




“Ahhhhhh…..let me go pleaseeeee……Let me goooo!!!”Fola screamed but I ignored her and continued fI.ogging her with the sacred ¢ain….

“Shut up you niccompoop..:your husband’s body belongs to the sacred temple and no one I mean no one can stop us from getting his bI..ood and bones..”I said angrily as I fI.ogged her mercilessly…

“Leave me alone….my husbands body can never belong to you…never”she screamed…

“Hahahhaha….you are just a chicken Fola….Now boys set her ablaze and bring her rotten head to me”I said and dropped the sacred Cain on the ground…

“Please sphere my life Laura….don’t do this to me..,,don’t kll me please”she begged and broke down in tears…

“Hahahhaha…Bundle her up now”I ordered and rushed to where the sacred body was….my girls had already covered the body with plantain leaves…Haha…

I dragged the body to our sacred temple….I took a da.gger and tore the body apart then I took out the vital parts and the bones we needed…

“Don’t do it Laura….leave my husband’s body alone….leave him aloneeee”I heard her screaming from the other room but I ignored her and continued with what I was doing…

“Now girls take those bones and dry them up….our spiritual oraclist likes it when it’s dried…hahahahha”I said laughing hysterically…

“The lord of the widow’s…accept this sacred bI.ood…accept it….accept this scared bI.ood?….accept it…HAHAHAHAHA”I laughed and poured the bI.ood inside the temple…yessss…



“My husband….please forgive me….I never knew it could come to this….what the heck have I doneee?”I cried in pains…..

I was still in tears when suddenly the door opened and Laura walked in holding a da..gger stained with bI.ood….The bI.ood of my husband…

“What are you doing here?…to take my blood to your dirty temple?…huh?…kill me…just kill me you bloody moron!”i shouted as tears burned down my red cheeks…it turned red due to over crying…

“Fola…stop behaving childish…your husband’s body belongs to our sacred temple….

I am sorry it ended this way”she said feeling unapologetic..,I looked at her and cried harder…

“Oh no..,what have I done?…how do I explain the death of my husband to his people?…how do I provide his body to them?”I asked admits tears…

“I don’t know how you are going to do it moron…..Hahahhha”she laughed and left me on the ground….nooooo…

I got up in tears and rushed outside…..I don’t even know where to start from…oh lord help me…

Picked For You:  IN LOVE WITH THE BILLIONAIRE: Chapter 11 – 20

I took a cab home…when I got home, I was shocked to meet the house dark…I personally switched on the light before I left…everything seems confusing to me right now..

I pulled off my shoes by kicking them from my legs…I was about going into my room when suddenly the door leading to the passage opened by itself…Jesus!…

I looked around and when I finally turned to face the door, I was almost shocked to d.eath to see my dead husband standing by the door…he was holding a knlfe stained with bIood….nooooo…

He rushed to where I was and started $trangling me….ahhhh

“Let me go…you are d.ead…you are for Christ sake”I said choking…

“You klled mé FOLA…after everything I did for you…you killed me and sacrificed my body to your so called sacred temple”my dead husband said….

I used my full strength to push him from my body….I started wondering how my hand touched him because I was told the living had nothing in common with the dead…

I rushed inside my room and brought out my phone…I dialed Laura’s number and it went through..

“Thank God”I said to myself and put the phone to my ear

?Laura…I am dead…my dead husband’s spirit is in my house”I said in tears…

?Hold on girl…I am on my way now…just chillas and use the sacred dagger to fight with him”she said and I cried harder…
?I can’t….I can’t fight”I said but she hanged up…oh lord help pleaseee…

Before I could do anything,the door to the room fell and my dead husband rushed to me…he grabbed my neck and pinned me to the ground….Noooooo…



I picked up all my fetish things and quickly contacted the spiritual oraclist…

I texted him folas address and he promised to come….I can’t let fola’s dead husband kill her…,never!..,

I rushed outside and took a cab to the place….the driver and the two percengers were putting on black….I didn’t mind because I was in a hurry…

We were just at the middle of the journey when suddenly the two boys inside grabbed me and pressed a white hanky to my nose….what the h’ll is happening?..,noooo…

“Tie her up boys”that was the last thing I heard before I passed out…


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