TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 11 – 20

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 18?

Written by: Tamara Blair

3 days later.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?

Ever since that fight between i and Shannon,i haven’t been to school for 3 days.

I have in my room regretting everything i did,My dad is no where to be found, it’s normal for me.

I was about to have breakfast when the doorbell rang,i went to open it.

“What in the world are you doing here?” I asked as i opened the door.

“Claribel,we need to talk”

“Derek,there is nothing to talk about,you lied to me, you dumb b@stard”

“I know and am sorry,i just..

“Just what? You ruined my life,you idiot”

“Look,Marnie..i mean Claribel, am sorry.

I wanted to turn you into Marnie and am sorry,you just reminded me of her so much, that’s why i wanted you to go to parties with me just the way I and Marnie would go”

“Don’t you ever compare me with Marnie,am not a drug user,just leave me alone,Derek,you have already done alot of damage”

“That’s why am apologizing,am really sorry, I know i ruined your relationship with Shannon and Adrian”

“It’s all my fault,i was so stupid, I lost them”

After talking to Derek for a little while,he left,My appetite for food left me,i immediately bursted into tears,i sat on the ground.

“Now,i have no one, absolutely no one”
Few hours later.

? Adrian’s P.o.v?
I got back from school and my mom was talking on the phone, she ended the call immediately i walked in.

“Adrian, what’s wrong?” She asked as she walked closer to me.

“It’s.. it’s nothing”

“I don’t believe you, i was taking out the trash and i saw torn papers that had drawings of Claribel,did something happen between you two?”

“We fought and so we are no longer friends”

“Friends fight and then get back together,that shouldn’t end your friendship”

“Mom,it wasn’t any kind of fight”

“Tell me about it”

I told her everything from that frat party to how she started hanging out with Derek,how her grades are going down.

“Wow, that’s terrible”

“But the problem is that i can’t stand watch her suffer,even if we fight all the time,i always want to be there for her”

“That’s because you care about her so much,you should go see her”

“I know,i really want to”

I took my bike and headed straight to Claribel’s house but she wasn’t around,i tried to call her but her phone is not reachable.

I went over to the garden that only she and I know,there she was sitting on the bench.

I went closer and she was drinking from a bottle of vodka.

“Claribel” i called and she looked at me,then started laughing.

“Am going insane now,Am seeing things,i know you are not real,am just imagining you”

“No,you are not,am here for you”

“You are not real” she said and took a big gulp from the bottle.

“Give me that”

I dragged the bottle from her hand and smashed it.

“What’s your problem?”She said and hit me on the arm.

“You are my problem,i can’t watch you ruin your life”

“My life was ruined the day my mom left me,i was already ruined the minute my dad decided not to take care of me,i was already ruined the minute i chased my friends away”

She’s drunk, I could tell,she can’t even stand up properly.

“Claribel,am here for you,am your friend”

“No,my friends hate me and they are all happy with their family.

I envy them so much, Shannon has a big brother and a mom who adores her, Adrian has his mom,i have no one,all i have is a broken home”

“You have me,You still have Shannon,she loves you”

“I thought if i go to those parties, that it will fill the tiny space in my heart but it only made it bigger,all the girls just want to get high and all the boys just want to sleep with me.

The hole only got bigger and i got lonelier”

I sat beside her and hugged from the side,she cried on my shoulders.

“Am here for you,i will always be here for you,no matter what”

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