THE WRONG LADY: Chapter 21-30




??°°his wrong sweet mistake°°??

By: Victoria Peter

??CHAPTER 28??


“Then if truely she’s your daughter then you’re the worst mother on earth.”

she said and Mrs Morrones eyes widened in shock.

The shock on my face was unimaginable i couldn’t take me eyes off miss loud mouth.

I am still surpised how she can stand up for someone she doesn’t even know nor met before and that alone baffles me the more.

It took Mrs Morrone minutes to come out from the shock she was throwing dagers at miss loud mouth who still had a smile on her pretty face.

“Bryan who is this thing that had the gust to talk to me in such disrespectful manner huh? Doesn’t she have manner at all.”

she asked with an angry toon.

I was about replying her when miss loud mouth beat me to it.

“Thank you so much ma’am for referring to me as a thing infact what did i expect in the place since you go about critisizing your own daughter when you could have advised her in your private room.”

she said.

“Shut up! just shut that thing you call a mouth young lady she’s my daughter and you don’t know her more than me.”

Mrs Morrone half yelled.

“I totally believe you ma’am but i want to ask you a question and i want you to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth.”

miss loud mouth said ignoring Mrs Morrone’s angry glare.

“Since your daughter started developing this bad character that you have been telling My Bryan about have you ever called her like a mother and advised her before?”

she asked and Mrs Morrone kept mute fuming in anger.

“I will take your silence as a no and if so then you’re one hell of a bad mom to her because instead of you performing your motherly duties you’re busy trying to take away her happiness.”

miss loud mouth said and without saying a word Mrs Morrone stormed out of the boutique in anger.

I guess miss loud mouths words got to her badly because if not i don’t see any reason why she should be angry when she just told her a simple fact.

If it was some one like my mom she will listen attentively and if she was being a good mother she will try defending herself but with the way Mrs Morrone behaved she was guity of the crime but didn’t want to admit it.

I guess not every mother is like my mom and nanny Lisa miss loud mouths nanny.

My eyes couldn’t leave miss loud mouth i don’t know why everything she does actracts me to her the more.

I don’t know but i think i am falling for her every passing minutes and every hour and the worst part is that i am beginning to love this feeling am having.

No one knows Ashley more than i do and i know she will understand she may overreact but with time she will understan.

“Mitcheeew!! ”

i heard miss loud mouths loud hiss snapping me out of my thought.

“What was that for huh? come on Ashy you shouldn’t talk to her that way she’s an elder and even though she’s one h’ll of a pain in the a$$ you shouldn’t have spoken to her that way.”

i scolded and she scoffed.

“She’s an elder huh? i never believed that elders has suddenly started behaving like children.

Did you even see how short her gown was huh? i didn’t even talk about the loud painting on her face that she called makeup.”

she ranted.

“Moreover no matter how bad mannered your child is no good mother will go about stopping her childs happiness and to say her and her husband has been the ones spreading the rumor even gets me more angry.”

she said fuming in anger.

“Miss loud mouth how did you know it was her and Mr Francis who has been spreading the rumor huh? or have you sudenly became a vmpire with special hearing power.”

i asked and she rolled her eyed dramatically.

“Oh please shut up Mr Bryan you are forgetting i have been in your home for closely one month now so i do hear things people were even saying it at Chloe’s party.

she scoffed.





“Yea of course how will i forget huh? anyway let’s just forget about Ashley ‘s mom and continue with our shopping.”

i said and she nodded with a smile before dragging me towards the clothing area.

I don’t know but immediately her hands came in contact with my arm my whole body reacted to it immediately and my face began heating up.

don’t tell me am blushing for the first time in my fricking life.

What’s this lady doing to me huh?

why does my body react so much to her touch? or am i going nuts.

thank heaven she was busy feeding her eyes and she didn’t see me blush if not i would have been in for it.

“Wow Mr Bryan all the office outfit here are awesome and i don’t even know what to choose.”

she pouted making her look even more cute.

“Okay don’t worry i will be the one to help you choose so you can drop the baby face because it makes me wonna kss you.”

i said whispering the last part to her hearing and she gave me a hard knock.

“Ouch! that hurts. You’re so mean miss loud mouth.”

i winced and the attendant chuckled.

I started picking out outfits for her mostly copperate suit trousers while she kept giggling like an infant.

Hours Later

After long hours of fun shopping we were finally done so we walked out of the boutique with a hand full of shopping bags.

When we were set to go i decided not to go home straight so i headed to one of the best resturants in califonia.

When we got to the place her eyes widened in shock making me wonder why? before i heard her mutter “So pretty.” and immediately a smile found it way to my face.

We got down and headed inside and immediately a lady dressed on uniform walked up to us.

“Welcome sir and ma’am allow me take you guys to the VIP sit.”

She said and I nodded.

After enjoying the delicious meal we set on the journey home.

I was still wondering why she stood up for Ashley.

Why is everything she does makes me like her even more?

Why does Ashley’s parents dislike her so much huh?

Now I no the value of having good parents because no matter how bad I was they never spoke ill of me.

I’m sorry Ashley I know I promised to love you till the end of time but the love I have for you is dropping by the day.



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