady Moreen gathered her daughters to her chamber.

” I hear you were chosen to have win the first test, I am so delighted to hear that.” Lady Moreen said excited.

” Thank you, mother. I wish to make it perfect in the second test.”

Lady Moreen nodded her head. ” Remember what I have told you the previous day, we do not know who holds the heart to the King, you all must be ready. Understood? ”

” Yes, mother. ” They all chorused together.

” My Lady. ” Someone said from the outside.

” Come in. ” She permitted.

” The second test is ready, the princesses are wanted.” She looked at her three daughters, waving a small smile at them.

Lady Moreen wants the best for her daughters, not minding who ends up being chosen. But all she wishes for, is for Enya not to remain a spinster forever.

” Second test.” The chief maid announced to their hearing. ” Each one of you are expected to present some thing enticing to His Majesty.

Craft, art, sewing of anything and ornaments are needed. Any further questions should be asked now or you are expected not to at all. ”

They told the chief maid that they were cleared with what the test says. The maid left them to the test.

Anna and Arwen had gone to ask his servants who had come to Pendamour with him.

Enya wasn’t the type into asking. She always sees it as she was belittling herself to people whom she was better than.

She decided to sneak into his room, somehow she will find out something about him.

She was conscious not to touch or move anything. She checked around, saw many things about him.

And she discovered he loved arts but, she was no good at drawing. In his room were many paintings of human portrait, one which was of a woman.

And another which was a portrait of rabbits. She chuckled. ” Thy Majesty do love animals too? I will make a sewing of a rabbit for him. ”

She exited the room as she entered, making sure she did not leave with some thing tampered.

Her hopes were already high, believing what she had discovered was the King’s favourite.

She first made a drawing of the rabbit on a white cloth before she had her thread fixed into the needle.

She began to sew the cloth following every marks she had drawn on the white fabric.

She gently folded it in four ways, puting it in a small box she had used to preserve a gift given to her by her school friend.

It was the most precious thing she ever had, but she didn’t regret giving it out to Lord Rodriguez.

Again, they had come to present what they have done to him, departing immediately.

He went through all they have done, feeling delighted by their efforts.

King Neheb couldn’t tell which was better and more presentable, but that wasn’t for him to choose.

Lord Rodriguez will definitely know which is best.

He stared at Enya’s design, a smile played on his lips. Was that a sign of hope or what?? King Neheb thought.

He held Anna’s painting of two couples under the moonlight. He glared at it for a long while, then taking hold of Arwen’s.

She had made a painting of his name on a drawing book. Though, he felt honoured in it, but he chose that Anna’s.

” I am pleased by this paintings.”

King Neheb’s believe we’re becoming a doubt. Indeed, each princess knows the taste of His Highness.

When the winner for the second test was announced, Enya felt jealous and angry at the same time.

She had thought she would end up being the winner this time but no. She knew Anna had won this time because she was good at painting more than anyone of them.

Lord Rodriguez has decided to continue his test the next day. Anna and Arwen had gone to the library to read while Enya laid on her bed, asleep.


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